
A Kind Doctor...?

It had been a few days since he had ascended here, the seal showed no signs of weakening no matter what he did. He frowned, the most power he could handle right now was probably slightly higher then an orc, which was just above a goblin.

He sighed, this would take awhile to find that regresser bastard...


"Mmmgh..." A handsome man woke up from his sleep as he checked the date.

<September 17, 2132>

As expected, he had regressed again. He wondered where that being went.

The regresser, Hui Guiying smirked. He had found out about how a talisman over 1000+ years old would be able to chain a beings soul (no matter how strong) to himself. {Remember, chaining your soul to another being causing both of you to share each other's power.} At first, Hui Guiying didn't know who to chain his soul to since it was a very important decision after all.

Then he remembered the being that greeted him after each regression. That being was surely powerful. If he chained his soul with it, then he could have a share of the being's power.

Hui Guiying could definitely feel a difference. Usually when he regressed, he had power even weaker then the average human being. Now, he was sure that he could defeat a small hoard of goblins.

Hui Guiying stretched. He was abnormally happy. He had a faint feeling he could complete this regression. Sighing, he knew he had to find out where that being was so that he could use more of its power.

The 7th regression began.


"GODAMMIT!" Saltor cursed as he kicked a tree. Acting like those damn humans was so goddamn frustrating!

He had to work, work, work, just for a day's worth of food! Saltor could fight if he wanted to, but that would make the people around him cautious of him. So he only revealed his healing magic, and was assigned to the medical area.

His mask couldn't hide the creases forming. That regresser bastard!!!

"Oh, Io? Didn't expect you to be here." His co-worker Albert, greeted him. Io was just a fake name he made up.

"O-Oh hey Albert!" Saltor hurriedly stopped raging and greeted him gently.

"The boss wants you for something. You should go check with him soon." Albert also had healing magic, but it was very weak compared to Saltor's healing. So basically, he was a nurse that treated small wounds while Saltor worked with actual wounds.

"Ok, i'll check on him later!" Saltor smiled, which couldn't be seen because of the mask, but Albert seemed to get the message.

"Heh, you should watch out for wolves one day Io. You're too gentle." Albert's heart softened. Io was a very soft and gentle person, and he had amazing healing powers. Such person would find it hard to live in a ruined world like this.

Albert could already tell that some people wanted to overthrow the people currently leading this makeshift community. Io was bound to get involved due to his powers.


"...How annoying." Saltor instantly dropped his facade as the warm aura around him turned cold. It would be easier to look like he didn't pose a threat, so he kept a facade of kind but dumb. He sighed as he pushed back his soft light blond hair as his yellow eyes closed.

He went to meet up with the leader of the medical department.


"...Huh?" Saltor thought he heard wrong.

"You have been chosen to go with the adventuring group tomorrow. Your healing prowess will be very useful in the exploration." Alston said. He was the leader of the exploration group, and the strongest in the whole camp.

His power was to distort, which was able to bend objects, people, and other stuff according to his will. It was convenient for making things, and had a great combat capability.

"U-Ueh..b-but..." Saltor lowered his head. It looked as if he was scared. In his mind however, he was busying cursing up a storm.

Alston's expression softened after seeing the Io scared. "It's alright. The expedition team will guarantee your safety."

Io's expression seemed to life up a bit at these words. "O-Ok...I'll trust you..But just this once..!"

"Thank you Io." Alston smiled.


"If anything happens to me, I swear I'll kill that motherfu****" Saltor angrily stomped around. He was currently venting at a tree.

"Like, who just suddenly decides, 'HUKHUKHUKHUK! You're coming with me on this potentially life endangering mission whether you like it not HUKHUKHUK!' Selfish bastards." He clutched his head. This world was seriously driving him insane.

Saltor was used to humans giving him automatic respect, he had always thought it was natural.

Saltor used some of his magic to calm himself down. He then sat down and inspected the seal once more.

"95% sealed." The dull voice said. Other then saying how much of his power was sealed, it didn't do anything else. Saltor grew tired of the dull voice and tried to pick at the seal once more.


It was dark. Saltor frowned as he stared at the inside of the seal. It was 100xs more complicated then all the seals he had ever seen. He wondered how that regresser bastard got ahold of something so rare.

He kept picking at the seals, but to no avail. Just as he was about to leave the seal's domain, a bright light glowed faintly in the distance. Saltor's eyes widened as he headed towards the light source.

It was bright orb glowing with light. Saltor picked it up.

Suddenly, his brain started getting a headache.

"Aurgh!" He gasped at the sudden pain. The orb flashed 1 time before disappearing. The headache also was gone as well.

"Ugh..." Saltor slowly got up, and the dull voice was heard once again.

"94% power sealed." This voice surprised him. Saltor left the seal.


Saltor opened his eyes again after exiting the seal. He tried using his old powers.


Nothing worked. Saltor groaned, he thought he actually did something. A noise was heard as a screen appeared in front of him.

"New Skill, Barrier lv. 3 is available!" It said.

"..." Well this was better then nothing. Atleast he has something to protect himself with. Saltor headed back to the camp.


Saltor groaned as light his face. It was already morning. He got out of the little tent he was provided, and headed to the area the expedition team was.

"Ah, you're here Io." Alston was talking to someone before noticing him walking up. "We almost finished the preparations. You should try to eat something before we leave." He motioned to the food.

"Ok thank you..." Io timidly said before going over to eat beans and bread in the woods. Alston looked at this in the corner of his eyes.

After eating, the expedition group set off.

I'm not really good at making good beginnings for stories. They just spurt out of my head, and I write it down. I think the future chapters are better?

DaoistSFHCTScreators' thoughts
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