
Chapter 16 : Weapon's Handling test

As Hektor was fuming in anger after being set up like that, it was already 18 p.m and he still had Weapon's Handling, Scouting and Depecing's tests to pass.

Knowing that he was quite angry, Arianne just stood next to him and didn't say anything. Fortunately, her prescence was enough to calm him and make him slowly refocus on what he had to do next.

After everyone finished their written tests, the Teachers and Examiners took away the desks and told the students who wanted to take on the remaining practical tests to wait for them. The rest of the students slowly departed and went back to the dormitory. Soon the teacher of the Weapon's class came inside the Arena. He was a middle aged man with black beard, black hairs, black eyes and a menacing gaze that could paralyze almost any students present here. His name was Teacher Mojo?

During the week he had passed in the academy, Hektor had had a great time during Weapon's Handling. First he was more experienced with his Katana than any other person in this year. Second, the teacher seemed to like him since Hektor didn't dare to slack off and was always serious about his training even when the exercices seemed easy to him, he gave it is all.

"Alright, now listen here students ! You'll first have to fight against hordes of beasts." Teacher Mojo said, creating waves of panicked murmurs.

"Don't worry we will be here in order to save any students that may be in danger, also the level of beast won't go beyond the Warrior Trainee realm. During the fight, those attempting the Scouting tests will have to show what they have learned, meaning stealth, escaping ability, one strike, one kill, Ambush, etc... As for the other just fight as if your life was on the line. Don't make us move for nothing. As for the Depecing test, it will be just after the Weapon's Handling and Scouting test. You'll have to collect everything collectable on the different beasts killed during the battle. Have fun !" Teacher Mojo said as he disappeared from where he was and rumbling sound soon echoed.

A door which had been until now closed opened on its own and swarms of beast appeared. There were numerous beasts of every kind, Black Bear, Kind Lion, Blood Chimpanze, Bone Snake, etc... Everything Hektor and his classmate had now were theirweapons and their will to fight.

Soon Hektor used his previous rage to draw more energy from himself and advanced towards the beasts. He was the first one who had recovered from the fear infliged by dozens of beasts running towards them. the other students even thought they had trained for most of their life in order to fight beasts were still paralized by fear and horror. He shouted.

"Men ! Women ! Gather yourself ! Fight or Die ! OHHHHH!" Hektor screamed as he lunged towards the beasts. Soon after, heads flew in the sky as only silver lights was seen. Each time Hektor moved, his katana was taking a live. It was like a movie. Every movement of Hektor had a meaning. To the smallest movement of his thumb to the largest movement of his arm. Each little movements of his body had the purpose of augmenting the damage of the next strike. Before he could even comprehend what was happening he entered a kind of trance. Time seemed to slow as he could see clearer than ever where the beasts were gonna attack him. His trian of thoughts were only focus on the beasts ahead of him and slowly, he forgot about the existence of the Examiners, Teachers and Students. Only him and the beasts were present in this world.

Soon after, his thoughts began to drift to another place. He thought of his home back on earth and how he, after being set up, had succeed on recovering and being one of the best in the world in his art. He had become someone important back then just by becoming an Artisant. It was now impossible for him to come back to earth. But he could still make sure that he would never again be set up. And to do that he must gain strenght. So much strenght that he doesn't need a name to make peoples shivers. Just by thinking of him, His ennemies must have shivers and piss their pants in fear, because he will never let them go.

An unkown amount of time passed as he woke up from his trance and found himself standing in a pond of blood, his katana in his right hand, a kind of ball in his left hand. Remains of beasts were scattered everywhere around him. An earthquake level of destruction seemed to have passed nearby, but deep down he knew. He knew that he was the perpetrator. The beasts who were released in order to fight the students were shivering and retreating, looking at him. When he saw that, Hektor asked himself what could have been the cause of this and soon found out the reason. It wasn't a ball in his left hand but the head of a Beast. It was the head of the only leader of the charge. The only Beast Trainee realm in the horde.

Looking behind him, he saw his classmate with some beasts remains ahead of them, shivering from fear while looking at him. Their thought could have been written on their faces. 'What the hell is this monster ! How can he kill so much beast, including their Chief and remain unscatted ? Holy Moly, I don't want any problem with someone like that.'

He could only sigh as he, soon after, left the Arena under the still shocked and afraid gazes of the Teachers, Examiners and students. Knowing that he without a doubt passed the Weapon's Handling test, he could now go to the school's forge and wait for the examiners and students to finish their own test.

Thirty minutes later, Arianne and some other classmates exited the arena and headed towards the forge. As soon as they reunited the classmates couldn't help but murmurs and look towards Hektor. Arianne was the only one who wasn't afraid and just waited next to him.

"You seemed quite angry." Arianne said. It seemed that she didn't have the same jolly mood as before. She was more serious and wore a stern expression as if to hide any little emotions she could have.

"I don't like being set up." Hektor wasn't in a good mood too and didn't really want to talk too, making their talk extremely short.

Arianne just nodded and waited with him. Soon Examiners, Teachers and the rest of the students exited the arena. Some students wore happy and content expression, while other were completely depressed. It seems that the test wasn't as simple for the other students that it had been for Hektor.

One of the Examiner and Teacher moved forward and introduced themselves.

"My name is Buldwock and for those who pass this test, you'll be able to skip grades and focus on more complicated blacksmithing. Beware as it's a forge not a playgroung. Anyone found out playing around and making crap out of the materials provided by the Academy will be heavily punished." The teacher of the Blacksmithing course introduced himself to the students who were a bit shocked. They hadn't gained the right to know his name prior to this test but now it seemed that Mr. Buldwock deemed them worthy ? Murmurs and chatters echoed outside of the forge.

"Oh for those who don't pass the test, my name isn't something for you to pronouce. Now, shut it and prepare yourself. You'll soon find yourslef in a world of fire and metal." Teacher Buldwock said as he opened the door of the forge and entered it, soon followed by the students who intended to pass the test. Of course, Arianne having no interest in forging and blacksmithing didn't enter and just waited for them to finish their test. She was still a bit sleepy because of the night visit of Hektor and decide to use the time she was given to sleep or at least to relax.

As Hektor advanced to enter the forge, students parted ways for him to pass. It seems that the fear he had instilled by his show still lingered in their minds.

The more they moved into the depth of the forge the hotter the temperature was. At first it was as if they were on a sunny day during the summer, but soon they felt as if they were transported inside a desert. Their skin which wasn't that used to that kind of heat reddened and some even had blisters. The only one who was somewhat fine was Hektor, again.

After receiving a building for himself, Hektor asked that a basement was created underneath the building. The basment had been used as a forge afterward. He soon spend a lot of money on Forging tools and began to train himself. Training in an environment full of heat was way more difficult than normal training. The hot air was heavier and put on some pressure on Hektor. He also had to always keep in mind his water supply as he didn't want to become dehydrated. After all the training he had done, in the basement during the two weeks before the school year, he ha dbuilt up some heat resistance necessary for every Blacsmith and Forger.

Therefore, even though his skin was still red, He wasn't sweeting and could keep on a straight face. Compared to his classmates, it was like the difference between the day and night. They were sweeting bullets and wore anguished face as if they would die if they stayed in this environment for more than ten minutes.