
Forsaken Memories

In a world full of miseries, mistrust, and suffering which was once the birthplace of peace had now perished and had set out a distinct view for the future life. During the tensha era, a mysterious rock approached Earth at an outstanding speed , upon impact with it's atmosphere it dispersed into 10 different pieces of rubble racing towards the surface of the Earth. All of them lost their origin point and chose another path to fall on. They fell on the Earth with a huge impact and upon it's breaking revealed crystals with vibrant colour and glow. Those individual crystal absorbed themselves in the ground and blessed the people living at a certain radius with supernatural feats. To the people it was a gift of god to revive humanity but to some was a curse to perish mankind. Each crystal gave its own corresponding power to the people who lived there. Hence Clans were formed with the ones stronger than other towering above them and due to these rivalries and alliances were formed to over through each other. But when the jealousy of the minors grew they joined many forces to defeat the superior and it was their luck that a catastrophic event took place that changed the outcome of the battle.

LostMz · Fantasy
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41 Chs


the sun rises over the horizon and illuminates the sky with warm, golden hues. The light of the sun begins to illuminate the landscape, casting a warm glow on everything it touches. Birds can be heard chirping in the distance as they begin to stir from their sleep. It is a peaceful and serene moment that fills one with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty of nature at least for now.

"Oye wake up, we're going to be late," shouted Barry while flicking Alan's head.

Alan woke up annoyed seeing barry already dressed up in his uniform, which caught the eye of alan. It was a uniform consisting of a white shirt and black pants a classic and professional attire that suited Barry due to it being custom tailored.

"If you are done staring at me get ready, we are gonna head out soon," ordered Barry

Alan immediately got up and rushed to the bathroom to take a bath. after 20 min later he got out only to see a neatly folded uniform on the table, he grabbed the clothes and went inside to change. After he wore the clothes he was met by Barry again.

"Quite the matching duo," said Barry while giving off a light smile.

After completing breakfast, Alan grabbed his coat and walked behind his teacher to the set destination.


They both arrived at a mysterious place that gave Alan chills. Barry started to walk inside and alan also followed him behind without questioning him.

As they entered they were met with a quiet hallway with very short pillars each having a spotlight and displaying something.

" This is the powerhouse where recruits like you are given basic power for you to hone to perfection"

As Alan walked even further he could see the different types of books presented, each showcasing its power.

"You will be given three books to boost you up, with that being said the books will be the trainer book, one any elemental book and

Examine Book."

Alan was confused by listening to these names and didn't have a clue as to what was going on.

"Here ya go" commented barry while throwing a book at Alan.

Alan caught the book at looked at it with a befuddled look.

"Examine the book, let's see what this can do" thought Alan.

A voice and an image popped up in his head from his system.

[ Does the user want to learn the book? ]


Alan immediately thought "yes" and as per his thoughts, the book started to disintegrate while getting absorbed by Alan's body.

"with this skill, you can now learn about your opponent or any objects and weapon you desire"

"Quite a useful skill" pondered Alan.

" Now you may choose any one elemental from the three Water, Wind, and Lightning," suggested Barry.

Alan thought very carefully, thinking about which ability would suit him, his mentality, and his physique the best. After a while, he finally responded.

"I think I might go with the Wind Ability and it suits me the best because I am swift and I also attack with a flow pattern."

Barry decided to examine both the books that were left.

[ Examine ]

( A wind ability refers to a skill or power that involves controlling, manipulating, or summoning the wind. it is an offensive and defensive type of ability and is more efficient if used swiftly and with perfect timing. It also grants the user to use the wind around him during combat as a weapon and at times could prove lethal )

"Hmm, it's a great ability and it completes my level of satisfaction, I'll take it, let's check the other one out too." thought Alan.

( Trainer book is a personal add-on to one's system as it assigns the user with daily tasks and in return gives him rewards and experience points to level up from )

" These both books are amazing," remarked Alan while also absorbing both of them.

[ User: Alan Remorse ]

[ Level:2 ]

[ Ability: Distinctive type, Wind type ]

[ Skills: Majestic Force field, Examine ]

[ Health: 50/50 ]

[ Strength: 10 ]

[ Speed: 12 ]

[ Perception: 13 ]

[ Intelligence: 9 ]

[ Resilience: 4 ]

*Ding Ding*

A notification popped up in Alan's head and he decided to check it out in his system.

[ A new skill has been granted derived from the wind ability ]

[ Aerokinesis: An ability that lets the user manipulate the movement and direction of the wind. This power allows the user to create gusts of wind, control the direction of air currents, and even summon powerful storms.]

"And I get a bonus Skill, Awesome!" stated Alan with a look of utter excitement.

"Here ya go, a gift from your teacher," said barry while throwing a black object toward Alan. He caught the thing with ease and started inspecting it, it was a katana with a beautiful matte black color on its saya, while the tsuba had a dragon-like design imprinted on it. upon unsheathing the katana it revealed a stunning blade with a sea blue and Jade color gradient which kept changing depending on the angle.

" A katana? " questioned Alan

"Yeah it's a weapon, you'll need it in the future during combat but you'll need great practice to master the art of katana," answered Barry

Alan took some time to admire the gorgeous blade and waited impatiently to use it in battle.

"Ok let's go, you don't want to be late!"

Barry left the powerhouse while Alan followed him behind to the destination. After some while, both of them reached their destination, which was a massive building with a lot of people lined up for some reason. Alan had pure confusion on his face.

"Let's go partner" stated Barry.

They entered the building to see different columns for sign-ups and training as well.

"Oh you finally found someone as your student" a voice came behind Alan's back as he was shaken because he didn't even feel the presence of the person.

"Yes, you jealous Hazel" responded Barry.

Alan looked behind to see a woman of about the height of 5ft 7 inches, with eye-catching long silver, shaded hair paired with blue eyes, and beside her stood almost the same height girl wearing the same uniform as Alan but with an addition of purple hair. She had blonde hair but the color of the hair changed from blonde to brown as it descended.

"hmph! jealous.A good one I'm just excited to see your student and you together. Hopefully, your first student does good with you" said hazel in a taunting manner to which just Barry glared.

"Are you guys related?" asked Alan

"Nope, she's just a rival of mine who loves to taunt me at times, but not for too long we are going to prove her wrong, follow me," replied Barry.

Alan followed him until they reached a booth in which a man could be seen sitting at a chair with some papers in his hand. Both of them approached him and sat across from him.

"How can I help you," said the man.

"We would like to Register our team into the championships and the Missions!"

"Ok sir, write your and your teammate's name here and a name for your team to register. Once done you'll be given the agenda containing all rules and regulations."