
The Surface

"Hah! Haah! Haaa! F-Finally made it! haaaa!"

After weeks or maybe months of climbing, he finally reached the surface and was drenched his own sticky liquid that protruded from his body; which was now haggared.

'Now I am glad I remembered to bring my walking stick or should I say staff. I wouldn't be able to walk another step without it.'

"Fuck you mom! It's better to take the stairs my ass! Haa!"

After cursing he looked around, there seemed to be an endless forest of trees. He quickly finds shade to get away from the sun that radiated down on his already exhausted(and seductive) body.

Taking a break for about 5 hours, he decided to take a break for 10 hours and noticed it was getting dark.

"My time has come!" He has always been more intimate with the dark, so he felt more comfortable travelling at night.

After stretching his legs he starts making his way into the seemingly endless forest, excitement could be seen on his face looking around.

It's been so long since he felt the resistance of the lush green grass brush against his feet as the chilly wind blows around every part of his body while walking, he only felt it was a shame that he couldn't see anything.

He was not use to having such a big magic capacity making It was hard to control and sense the surrounding, at the start it was like learning to piss; it's spraying in every direction beside the way you want it to go.

Very quickly he was able to get it under control, his control seemed amateurish but it got the job done, he wasn't worried with his talent it wouldn't be long before he will be able to gain the reins again, but in short term he shouldn't try any large scale magic before gaining full control over his magic.

With the amount of magic he has now - If it ever got out of control, not only would he himself perish but he could also end up wiping out a whole country at the very least.

The scary part was that he could still feel his magic growing at an alarming rate, so the faster he can master his magic control the better.


As if to interrupt his train of thought an earth trembling roar sounded in the sky, the vibration coming from the ground shot up his lags, his once tense lags seemed to loosen up. He never had such a good massage before, especially when it reached his....

Looking up at the direction the roar came from he saw a big, brown, hard dragon coming toward him with every part of it's body reflecting the light of the moon.

Judging by it facial features, it didn't look to happy as it's face seems to be contorted, into what seemed to be a frown.

The dragon charging at him, opened it's mouth revealing an orange looking compressed flame.

When the dragon got a certain distance to him, the orange flame in it's mouth bursts out with another earth shattering roar.

The flames came in such force; it could easily destroy a village, the tree's and grass were already disintegrating before the flame even reached them.

The explosive flame kept coming down with no resistance before finally hitting the ground, causing a heatwave to go in every direction followed quickly by an explosion.

The dragon look down with distain as it hovered above the catastrophe it just created, usually when seeing a human it wouldn't think twice before eating it; but after the recent events that happened causing the end of the dragon festival and making all dragons run for their lives, it couldn't stand even looking at one before wiping them out.

Just when the dragon was about to turn and fly away, it saw a silhouette in the middle of the scorched earth and couldn't help but open it's eyes in shock, that silhouette was the very human he thought was burned to cinder by his breath, but load and behold he was standing fine.

Even the flowers in his surroundings didn't look bothered and were standing proudly towards him, as if showing the same distain he showed them while surrounded by flames caused by his dragon breath that now lit up the once dark forest.

"Who are you mage?" The big, brown, hard, dragon said with a frown holding in his extreme anger, even among wizards there's not many that could even survive a full attack from a dragon, let alone defend against one, causing a little concerned to show in it's eyes.

"I am a fake somebody and a real nobody" He reply's with a smirk, but very quickly he becomes embarrassed.

'This was my moment to say something cool and I fuked it up!' he kept staring at the dragon wondering how he would respond to the words he once read on a fortune cookie.

The dragon just stared at him before replying. "Are you messing with me human! Do you think just because you defended against my breath! I am easy to defeat!" The dragon gets in an a attack position getting ready to lunge.

It was impossible for a normal mage to defend against his dragon breath, he could have used a high class defensive treasure to block his attack earlier.

Seeing the dragon think his reply was to mock him and get's ready to attack, he sighed in relief.

He thought now would be a good time to test his control, it's been 5 min since he started practicing so it should be fine to try a small spell.

Just when the dragon was about to let loose and rip this human in front of him to shreds, he suddenly had a bad premonition.

His instinct were screaming to escape.

The mage in front of him - who he thought could be easily defeated; turned into a threat which he could not comprehend.

There was an invisible pressure pushing him down, making him unable to move as he watch's the mage make a small flame in his hand.

The flame was small, but he knew he wouldn't be able to last a second under it's might, with every fiber of it's being - the dragon tried to struggle out of the suppression but it was futile.

He could only watch as the human he thought was puny raise his hand towards him.

He felt humiliated; who would have thought he a fire dragon would die under a flame of a wizard who wasn't even a dragon slayer.

Even dying under the hand of a dragon slayer of the same element would be less humiliating, but now he's gonna die under a mage that's using his own element to kill him, there were no words to describe his regret for letting his emotion get the better of him and finding trouble with this monster in the form of a human as he watched the flame come's towards him.
