
Forsaken, Book 1

"When all people see in you is a monster waiting to strike, what choice do you have?" ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ Eneipe(meaning pain) is a half-wolf, half-human shifter. While trying to find his way through the world amidst a brewing war, extremists, and the deaths of all he once knew, he must try to stay true to who he is. -Sigma

ll_Sigma_ll · Fantasy
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Chapter 12-Reason to Die

My head... Wait, where am I?!

My arms appear to be cuffed to chains dangling from the ceiling, but I can't see. I think they blindfolded me, but I can't tell. My head hurts so much.

My feet are cuffed to the floor, and I can't shift. Why are they able to stop me from shifting?!

Alright, let's see. What do I have? I can still smell and feel. I think I can still hear, but I can only hear a faint drip. What else? C'mon, think mutt think!

Maybe someone else can help me! Yeah! At least, assuming they would want to.

"H-hello? Is anyone - huck! Flames, did I just cough up blood?! Flames, it's all over me! It's so sticky! Huck! Is-is anyone there? Can you please end it - huck! End it now! Please!"

Flames, I'm alone. Maybe I can end it for myself. There's got to be a way.

"I'm here."

Someone else! There's a voice coming from behind me. The voice sounds somewhat deep, but not deep like Alpha's. It's commanding like his, but in a rougher sense. They sound tougher, but still kind.

"Who-who are you?"

"Granuaile. Name's Granuaile. I'm captain of my pack's hunters. Who are you, young one?"

"Eneipe, my name's Eneipe. I just joined a pack a few days ago."

"Well then, young Eneipe-"

"Hey! I'm no pup! I'm 17!"

"Mmhm. Like I said, young Eneipe, what brings you down here?"

"I tried freeing the pack, I think they got away, but now He wants me dead even more than before. And more painful than before. Think you can end it for me before He gets here?"

"I've got a better idea, Eneipe. You seem like a pretty good fighter, want to join my hunters?"


"Are you new around here these parts? I know you're new to the pack, but most people know of my hunters. We provide for the pack and help what shifters we can. There was only one pack here, and they are the pack that we work under, though we have our own lands."

So I guess Granuaile seems trustworthy. She's part of the pack, after all. At least, I think. I have no reason to doubt her... yet.

"Alright, but in case you hadn't noticed, we're chained up."

"I have a plan for that. Just... whatever happens, don't die."

"Don't die?! The flames does that mean?!"

"It means: stay alive."

"Well, I got that much, but... oh, forget it."

The scrape of what appears to be metal on metal then pierces the ensuing silence, though whether or not this is the case remains to be seen. Though, the assumed answer will become clear soon; that it's Him.

Oh, how I'd love to make his dark brown robe a dark crimson.

"Hello, monsters. Before we rid the world of your horrid presence, we figured we should try to purge the darkness from you via the last remaining method: pain. So congratulations, we took pity on you. Rejoice in our mercy."

"Yippy-kae-flaming-yay. Lucky me. I'm still gonna kill you."

"I doubt that, mutt. Now, let's have some fun."

He's got a hint of joy in his voice; that's never good. Someone, please kill me now. To flames with following orders and staying alive.

"Seal off the room! It's time for a reunion..."

The flames does he mean? Oh no... please tell me my mother isn't here... no!

Wait, what's that rumbling? Is the floor moving? Though the tremors that vibrate upwards would suggest that... there are stone walls rising from the ground! They're sealing Granuaile off from us!

"But first... time for some fun."

"Oh, flames. Please don't. Why me?"

"Shut up, you monster, and bleed! Bleed the evil out!"

Note to self: do not bite tongue.


Augh! My back!


Wait, there's 9 contact points...


He wouldn't...


A barbed cat-o-9-tails!


It keeps pulling my skin!

"Yip! Ahhhggg!"

Did I chunk just fly off?!


"Now, I'll be back later, but I'll let you have a reunion. They are behind you. Let it down as soon as I'm out!"

"Not... an... it..."


Flames, I hate that door.

Well, he's out, so maybe I'll be let down now. Woah! That was quick! The cuffs just snapped open! My wrists are a bit sore, too, though that's not my main concern. My back... it's on fire! Though I suppose I really should get this blindfold off, despite the presumptive lack of décor.

Now, for the love of all that is good, please don't let it be mother...


They... they put his body here.

Father's body.

No no no nononono! It shouldn't be here! And... are those... bite marks? Rats.... they let the vermin eat him. He at least deserved a proper burial. To be given the proper respect. Not chewed up like this, with an unrecognizable face of torn skin and deteriorating flesh, a bloody mess dumped on the ground. Not like this...


Augh! My ears! And... did they drop a cage around me? No! Why?


My flaming ears! Come on! The door again?



"Here is what you are going to do: you will shift, you will take a bite out of his arm, and you will swallow it. Or, we will kill your cell-mate in the most painful way we can. You have a minute."

"Wait... eat?!"

"Yes. Like the monster you are."

Eat a part of a dead body... or kill a member of the pack. I... I guess that I have to. But... it's Father's body. I have to, though. I'm sorry, Father. I really am...

Feel the tingle... shift... morph... be one with your wolf, and get it done with.

Just one bite.

One tiny bite.

Out of your hero.

Your Father.

Come on.

"10 seconds."

Oh flames! Granuaile!

Just bite a little bit off of his arm...

"Oh, and it needs to be a full bite. Just to be clear."

To the flames with Him!

"3 seconds."

Here goes my sanity. Just bite, tear... why is he still warm? Why? Why me? Why him? He's still warm, and moist against my tongue. His blood is still liquid.

"Swallow! Good. Now, I'll be back later. You can both have quick deaths. Congratulations."

Bloody flames, I'm gonna tear him limb from flaming limb!

But first, I need to shift back. Get this blood out of my mouth. Ohhh, yeah, this feels good. Feels good to be back in my tunic, however ripped it may be. Glad shifters absorb their clothing when they shift, otherwise this would be real awkward...

Uhhh... Why am I like this?

Oh, good. The walls are coming back down. Maybe Granuaile can help me.

"Hey, can you help me bury... uhh, my Father? When, or if, we get out?"

"Yeah, we can do that now."

"Wait, now? We're still stuck!"

"No, you are. I, on the other hand... am free."

Is that... metal hitting the floor? Woah! How'd she get out of those chains? They were solid metal!

"In case you're wondering; I picked the lock while you were away.

"Do you think you can get me out?"

"Yeah, just give me a second."

What's that rattling? Is she picking the lock on the cage? No... the cage is rattling, not the lock. So what's she - woah! She just pried it open!

"Woah! A little warning before you defy reality would be nice, but... thank you. It feels good to be free."

"Not free yet. Grab 'em and let's go!"

"Flames! You snapped the bars?! How are they stuck in the wall?! It's stone!"

"I'm not captain for nothin' young Eneipe. Now, ya' want in?"

Woah. That's a cool cloak! That dark mottled green really looks like it blends in well with anything. The suit looks plain and ordinary; just a single shade of dark brown. It looks like leather or something of the sort. But it looks special at the same time, like it's a unique hide. Maybe a boar or a bear, perhaps? The real question, though, is whether or not I can get one.

"Do I get a cool suit like that?"

"Heh, yeah. So that's a yes? You're in?"

"Flames yes, just as soon as we get out..."

"Do you always say flames?"

"Uhh... I guess?"

"What's it a reference to? Is it a reference to what I think it is?"

"Uhh... how about we focus on getting out for now, captain?"

"Mhhm... Right, so - climb the walls! Now! And don't breathe it in!"

Breathe what in?

"Flames! Gas!"

Gotta grab Father real quick, and toss him over my shoulders. Flames, all that muscle really makes him weigh a bit! Now to start climbing. Just need a running start, and... jump!

Well, at least this wall has footholds and such. Much easier than when I busted out of Cliffside. Now: time to climb.

But flames, that gas is really billowing. It's rolling over the floor like algae on a wave. It's red, though, which is weird. That's not normal. Flames, poison gas isn't normal no matter the flaming color!

"Faster, young one!"

"I'm not that young, captain!"

"Sure. Just climb! We can try to find an opening at the top. I think I saw a grate earlier."

"Think?! As in you think we might not die?!"

"I prefer to say that I think we might survive."

"Flames, I'm gonna die."

"Didn't ya' say ya' wanted that earlier?"

"Well, yeah, but no. Not anymore, at least, I think..."

"We'll hafta talk 'bout that."

Great. Just what I flaming needed.

Flames, that's a tough glare. Those emerald green eyes could pierce through stone.

"Do we have to?"

Why did my voice come out so weak? Gaah! Why?!

"Just climb, Eneipe."

"I'm climbing! I'm climbing!"

"Without the attitude."

"Sorry! Sorry captain."

"It's alright. Now look up."

A grate! We're saved! Never have a been so happy to see rusted metal in my life!

"C'mon! The gas is getting closer!"

"You don't say? My feet are almost in it! Now go! I'm right behind you, captain!"


She popped that grate off like it was nothing, and - what? How'd she get through the grate already?! I barely even blinked!

"You're not following behind her, pup."

No, that deep, threatening voice...

"I haven't had my fun yet!"


"You're parents let me have it! Why won't you?"

"You'll pay for that! For all of them!"

I hope Granuaile doesn't mind waiting...

"C'mon, Eneipe! I got the door open!"

"I'll meet up with you later! I have to take care of something first!"

"More like something needs to take care of you, pup."

Why can't He just keep his mouth shut?!

"C'mon! What's taking so long Eneipe?!"

"Go, captain! I'll be fine."

I swear, it's like she can't hear Him. She must be out a ways. Now, to rid everyone of this filth...

"C'mon! Get down here! The gas is harmless as long as you have a wet rag or don't breathe!"

But I need to bury Father, who's still on my back. Revenge and justice will have to wait. I need to exit through the grate, and fast.

"No! Get back here you filthy mutt!"