
Forsaken Android's Path

An Android wakes up at the bottom of a pond in critical condition. With no memories of how it got there, it must learn to survive and use it's power to carve out a path to becoming the strongest!

ga143 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Fighting Back.

The guards split into four groups upon entering the woods. Myron wanted to search as quickly as possible so he took the best tracker and the most experienced guards to chase after the robot while the other three groups spread out to box the robot in.

In one of these groups, the guards talk leisurely while moving.

"I heard the bounty for one of these robots was pretty high, right?"

"Yeah it's at least 100 gold coins!"

Looking at his comrades getting so excited over a measly bounty, a more level-headed guard smirked, "You're too focused on the money, there's an even better reward waiting once we finish this."

"Better than 100 gold? I doubt it."

"Yeah, just think about how much booze and women you can buy with all that money! Ha haa! When we get back, the first round'll be my treat!"

The level-headed guard decided to be a good friend and educate them.

"The coin will have to be split among everyone here, us sixteen, plus the blacksmith and the kid back in the village. It's too little! I'm telling you guys, there's something even better that you're not thinking about!"

The guards footsteps come to a halt.

Why did his words seem to... make sense?

Even if they complete this job, the reward money is only so much. Once they split it with everyone involved... tsk. This thought brought the greedy guards back to their senses.

Actually, these guards only make a few silver after working hard for an entire month, even one gold coin should make them thank their ancestors for their good fortune, but after spending time with this young noble their sense of money has skewed. Right now they won't even put a few gold coins in their eyes! Seeing that man strut around with full golden armor, that reward seems to be far too lacking! Now taking the level-headed guard more seriously, they look to him for advice.

"Ah, brother actually I was thinking the same thing, why don't you tell us what the better option is then?"

Yeah! Don't hold back, we're all brothers aren't we? Just tell us what ideas you have."

Filled with a sense of superiority, he moves on top of a fallen tree in front of the group, straightens his back and puffs out his chest.

"Actually aren't we all here to help master Myron? All we have to do is give the reward to him and ask him to put in a good word to his father for us."


The guards look at each other stupefied. This was his great idea?!

"Why would he care about our little reward money? He's a noble, all he has to do is wave his hand and he can get more money than we could make in our entire lives!"

The level-headed guard gives a small chuckle as he explains.

"Of course he won't care about the reward money, but it will show our sincerity! At that time he will be in a good mood, all we have to do is wait to be promoted!"

Indeed, all Myron had to do was mention their names to his father and they will be able to live comfortably in the future.

Nodding their heads in unison they decide to follow this plan. It seems sensible, forsaking short term gains for long term benefits. Their faces light up in excitement.

"You're so wise!"

"Yes! Thanks for the advi-"

The smiling faces of the guards stiffen.

Hearing the guard stop praising him, the level-headed guard looks down from his position atop the fallen tree. The guards are all looking behind him with horrified expressions, as sharp screeching sounds come from that direction. He slowly turns around to look, but falls to the ground stunned from the sight.

An army of fiendish creatures is walking toward them. The rust on their bodies causes screeching sounds when they move. Sporadically twitching, as they walk closer and closer to the group.

The three guards that he was talking to just moments before fainted to the floor with pale faces. Left with no support he snaps under the stress. His mind searching for a way out of this situation. Fight? With just him alone, he wouldn't last a second. Flee? He can't even stand right now, let alone run. Death. He needs to make a decision before it's too late. He forces his legs to move as he tries to stand. No good. He falls back to the ground and loses control of his bladder. His body trembles uncontrollably in a puddle of his own making. He looks back up to find that they have already surrounded him. One of them leans forward, placing it's head just inches away from his face.

It's eyes are deep black. It's features seem to be shaped directly out of his nightmares. He can hear noises behind him, he doesn't even need to look to know that something horrible must be happening to his comrades right now. The one in front of him slowly opens its mouth, revealing jagged razor sharp teeth, set in rows just like a shark.

Too frightened to even move, he can only watch as it lunges toward his neck and starts ripping into his flesh, killing him.

Myron's group had been following the tracks left by the robot while it was fleeing. The boy from the village told him that it was extremely damaged, and only had one good leg. If this intel is correct he would catch up to it quickly, capture it, then return home triumphant. But so far they haven't caught up, and doubts have started to stir in his mind.

"M'lord, the tracks seem fresh! It should be just ahead!"

The tracker had been extremely focused, not missing a single sign this entire time. He knew that if they failed to catch up to this robot all the blame would be pushed onto him for being incompetent, so he was extremely relieved to find that they would be catching up soon.

Not as relieved as Myron though. He had been rash and ran out here to the middle of nowhere to hunt this thing. It would be far too embarrassing for him to return empty handed!

The group picked up the pace, moving forward until they spot a figure sitting against a tree in the distance.

Myron signals the rest of the group to stay back, while he saunters forward. The sun has started to set, casting shadows throughout the woods. The robot was resting in the shade of the tree, unaware that it was not alone.

Suddenly a frightened scream comes from the distance. Before Myron can react, he hears the sound of rapid footsteps crunching the leaves beneath as a pair of arms wrap around his waist.

'The report said it was just one robot, but now there's two? And it sneak attacked me with... a hug?

Myron looks down at the thing wrapped around his waist in confusion.

'Wait this isn't a robot, it's a human!'

It seemed to be a guard from a different group that was tasked with boxing the robot in, is now here hugging his waist?

"Hel... help me..... m'lord.. hu.... huu... please.."

The guard seemed to have difficulty breathing as he begged for help.

Myron seemed to regain his composure as he admonishes the guard.

"There's nothing even remotely dangerous in these woods, yet you've been reduced to such a state. You're losing the face of White Light city by acting like this. Get up!"

He pulled at the guard trying to bring him to his feet. But as he gripped one of his arms, he felt it crumble, and let go. The guard, without any support, fell to the ground where Myron finally got a good look at his condition. Pale and sweating profusely. His left arm is completely orange and stiff. Where he grabbed before, there are pieces missing and cracks formed from the pressure.

The three experienced guards of Myron's group came forward at this time.

"M'lord are you okay?!"

Two of them show concern, while the tracker kneels by the guard.

He lifts the man's arm and finds a wound. It's jagged, definitely not made by a sword.

"M'lord there is a wound here so it's likely poison that led to his current state. The only problem is... I've never seen a poison that could do something like this."

Another man walks out from the opposite direction, startling them.


"Stay right there!"

The guards draw their weapons and shout, not daring to be careless.

The man doesn't hear their words as he continues walking toward them slowly, before he trips and falls to the floor without getting back up.

Myron was deep in thought when suddenly his eyes brightened up as he had a horrifying thought.

"It's almost as if they're being funneled here. If that's the case then wouldn't this be..."

Suddenly the robot that was sitting quietly against the tree this whole time, stands up and turns toward them. Shuffling noises and the cracking of dead leaves sound out from all around them. They stand back-to-back with each other as rusted monstrosities surround them.

"... A trap."