
Forsaken, Book 1

"When all people see in you is a monster waiting to strike, what choice do you have?" ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ Eneipe(meaning pain) is a half-wolf, half-human shifter. While trying to find his way through the world amidst a brewing war, extremists, and the deaths of all he once knew, he must try to stay true to who he is. -Sigma

ll_Sigma_ll · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 2 - Chains of Peace

Man, that really hurt. At least I'm alive. Well, I think that's a good thing. I'm still somewhat undecided. I seem to have these chains on my wrists that keep me in my human form. They're cold, tight, and abrasive, but I'm not really concerned with that... yet. What I am concerned with, is how much this light is gonna hurt when I open my eyes?

Ow ow owowowow! A lot, I guess. But at least I can see I'm... in a cell. Wow. Splendid. Really glad I opened my eyes. Nothing but bright lights, dull stone, and iron bars. I could probably just go back to sleep and get a better view.

"Well well well. Look who finally decided to wake up!"

Oh, Him. Man, if I wasn't in a cell right now...

"I was actually just about to go back to sleep, since the decor is so bland in here."

"That's funny, I don't remember this being a hotel! Oh, that's right, these are cells, where we keep dangerous animals such as yourself!"

"That's funny. I don't recall hurting anyone."

"What about your mother? Your father? If it wasn't for you, they wouldn't have had to die."

No! He is the one responsible for killing them!

"We only had to eliminate them because they wouldn't hand you over for processing, because they knew you were too weak!"

No, it can't be true!

"There are plenty of others out there. Ever wonder why they left you alone?"

Wait, there are others? No, he's just messing with me, trying to get in my head. Ugh, why is it working?! GET OUT!

"They knew how weak and useless you are. How hopeless you are. How you could never protect those who were closest to you, and how you caused them to die. They knew you had no purpose."

No... he's...he's got to be lying! But... what if they don't actually want me? I'm too weak... I don't have a purpose anymore. I'm useless...

"But we can give you one. Provided that you get the proper... training."

That sounds a bit sinister. Then again, everything sounds sinister when he says it, and everything is sinister when he does it.

"No! I'll never help you! Not after what you did!"

"What I did? I think you mean after what you did. Also, I wasn't asking. Time to fix you."

Wait, what does he mean by fix?

"Augh! A little heads up would be nice!"

My arms... they're...they're...the chains have them pulled to the ceiling, jarring my muscles and bones. I'm on my knees, with my legs cuffed to the ground, but my hands are stuck straight up. I'm beginning to lose circulation, too. I'm... helpless.

"I don't need to be nice to a mutt like you. Now count."

"Count? Count wh-Augh!"

This Etiord really just whipped my back! What did I ever do to him?

"I said count!"

"Augh! One!"

Each lash of the whip leaves a long streak down my back, with blood spilling out and intoxicating me through its aroma like a cheap drug. It's effect: nostalgia. Reminding me of days gone by when I would follow my father on hunts. He would let me watch him take down a deer, and the meat would be so fresh and juicy. It would have the same smell as the blood dripping down my back and pooling on the ground; it would smell the same as my blood.

Only it was a moment of happiness, not torment.

"Ng, two! Why - ng - three - me? Augh!"

"Because you're weak!"








"You can't even count!"

"I-I'm s-s-sorry."

"What was that? I couldn't hear you. You'll have to speak up, pup!"

"I said I'm sorry!"

"Oh, you're not sorry yet."


Time passed slowly, yet my memory is naught but a blur. Each lash melted into the next, the burning sting manifesting in one continuous and never-ending sensation. In the end, all I can remember is pain the pain on my back and in my throat, both raw to the point of temporary uselessness. Though I suppose now, they match the rest of me.

"That's enough for now. I'm getting tired."

Man, I really hate him. But then again, I got myself into this mess, so do I really hate... me?

"Now shift."

Man, I hate it when they hit their remotes. But this time, something kinda good happened. The chains are gone! They just clattered to the ground! I guess they weren't resistant to telekinesis. Might as well do what he says. I mean, I'll be warmer. I never really noticed before, but it's kinda cold down here. Having my hair to cover me would at least be something. Right now, I have nothing to keep the cold away. So once again, my bones are snapping, crumbling, and reforming. My extremities tingle and draw the feeling inwards, traveling to my heart which swells and contracts. My muscles splinter and grab a hold of eachother, and padding comes out of my hands and feet. My nose collapses, and then elongates into a snout. My ears point away from my head, as if saying to look away. Then, the transformation culminates in my neck, which slides into place. I am left standing on all fours on the cold, damp stone. Left alone, like I was all those years ago. Left alone by hope and joy.

"So nieve. Tie it up."

Wait, nieve?! Tie?! No! I won't let them... do... oh... that dart... it's just... sticking...right...out...

Ugh, how long was I out? And what's on my head? Should probably take it off so I can see. Forget that, why can't I move?! Argh! I'm cuffed again! Maybe if I use telekenesis on these chains... unless they made them out of a material that's immune to it. So... what exactly do I have? Nothing. Telekenesis can't help me; I'm stuck in wolf form, immobilized by chains, and I can't see.

So how long are they gonna leave me like this? It hurts to stay standing on all fours with my head forwards. Although being alone isn't actually so bad. I've been doing it for so long, what's a little more?

But it's been a while. How long has it been? An hour? A day? A week? I don't have a window or anything, but I get the feeling that I would lose track anyways.

"Hello! I almost forgot about you! How long has it been, a whole week? Let's get those chains off you."

They really like using their form of electrical telekenisis, don't they? Shame they don't use all of its potential, but hey, at least these blasted chains are off. Maybe the blindfold next?

"Your a bold one, letting me out like that."

"Oh, you mistake my intentions. You have training. Now follow me, or the shock collar you have on will be activated. And I hear it can be quite painful. Now come."


"Oh, I'm so glad you said that... hehehe. Time to teach you a lesson in discipline."


The electricity courses through me, searing my neck and jumping from limb to limb. My heart stutters, and then resumes its steady beat. The beat that I would give anything to end right now.

That collar really does a number on me. Wait, is something... burning? Aw c'mon! That was definitely set too high, must've been at max.

"Shall I raise it from the lowest setting?"

"No. No. That's fine. I'm coming, but, you know... reluctantly."

"Don't care. Move."

What's He fumbling with at the back of my head? The blinfold? He's pulling it off! Yes! I'll be able to see again!

That light is blinding! I can barely see outside right now. Oh, wait, wait... wow, that's a lot of Them. An infestation.

"We have started a program here for creatures of the world that can be brought back to righteousness. You will aid an Etiord as they purge the world of darkness, and by helping them, the darkness within you shall be purged as well. Or you will be purged through other, more painful means."

If it wasn't for this blasted collar, I wouldn't have to do any of this!

"What do I need to do?"

"Go in that door. We will then get you ready."

"For what?

"For the program."

That door looks wooden, but I can smell the metal hiding beneath. Like my witty combacks, the wood hides the cold, hard truth. The depression. The pain. Wherever I am going, though, is not inside me. It's something that I go in, and never come out the ssme as I went in. I think it's another cage, but I don't really have a choice. I should just play along for now, see what they want, and then find a way out.

"Go on. Or I'll use the collar."

Well, here goes nothing...