

A world unlike anything, a blessed river and a cursed forest. A song that echoes through the trees, that was made by the gods that make men fall to their knees.

"KAI!!!!!!" Chief Soka shouted as he exited his tent, "where is that boy?!?" he bellowed standing at the top of the village looking down to the villagers. "You!!" the chief called as he grabbed a villager who was walking by "where is Kai?" , "I saw him take his bow this morning he may be hunting the far end, he will be fine the God's will guide him" the man replied as he held up a circular talisman the chief released his grip and said firmly "the gods don't exist".

Kai the 2nd son of the chief, a well trained hunter and warrior. Earlier that morning Kai saw a pink glow in the sky that went into the forest on the mountain, curious and determined to discover what it was, he left before first light to seek the mysterious light. For hours he hiked the mountain without rest until he came to a cave questioning himself if to explore it, it wasn't before long before he made up his mind to go "I'm already up here might as well see where it leads"

Journey through the darkness, he found himself in water , "there must be a spring" he taught to himself, soon there was sunlight peering through, revealing another opening in the cave. Carefully passing through the waters to the sunlight there was a voice..... a beautiful voice singing and laughing "A world unlike anything, a blessed river and a curse, A song that echoes through the trees, that was made by the gods that make men fall to their knees.....Worship me....." soft and beautiful , he followed the voice to a waterfall that was hidden below the cave, and there amongst the water.... floating long white hair, that rose up out the water that trickle down a slender back leading to her perched posterior which revealed a tattoo of talismans and Sanskrit. It was s young woman with white hair "white hair how peculiar" Kai taught to himself as she began to sing again " A song that echoes through the trees, that was made by the gods that make men fall to their knees worship me....." she laughed and tossed water in the air. Kai was amused by the naked lady with the white hair playing in the water..... when suddenly she looked back in panic... she knew someone was watching her and without another second she ran. Kai called out to her "Miss please I'm sorry i meant no harm!!" and off he ran after her..... he chased the naked beauty through the forest, she was far to fast for him and he lost the trail of the white haired beauty.

Looking around he discovered her perched high up in a tree , "I'm sorry if i scared you...." he called up to her but before he could finish his words she jumped off the tree, kicking him in the face forcing him to the ground, grabbing his hair and bending over so that she could look him in the eyes "You Man hunter you will leave this mountain, this mountain no for you hunt" as she walked off he grabbed her "i just want to talk"

He was greeted by a kick to chest, "leave now!!" she shouted at him as she removed her long hair from obstructing her view, "why are you naked ??" Kai said getting up and dusting himself "stop hitting me it hurts"

She didn't care she wanted him gone and so she attacked him again, this time he caught her in mid air and hugged her, "Miss please!! calm down!" He shouted looking down at her realizing her eyes were white as well. After she calmed down he let her go.... he slowly removed his jacket and placed it over her and said "I'll leave i just want to talk to you, let me talk and then ill leave... " Talk I'm listening "she said climbing a tree to sit on a branch, " what's your name? " Kai said making himself comfortable on the forest floor... "Luna" she responded twirling her hair...

" which village are you from?"

"Village?? you don't known what i am?' Luna laughed

" obviously you're a woman" Kai smirked

with that she stood up and threw the jacket back down to him..... the wind blew ferociously as it circled her and she floated down to the forest floor, where suddenly she was clothe in a long flowing gown with a circular talisman on her chest ...

Kai looked at her in disbelief "a witch, you're a mountain witch"

"ugh you stupid man.... you promised if i talked to you you'd leave, now leave" Lunar said as she turned her back and vanished in the forest.

Soon Kai was on his way back down the mountain to his village, "Kai!!" Sai-ko, his older brother called out to his as he entered the village, "Our father request your presence he's been looking for you all day"

as Kai followed Sai-ko he saw the villager with a similar talisman to what luna had, "what's that?" Kai asked the humble village man.... with a smile the old man replied " this is the symbol of the goddess, most have forgotten about her, so now she's known as the Forgotten Goddess "

"Enough bull sh*t talk, the chief requires your presence" Sai-Ko nudged Kai towards the Chief tent..... as he entered he taught to himself "goddess?? it can't be? was it her? only one way to known, i must go back and find her"