
Forming my harem of yandere

Lucas, a 22 year old man with a fascination for the Yandere, fantasy and thighs, one day he meets a woman while walking at night, without knowing it will make his life take a big turn, it will lead him to be the most powerful man who has ever existed. [Hey, marry me, hey, You love me, don't you? , do you love me, do you want to do it with me?] He will fulfill his deepest desires...

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Lilith Leviathan

I accompanied Lilith to what appeared to be a subway parking lot, it seemed to have about 30 square meters and a single car parked in the center of it, it looked like one of those cars that usually use celebrities on television, you could not see inside, it has tinted windows.

Claire walking in front of us opened the car door and in front of my eyes a sight I never thought I'd see appeared.

-It's... extravagant.

The seats of the car were tinted red, there were two screens in front of the seats and lights of various colors on the ceiling.

Lilith entered first and sat down comfortably before turning her eyes to me, she looked at me confused as if she didn't understand what I was doing.

-Aren't you coming in?

She asked confused, but at the same time a dangerous look was directed towards Claire.


I got in quickly and Claire closed the door behind me, she sighed slyly before getting into the driver's seat.

Lilith looks at me for a moment before speaking.

-Are you sure you want to see your parents right now?

For a moment the figure of a black-haired woman comes to my mind.

-I think it's for the best.

After all my mother is... a bit weird in a good way and as things are going, Lilith probably knows her.

As I was flooded in my thoughts the car started to move.

We went up a sort of spiral ramp before exiting into a residential area on the outskirts of the city, I've been around this place before

It's a quiet area to live in


Lilith calls my name and I turn to her.

She had crossed her legs with the dress she was wearing emphasized her perfectly fleshy thighs in a splendid way, she had a seductive look on her face as if at any moment she could leap towards me and devour me

For some reason Claire who was driving had a tense expression on her face.

How much has this poor maid suffered?


-You must have some questions, don't you?

Lilith still had her seductive look but she also had warm eyes for me.

I nodded

-I am not a great connoisseur but the weaknesses of demons tend to be, holy water, crucifixes, churches and anything sacred in a nutshell Is that correct? -

-Yes and no, it depends on how much power the demon in question has, but in our case the weakening is almost nonexistent.

-Our case? -

I thought I was something like a newborn.

Lilith smiles gently before replying

-Yes, you probably don't feel noticeable changes at the moment, but you are slowly changing, when I jumped at you in the room, you had no problem catching me.

Now that you mention it, I thought that she herself had broken her fall.

-You don't seem to be aware.

Lilith laughed and reached out her hand to me touching my shoulder.

-Generally the change varies depending on the being, but we'd have to see how long it takes you.

-I understand-

After all, I will stop being human the more time passes, I am not reluctant to do it, but I lived 22 years this way.

-Another change you may feel, is that you stop being averse to blood.

-What do you mean?

-For example, if someone came and hit you for no reason, would you get angry?


-Well, the part of you that is reluctant to fight can disappear or diminish, not to the point of being a battle maniac but you can feel it easily.

I was never exactly reluctant to do it, but I understand...

If someone were to seek to mess with me, it's possible that I might have an explosive reaction as far as I can understand

Suddenly while I was thinking, Lilith laid down and rested her head on my leg.

I looked at her confused for a moment, but she seemed to want to be petted, as she was constantly moving her cheek along my leg, like a puppy when she asks for affection

I started caressing her and a small happy laugh escaped her lips.

-Earlier you mentioned something about family, what do you mean by that?

For a moment the smile on Lilith's face disappeared.

Did I touch a sensitive subject? I started to worry but Lilith answered after a few seconds.

-I think it's better not to touch that topic, but I can tell you something short, in the demon world there are 7 main families that rule each section of it.

So she belongs to one of those families, her last name is known even among humans, or at least I can assume so.

-But the only potential problem is that your destructive instincts are awakened.

-What is that?

I asked confused

-We are demons you know, we are not saints, nor angels we are naturally the "evil" of the world.

Lilith smiles with a certain malice, but she is so beautiful that it gives her a charming air.

I must organize my thoughts

I am a demon, or at least I am in the process of becoming one, I have weaknesses but to a certain extent and I am potentially aggressive, besides Lilith comes from an important family.

From one moment to another Lilith started caressing my leg softly with her hands, I was surprised and stopped caressing her head

I saw her confused, although I'm not averse to this, Claire is driving and she seems nervous

Lilith doesn't seem to mind as she continues to caress my leg, slowly her hand goes up to my little friend who had already woken up

-You are cheerful-

Lilith smiles seductively and turns around to face me with her head still resting on my leg.

As Lilith was about to take my little friend out something caught my attention.

We were driving down the highway on our way to the city, when out of nowhere Claire brakes the car hard and Lilith who was glued to my pants crashed into the seats behind her back

-Claire, what the fuck is going on?

Lilith gets up angrily and yells at Claire, but she didn't hear her, she was staring straight ahead.

When I saw a man with brown hair, he looked to be about 30 years old, muscular and dressed in some kind of grey military suit, he was staring towards the car as if he could see us easily.

-Hum, hunters around here?

Lilith seems disinterested, but a few seconds later she turns her gaze towards the man, as if she just remembered something she speaks angrily.

-Claire, I'll take care of it.

Without waiting for Claire's answer she got out of the car and walked towards the man.

I was confused without being able to say anything else, Lilith stops in front of the car and seems to be talking to the man.

-Shouldn't you help her?

I asked a little worried, I know I can't help her, but Claire is a demon, isn't she? She could

-Well, she doesn't need it.

Claire leaned on the steering wheel and when she said that, from Lilith's hands water started to flow, it floated in the air surrounding her body, the man in front of her kicked the ground and ran towards Lilith with a dagger in each hand but in less than a second, he had already been surrounded with a sphere of water and a few seconds later he had already disappeared without a trace.

When Lilith returned to the car she looked in a good mood, a big smile filled her face as if she had done something she really wanted.

-Let's continue-

Lilith said, leaning her head on my leg and playing as if nothing was wrong.

Claire nodded and went back to driving, but I didn't understand what was going on.

-What was that?

I asked confused, going over in my mind what I had seen.

-The water and all that?

I nodded intrigued

-It's a skill from my family.

He answered casually while trying to unbutton the button of my pants as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

-Leviathan family?


Leviathan... I have vague memories about that but... Was it a creation of God? Something about the end of the world but really vague memories?

-Is Claire part of your family?

The one who answered wasn't Lilith, it was Claire.

-I'm Lilith's cousin.

-But you work as a maid?

Claire was silent for a few seconds before answering.

I'm more of a nanny than a maid, I have to make sure that Lilith doesn't kill someone by accident and if it happens I have to clean up- -Claire was silent for a few seconds before answering.

I could feel a bit of annoyance in her voice.

-Does she give you so much trouble?

-These last few days have been especially annoying.

After listening to Claire, I felt a little guilty.

-I'm sorry.

I apologized almost instinctively

-Hahaha don't worry, this was bound to happen sooner or later.

Claire laughs a little while driving

-Why so sure?

I asked curiously, I have the feeling that they talk as if this would be a fact sooner or later.

-Lilith, well... he really likes you...

-guh guh guh- [That's true].

When I turned my attention back to Lilith, she had Mr. Sausage in her mouth as a prisoner.

A wave of pleasure ran through my body, her tongue was running over every inch of my little friend, she was moving her head slowly sucking my little friend in from the root

Is it because she's a demon that this felt so good?

The pleasure was getting higher and higher, with each passing second my body was getting hotter, but suddenly she stopped.

-We're here-

Informed Claire who only looked straight ahead and didn't turn towards us, when I turned my eyes to Lilith, she smiled

-I can't see your mother with your children in my mouth, can I?

I could only laugh

When I looked out the window of the car, I could see the house where I grew up for 22 years, a two story white family house in the urban area of the city, the big garden in the front was covered by some wooden fences, in the garage door a van was parked.

-It looks like my mother is here.

I said while Lilith was fixing her clothes before leaving.

-Shall we go?

Lilith got out of the car

-Good luck...

Said Claire with a complicated expression on her face, she seemed to want to say more but she kept it to herself.


I replied nervously as I got out of the car.

Everything will be fine, right?

Another one for you

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