
Former S-Rank Want Some Rest

5 years after being transferred to another world. Saburou decided to stop being an adventurer, a job which he reluctantly did because the circumstances forced him to. He, along with Violet who is now his wife wanted to start a new ordinary life far from the dangerous day of being the highest level S-ranker.

lenovoaxioo · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Let Me Teach You What "Trauma" Means (1)


"Saburou, what are you doing here?."

"As expected, I can't leave you guys alone! guild master, let me also join this battle."

"Of course you are welcomed, so the fire just now?."

"Yes, Violet is the one who cast it, anyway can you guys still go on?."

"The talisman is working properly, we still have plenty strength and stamina."

"Good, then just keep a safe distance and attack from afar to lure it deeper into the forest."

I think guild master already grasped that their attack didn't really have any effect on the Titan so he didn't voice any complaint about my proposal.

"Are you sure didn't want any help from us?."

"I'm very sure I just asked some help from you guild master?."

"Is that all?."

"No, I still need some other thing."


"Information, a lot of information about that Titan! without it, I didn't think we can beat it."

We can call gods soul into this world by making a connection to the spiritual world, creating an artificial sacred ground, and using Violet's body as a vessel to be possessed. Granting her a fraction of gods power and giving the summoner a temporary divinity.

In other words, what we do is like summoning a god hand or feet without actually materializing its full body. Of course, that kind of method is not going to give us a guaranteed to a victory.

After all that we face is a full-blown god in flesh.

"What kind information?."

"Anything, even the most trivial one."

We need to find its weakness and strike it. And in order to strike it, we need to find out our opponent identity and look for the most suitable weapon to defeat it.

"I see, I will ask every capable person to assemble the information we got from the investigation."

"Good! please divert its attention, you can leave the main attack to me and Violet."

The basic of our battle is the same, we lured it to some isolated place and then begin to attack it. But, with their magic and weapon not even able to scratch its body, they are mostly just trying to provoke it with a small-scale attack that didn't consume too much magic.

It can save us a lot of both stamina and magic.

"Violet, let's try to attack its joint and see if the law of physic still works on our honored god."

She is far from my position, but my thought is transmitted directly to her. As a one who controls the summoning ceremony, I have a strong link to the vessel. In this case Violet.

And that link didn't only provide us with a network to transmit our though, we also share the divinity. While the one who is possessed by the fraction of God's soul is only Violet, but the link between us also gives me an access to it. Hence I also possess the ability to hurt that Titan.

She nodded and then fly toward one of its feet using the flame produced from her feet like a jet while I still need to run and jump.

She aims the place behind its knee, and I swing my sword towards its Achilles heel. Her attack which using the flame shaped like a sword seems working and its left leg begins to bend unable to support its own weight.

"Shit. . . It's soo tough."

While my sword can't slash through it and my attack just bounces back like I'm just hitting a wall. It seems I can't rely on the power-up from the divinity I got from Violet alone.

Even though the divinity is shared, but the God's real power is still hers alone.

"Back off master!!."

I jump backward and Violet begin to shower it with flame.

"Watch out!!!."

The Titan takes its turn to Attack, and it treats Violet as the main threat so it begins to swing its arm to crush her.


She is able to avoid that big swing without any technique, but even the amateur attack that lacking in precision still pose a big problem for us. No, in the first it didn't even need any precision. Its size alone is already a threat.


Just from the wind its generated from that one swing is enough to blow me and many adventurers away like a pile of dust. I'm sure the wind pressure it produce is even greater than 'Detroit Sm*ash'.

"No worry, how about you?."

She is in the air, the flow of the air is going to affect her more than us who have a firm footing to land. Even she can evade the main attack, the wind blow is still going to affect her flight path.

"I can just use brute force to keep my flight stable."

"I see."

If you have enough power, you didn't need any trickery. The one who needs it is someone weak like me.

"Let's switch weapon, master! I don't think to keep using flame is going to get us anywhere."

Yes, we can hear its cry of pain once a while, but the flame attack didn't really do any real damage. After getting burned its skin would produce a mist and the wound somehow got healed instantly.

Is it have a great regenerative ability?.

Let's try it then.


While its hand still busy trying to attack Violet in the air, suddenly it uses its right foot to attack me when I'm being too absorbed in thought. Because of that, I'm unable to respond in time and have to receive its frontal attack.

"Guwaaaa. . . ."

In hurry, I placed the sword between me and the side part of its sole of feet in diagonal position to make that attack slide through the body of the sword in my hands.

"Imperishable lord, Avyayaprabhu 7."

The talisman in the sword rearrange itself and summon another power which gives strength to the very structure of Violet's body. And at the same time, our link made that a fraction of that power also being shared with me.

Violet fell from the air and landed smoothly on the ground.

"As expected of the son of that thing."

The attack is so heavy that the ground around me get gouged out like just being hit by a small meteor. And of course, I also felt like being hit by the same thing. In fact, I felt as if my body is being crushed with a Giant boulder while my hand feels like going to be detached from my shoulder.

"One who has serpents as ornaments, Nagabushana 55."

The talismans give a 'ping' sound and rearranged itself again.


She brings her 2 hands and pulls them again like a conductor that leads an orchestra, after that, I can feel the ground below my feet begin to move.

From below the ground, a big serpent appears and carry my body closer towards Violet.

"Restrict its movements."

Another serpent appears from underground and begins to coil its body around the Titans feet. The Titan immediately reacted and try to peel the serpent off its feet. But when its hand approaches its feet, the serpent spray its poison to the Titan's face.

"Gruwaaaaaaa. . . ."

The Titan let out a big scream that forces everyone present to cover their ears.

"Is it cry of pain. . .no!."

At first, I thought it give a cry of pain after being exposed to the serpent's poison, but just like before its skin produces a mist and the poison disappeared just like that. In other words, poison also not being effective.

"What happened master, the serpent look strange?."

"I don't know!."

The serpents release the Titans feet and begin to act strangely. I don't think it receives any damage, but why it to struggle so hard like a worm that's being smeared with salt?.

"Can you redirect its rampage to Titan?."

"I'll try."

The serpent is still tossing around uncontrollably, but the command from Violet still have an effect and it begins to move towards the Titan.

"Summon more of it."

Violet widen her arm like someone who is going to receive a hug. At the same time, 4 more serpents appear from below and move quickly towards the Titan. After that, she crossed her arm in front of her chest as a sign to attack.

The 4 serpent coiling it body to the Titans and the first serpents move its body like a whip try to disturb the Titan's balance.

"Gwaaaaa. . . ."

The Titan screams again and the same thing like before also happened. All the serpents become frenzied and act like there's something wrong with their stomach.

"I can still do it."

Violet try to control where the serpent directs their flailing body. But the Titan easily caught their body.

"Damn it!.. they can't compete in power."

A serpent is strong, especially if their body is as big as a tree. But even so, their strongest point is their poison. Not their physical strength, unlike their non-poisonous siblings like python or anaconda.

The Titan grabs the body of the serpents one by one and crushing it into mincemeat.

"If it comes to this then I didn't have any choice."

Violet clasp her hands with a serious face on her. For some reason, I can feel that she got her competition soul triggered.

"I'll crush you!!!."

She pushes her hands toward the sky and then a far bigger serpent come out from the ground. And that serpent has multiple heads.

"Violet, let's save something like that for our last resort! If you used it for too long your body is going. . ."

"Then, I just need to win quickly right!!!!."

The serpent responds to her will and moves toward the Titan with a speed that incomparable to before. After that, its multiple heads begin to moves on its own and sink their fangs into the body of the Titan. Injecting their deadly poison.

If poison from outside didn't have any effect, maybe we can kill it from the inside. Just like some people who wanted to kill me before.

"Guwaaa. . . "

It begins to scream, but that scream didn't affect the big serpent too much. And after having its shoulders, head, hands, and body being chewed with a razor sharp fang. It stopped moving completely . . .

"Or not."

What the heck?. It can still move its arm and try to grab the main body of our summoned serpents.

"Futile!!! the poison is going to kill it first before it can give any meaningful resistance."

When the Titan finally able to grab the main body of the serpent, its scale begins to change its color into grey ash. And then, just like an old building. The serpent's body begins to crumble and shattered into pieces.

"Or not."

"That?.. what is that!? master?."

The power to nullify flame, the power to make a poison disappear, the power to make even the serpent of the strongest god become crazy, and now it even has the power to dry anything it touched.

I can get some names from these characteristics, but many mythical races share the same trait so I can't just use this guesswork as a basis.

After all, we only have a limited ammunition. If the bullet we use is wrong then we are pretty much screwed.

"What we should do next?."

"We should protect the adventurer, that power is too dangerous."

"Ye.. . ."

A ping sound resonates from the sword, the talisman we used to call the serpents controlling power come back to its former place. It means we can't use it again.

Placing a gods soul into a mankind body is putting a big burden on it, hence we can only using one type of power once a day. For a safety measurement, we also make a system where the connection to a certain power going be automatically cut if we use it too much.

Usually, the limit is hit when we call the ultimate form of each power. Like the very big serpent just now.

"We can't rely on it anyway, now we need to switch."

"What we need to use?."

"Something that can't even wither."

"Is there something like that?."

"Of course, no basic elements born directly from primordial can wither, we will use water."

I still have my divinity that boosts my body, I didn't directly fight the Titan, everything is going to be alright.

"Lord of the river Ganga, Gangadhara 24."

Some talisman flies from one slot to another while gives a ping sound. After hosting their new place, I give a little glow before finally connected to the network.

This power would give her the ability to manipulate the body of water on land.

Both of us parted and go to the place where the adventurer attack from afar. She can protect the adventurer by shielding their body with water when they made a contact with the Titan.

But, it seems it know that we want to keep our distance hence it doing some another troublesome thing.

It suddenly stopped moving, and a human-like figure begins to sprout from its body like a branch that comes out from a big tree. It begins to move toward the adventurer and attacking them.

Using an arm that can make anything wither if touched.


"Avoid its arm and attack the body or leg!."

I hear some higher ranked adventurer giving a command. After that, I also able to hear some slicing sound from a sword,

"They are doing far better than I thought, Maybe I didn't need to bother myself to protect them?."

I found the guild master also trying to slay one of the human-like things that hunt us.

"The one in this battle are adventurers in upper rank with many experiences, of course, they have flexible though and high-level adaptability."

These guys are able to comprehend the situation quickly and come up with a method to counter-attack. Their experience didn't betray them and their strength are adequate to protect themselves from this level of threat.

"Guild master! did you already got some info?."

"Yes, but because they are noncombatant staff they can't just go to this place."

Well, this place is full of dangerous object and creature after all.

"I will pick the info myself."

"No! we can't have you or Violet-san leave this place!."

I see, If we leave this place the Titan maybe will just chase after us. After all, we are the only one who actually capable of hurting it.

"What is your plan Guild master?."

"We want to create a chance for them to come here."


"By defeating that some human-like thing and create a small safe area for you and them to meet."

"My question is still the same, how?."

"They are not as strong as the Titan and we can actually give it a big damage."

I see, their power also being split. In another word, the Titan's total power also decreased.


"Please attack and lure some of them to the Titan's blind spot! we will assemble some small team to take care of it."

"You mean I have to become a bait?."

"You don't want to?."

"Are you kidding me? of course, I didn't want to do it."

But even so, I'll do it anyway.

In the first place, did I even have any choice?. The answer is of course no. I didn't have any. That's why I have to do it even I didn't want to.

"Where I should lure it to?."

"Ask violet-san to get its attention to the north side, after that we run to the opposite side."

The north side is where the Titan almost flatten my body with its feet, that attack creates a big crater that's rather deep. Because the human-like thing that the Titan create is far smaller than his own body, that area is going to be a rather difficult to travel.

And in a fight, having a higher ground to stand is always becomes an advantage.

"Violet, attack the Titan and lure it towards the north side."


Following my command, she runs toward the north side with some adventurer. After that, she prepares herself to attack the Titan from afar while the other adventurer around her watch the surrounding.

Unlike flame manipulation, you can't produce water from thin air just by igniting the oxygen in the air. Because her power is controlling a water and not creating a water, first she needs to find a place with water and then draws it.

The air also contains water but the amount she needs to create an attack is much more than the one available in the air.

"I found it."

Just like before when she controlling the serpents, she move her hands like a baton upwards.

With that, the water from the underground river has been drawn and ready to be used. She uses 2 of her finger to point at the Titan's body like a handgun, and then she shot a high pressured water towards its body.

Normal magic can do a similar thing, but the scale is completely different. The difference between the speed, the mass, and the size is like heaven and earth. Instead of water, it looks like Viole thrusting a supersized spear from underground.

"Let's go Guild master!."


Surely, that attack is going to divert the Titans attention. No, it can even deal a heavy damage to the Titan's body. It can't defend with its special power to wither anything, and even it has a regenerative power, healing a big gaping hole in its chest is going to take some time.

We run to the other side believing that the victory would side with Violet.


"It failed."

"What?. . ."

"The attack failed, the water lost all its speed and just back being ordinary water."

"What should I do? master!."

What should she do? what is the best course we can take? what should I prioritize? the defeat of the Titan? the safety of the adventurers? or, our the safety.

"I trust you master! your decision!! I will follow it until the end!."

That kind of trust is really heavy. What if I made mistakes? what if you got hurt because of me just like in the past? what if my decision got all of us killed?.

"Master, don't try to use your feeling to take a decision in this battle! you are bad at it! your intuition is the worst, your luck is so low, and your ability to read the mood is simply suck!."

What is that last part? I'm very sure my mood reading ability is top notch. Well, the other part is pretty much spot on. When I rely on my intuition, almost all of them ended up nothing like I wanted. And wherever we go, somehow we always got into someone else problem.

"Master said that work delegation is the basic of basic in economy right? I just did that."

I see. She didn't ask my opinion because she has some blind trust or wants to dump the responsibility towards me. It just she calculates that I'm the most capable person to make a decision in this kind of situation.

"After all, you are not a hero! so please just squeeze every last bit of your knowledge, experience, and logic to find a way of getting out from this very bad situation."

Yes, the only one who can do that is a hero that born under a special star and chosen by something who got a blessing from the world itself. And I'm not a hero, I'm just some ordinary guy. Even if I appear in a heroic tale, my position is just going to be the geek friend of hero and didn't really have any specific role.

Hence, I can only work hard, think hard, and do a trial and error.

"I understand, if I ask you to hold up for about 10 minutes do you think you can do it?."

I didn't see it, but I can feel that Violet is now smiling.



"It doesn't matter if I can do it or not, If master asks me to do it, I'll squeeze every ounce of my capability to make it done."

"I'm leaving it to you."

Just like she believes that I'm the most capable person to look for a way to turn the situation around, I also believe that she is the most reliable person who I can rely on to gets the job done.


I run again to do my job as a bait, and Violet tried so many combinations of attack to look for a way to give the Titan a damage while maintaining her current power.

"Are everyone ready?."


"Then! execute them!!!."

With that one command, a dozen of adventurer attack the human-like creature and behead their head, chop their arm off, and cutting their leg.

"Don't let your guards down, they are going to come again."

Yes, even when they are killed they just keep coming again and again. The old dead body would get pulled and come back to the main body of the Titan and a new body would come out not long after.

"Saburou! do your thing."

I didn't bother to answer because I'm busy doing my thing after finishing up my task as a bait. We didn't really have much time because the next wave is going to come anytime soon.

"Where is the document that contains information about its origin."

"I think it's here."


The Titan first sighted in the Empire near its coast. It means this Titan come from the sea. If it can live in the depth of the sea, then it has a power related to water.

No wonder our flame-based attack didn't work. Poison didn't do too much damage also because of this water attribute. It can just dissolve the poison and separate the dangerous elements from it.

"Can I see the route it takes?."


After landing on the coast of the Empire that about 1.600 km far from this place. It begins to move in the direction of north-west and crossing many nations border while destroying the town it meets.

In this world, the Empire territory are made up from the region where Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine exist in my previous world.

"Weird, these routes are weird."

I thought It wants to destroy humanity so I assume that It's going to look for a big city to wreck. But the place it destroys is mostly a small city that didn't really have any big role inside the nations. Hence the damage it causes is not that high.

"What do you mean by weird Saburou-san?."

The one who brought the information is the new guild assistance. The woman that we met during my jobs first meeting a week ago. Lena-san.

"Titans is pretty much a god, and no gods are an idiot, but this route looks like being taken by some big retards."

If it wants to spread a destruction, then it should choose to cross bigger nations and bigger city. After all, by destroying them it would affect the economy and politics of the nations and its neighborhood. It can even lead to a big conflict between country.

It's the most efficient way to destroy humanity.

Throughout history, there are many records of some god trying to destroy humanity. So having a god appear and wants to kill a human is actually not really that surprising. In the past, they have done so many things through their proxy in this world. Some gods try to start a war, spread disease, famine, and create a disaster.

Their reason is varied like wanting a respect, want to be feared, or want to punish some people for accidentally offending them.

"Mostly they would seek the most efficient and easy way to do something in this world because they have a limited authority over this plane, but this Titan just disregards all of my previous experience."

That's why the route used by this Titan is weird. It using the route where it mostly only passes some small nations, which the existence is not that big deal to the world as a whole.

"Experience in what?."

"Forget it!! by the way is there any report regarding of what kind of response each country has regarding this Titan."

"The Empire assemble the national army and tried to subjugate it, but before they are able to battle it, the Titan already moved to the next country?."

"And then. . ."

"Most smaller countries tend to let it go to minimize its loss."

"And their loss?."

"Not much, the one which got attacked is not an important city just like in the Empire."

"Even though most of their capital is on the level of sub-city by Empire standard?."


"So what is its main purpose of coming out from the sea?."

If it didn't want to destroy human why bother coming out in the first place. If it has some kind of goal or looking for something, why bother disturbing the town. It can do its job more peacefully by not picking up on some weakling. Also, if it really wants to destroy humanity, why it did such a sloppy job.

"Maybe it afraid of being hunted?."

"Hah? did you just say a Titan is afraid of human? a Titan is also god you know?."

Not to mention most gods has a very high pride to even consider human as its equal. How come a mighty Titan afraid of some puny human?.

"But based on the pattern it seems the Titan is intentionally avoiding the big cities, I think it wants to avoid attention from a real strong people."

"A real strong people?."

Now that you mentioned it, there are records of a divine being slain by a human. It's not Impossible that this age also has a similar person with similar capability. After all, in this world, someone like Perseus and Hercules is a real person who clearly recorded in a history book.

"For the attack, I think it just wants some entertainment! I mean, from what I can see, the Titan is mostly just playing around with all of you."

Now that you think about it, it kinda true. If it wants it can just sweep all the adventurer with its physical power alone, but we can still hold up until this point.

It's pretty much miracle.

"Wait. . . when you said the coast of the Empire, did you mean the one which faces the black sea?."

"I think so."

"Hahahahahaha. . . now everything makes sense!!!."

His name has been flashing in my head from time to time, but because he didn't have any grand story about him I have some difficulty in remembering his characteristic and feature.



"Let's kick his ass."