
Forsaken Promises

Jane's picture-perfect life is turned upside down when she uncovers her hubby Bale's affair. Their promises broken, Jane flees to reconnect with her nonage honey Daniel, whose revivified love helps her heal. But just as Jane is tempted by a alternate chance at happiness, Bale returns soliciting remission. Before she can decide, a mysterious woman arrives with shocking news- she had Bale's secret baby. With her future hanging in the balance, Jane is thrown into a web of falsehoods and dishonesty. Dark secrets from the history crop that hang to destroy everything. Will Jane and Bale's love repel the ultimate test of trust? Or will Jane choose to walk down into the arms of her newfound love Daniel?

DaoistsUVxkF · Urban
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4 Chs


The weekend had arrived, Jane and Bale eagerly embraced the occasion to spend quality time together. Dressed in the stunning gown Bale had blessed her, Jane felt like a queen as they walked hand in hand towards the trendy eatery they had chosen for their evening out. 


The air was crisp, and the megacity lights twinkled in the distance, creating a magical air. Jane's heart swelled with happiness as she glanced at Bale, his handsome features illuminated by a soft gleam. They changed grins filled with love and expectation, there was light and debonair. 


Upon entering the eatery, Jane and Bale were saluted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The soft music playing in the background created a lyrical background to the lively exchanges and chinking of spectacles. The waiter led them to a cozy corner table with a panoramic view of the megacity skyline, where they had an intimate space to enjoy their evening. 


As they settled into their seats, Jane could not help but notice the esteeming ganders they entered from other patrons. Bale's presence commanded attention, his confidence and charm drawing the respect of both men and women likewise. Jane felt a swell of pride, knowing that she was the one fortunate enough to call him her hubby. 


A server approached their table, his attentive address and genuine smile adding to the air of the evening. He handed them the menu, their eyes surveying the array of tasteful dishes. Jane leaned near Bale, her voice laced with excitement. 


" Everything looks amazing," she said, her eyes foamy." What would you like, my love?" 


 Bale's eyes met Jane's, a sportful hint dancing in his eyes." How about we order a little bit of everything?" he suggested, a mischievous smile playing on his lips." Let's savor the flavors and produce a culinary adventure together." 


Jane's horselaugh filled the air, a lyrical sound that reverberated with joy. She jounced in agreement, her heart brimming with delight at the study of participating in this experience with Bale

The waiter returned to take their order, consummately noting their preferences and offering his recommendations. Jane and Bale engaged in light badinage, their eyes locked in a cotillion of participated secrets and implied pledges. The moments stretched into eternity, their connection unbreakable. 


 As the evening progressed, Jane could not shake the feeling that something was amiss. Bale's gesture had become increasingly strange, with frequent and abrupt excursions from the table. Each time, he'd offer a flimsy reason about taking a business call or attending to a critical matter, but Jane tasted a retired pressure beneath his words. 


 She watched as Bale excused himself formerly again, his expression slightly strained. An unsettling feeling settled deep within Jane's core, and she decided to defy him about his puzzling gesture.

 When Bale returned to the table, Jane fixed him with a gentle but probing question.

 "Bale," she began, her voice filled with concern," I have noticed you've been stepping out constantly tonight. Is everything okay? You feel a bit distant." 


Bale's eyes flitted with a blend of surprise and vacillation. He opened his mouth as if about to speak but dithered, his words caught in his throat. A myriad of feelings flirted across his face, leaving Jane indeed more unsettled. 


"I. It's nothing, my love," Bale eventually replied, his voice strained." Just some work- related matters that demanded my attention. I did not want them to intrude on our special evening." 


Jane's brow furrowed, a faint trace of solicitude etched on her features. She reached across the table, her hand seeking the comfort of Bale's touch." Bale, you know you can share anything with me," she said vocally, her voice filled with genuine concern." We are mates in everything, flash back?" 


Bale's aspect softened as he met Jane's eyes, his walls worsening under the weight of her unvarying support." I know, Jane," he admitted, his voice pigmented with remorse." I should have been more open with you. It's just. I have been dealing with a grueling situation at work. I did not want to burden you with it." 

Jane's heart swelled with empathy. She understood the pressures of Bale's career and the weight he carried on his shoulders. She squeezed his hand gently, her voice filled with consolation. 


" You are no way a burden to me, Bale," she said, her voice steady and unvarying." We face life's challenges together, flash back? Please, let me be there for you." 


 Bale's eyes searched Jane's face, a blend of gratefulness and vulnerability shining in his aspect. He took a deep breath, his voice filled with sincerity. 


"Thank you, Jane," he rumored, his voice slightly above a breath." I promise to open up to you about everything. You earn nothing lower." 


Their conversation continued late into the night, Jane and Bale unbosoming their souls to each other. Jane heeded hardly, offering words of stimulant and comfort as Bale participated the complications of his work- related dilemma. In that moment, their love grew stronger, fortified by trust and vulnerability. 


 The attentive waiter continued to feed to their every need, icing that their dining experience was nothing short of extraordinary. Plates adorned with culinary masterpieces arrived at their table, each dish more tantalizing than the last. Jane and Bale savored the flavors, allowing the exquisite tastes to mingle with their participated horselaugh and sincere exchanges. 


 As the evening drew to a close, Jane and Bale sat back in their chairpersons, their pleasure apparent in their grins. The eatery had voided out, leaving them in a cocoon of closeness. Bale reached across the table, his hand chancing Jane's, their fritters intertwining in a silent pledge. 


"Thank you for being there for me tonight," Bale said, his voice filled with gratefulness." You've reminded me of the strength we've always had as a couple." 

 Jane's eyes lustered with unshed gashes, her heart overflowing with love." We are a platoon, Bale," she replied, her voice filled with conviction." No matter what challenges come our way, we'll face them together." 


 With those words, Jane and Bale rose from their seats, their way light and purposeful. As they walked hand in hand towards the exit, the eatery staff bid them valedictory with warm grins and sincere wishes. 


 The night air embraced Jane and Bale as they stepped outdoors, the megacity lights casting a soft gleam on their faces. They stood in silence, their souls entwined, and Jane knew that their love was strong enough to ride any storm. 


 Little did Jane know, this evening would mark the morning of a trip filled with unanticipated twists and turns. The challenges that lay ahead would test their love and adaptability, but Jane was determined to face them head- on, armed with the unvarying support of her cherished Bale. 


 Together, they would navigate the complications of life, cherishing the moments of joy and chancing solace in their unbreakable bond. And as they walked hand in hand into the night, Jane's heart swelled with gratefulness for the love they participated and the adventures that awaited them.