
Forgiven, but forgotten

A 15 year old teenage girl named Pearl is exhausted from the very concept of life and wants nothing but to end it badly. Will she be successful in it or would something help change her mind?

Happy_melody_9206 · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

This world is really selfish but if you confront the world about it then they will give you 101 reasons about how they are kind and loving. Pearl was sick of this world's hypocrisy. She despised this world with all the strength that was left in her. She hated being a part of something that she never liked. She truly wished for the world to end soon.

Pearl's thoughts were eating her away. Whenever she was thinking about her past she could only see herself always crying. Whenever she tried remembering the happy memories, the memory would eventually turn into a sad one. She never liked being alive to begin with because life never seemed to have any sort of mercy towards her. Pearl was being driven to the point of insanity so much that, now she couldn't take it anymore. She knew she had to end this hella ridiculous of a joke called life. That was the only way she could escape her wretched fate.

No sooner Pearl had this thought, she quickly ran back to her own bedroom and started searching for the sleeping pills. When she finally got her hands on it she sat there for a while contemplating that whether she should leave a letter or message for her family because she was determined to end her life and there was no changing her mind

After an hour, she finally took a tons of pills and swallowed it while she sunk deep in her bed. With the remaining time she had left in her hands she started playing memories of her life. Even though a tear escaped her eyes, her lips kept on curling into smile.

"Even during the last moments of my life, there is still no happy memory that I can remember...."