
Chapter 10 : Scene at the entrance

"Let me pass." Hektor said in a calm and cold voice.

The young men snickered and looked at each other, waiting for their leader to talk.

"Oh and who might you be ?" The leader asked with a cunning smile.

"My name is Nobody. Now if you know what's good for you, you'll let me pass." Hektor said as his face remained expressioneless.

Behind him Bernard was angry but had to stay quiet as he had been warned by his master. If he did something unnecessary, he would be gravely punished. Even if he didn't care about being punished, Hektor had told him to do it because it was also a test. What kind of future powerhouse would hide behind the name of his familly. Every strong person had to bask in the blood of his enemies.

The face of the leader twitched a bit before he said in a strong and loud voice.

"My name is Jarvis Caléo, from the Caléo familly, how dare a commoner like you talk back to me ? Men ! Cath him and let me give him a lesson !"

'WTF !! I just said that Iwanted to pass through and he send his minions attack me, does he have a death wish, does he even have a brain ? Maybe he was lull too close of a wall when he was young...' Hektor thought as he drew his Katana in a fraction of second.

The minions had just began their advance that he was already on them.

After checking more carefully, Hektor found out that only five minions were advancing towards him. They were trying to encircle him. Too bad they were clearly newbiesnd didn't have enough strenght to endanger Hektor.

He first advanced forward and slashed down with his katana the moving left foot of his ennemy, making him slip and roll on the ground. As one of the minions was already taken care of, Hektor continued. With the flat side of his katana, he hit with a circular blow the temple of a minion present on his right. He continued with a kick in the guts of the incoming minion on his left and advanced forward for the last minion who had jsyut seen all odf his friend being beaten in a split second. As Hektor advanced, the minion and Jarvis began to tremble and ask for forgiveness. they were truly pathetic as they were begging and begging. Hektor continued to walk forward and Jarvis was more and more afraid of the outcome.

'Holy Shit, how can a commoner be this strong ? How am I going to save myslef from a beating ? Ahh yes, I can try that !' Jarvis thougth in a frenzy.

"Hey, you how about we stop here, if you make a step forward, I'll make my entire familly come after you. You'll be dead, do you hear me ? DEAD!! Stop! stopp!!" Jarvis began to scream as Hektor didn't stop walking forward. Eventually Jarvis was cornered against the wall before the stairs and couldn't continue his retreat.

"Why do you scream so loud. First I don't care about you, so why should I stain my hand and beat you ? Second, my name is Nobody ! Go tell your parents and the whole Caléo Familly that Nobody humiliated you. Hahahahaha" Hektor said as a smile soon illuminated his face as he began to laugh at how ridiculous the situation was.

'F*ck, I must say the inventor of the adventure of Ulysse had to have a lot of imagination. Thanks a lot, it's really fun, man !' Hektor thought as he was secretly sending his approval to these mythical storytellers.

Everybody watching the scene was first stunned and soon had to put their hand on their mouth so that their laughswouldn't be heard. Numerous girls had also been enchanted by the smile of this young men. Not only was he extremely handsome and charismatic, but he was also very strong which was a prerequisite nowadays.

Before Hektor and Bernard went ahead and climbed the stairs to go into their room, Hektor got close to Jarvis and warned him while whispering.

"Be carefull my friend, I know who you are and I can know where you are faster than you. If I hear any rumors of you disrespecting a commoner because of their birth be prepared as I will come for you. And just so you know, my background is ten times stronger than yours. Don't try anything funny, Jarvis Caléo, 3rd son of Marc Caléo of the Caléo familly." Hektor whispered the last part as he still didn't want to blow his cover.

He ten climbed up the stairs as he want towards his room under the gaze of countless people. The school year had just begun and already some scene had happened.

On a corner a young girl had been watching the show with rapt attention. Only after Hektor had been out of her sight had she began to move and go to her room.

Jarvis, was still slowly suppressing his emotions as he was pondering what Hektor had told him.


As he entered his room, Hetor soon came to understand that his cover would sooner or later blow to smithereens. His room was spacious and filled with expensive things. He had a small bedroom where a king size bed laid. Then several rooms were linked to the hall. Kitchen, bedroom, study, dinning room, bathroom, living room and guest room. His servant had on the other hand a little cabinet where he had just enough space to lay in recovery position. After a second of rage Hektor regained his calm mind and breath a sigh as he coudln't do anything about it now.

"Bernard, go to the guest room and take it as your room. In the meantime, I won't let you sleep on the ground in this little cabinet, is it clear ?" Hektor asked with an ordering tone.

"Yes Mast- Maximus..." Bernard replied. He could sense his loyalty and and love for his master growing each day. He didn't abuse his domestics and servants. In fact he was very polite with them. He just had an ordering tone which wasn't that unpleasant as it reminded them of the army. It was a kind of little game between his servants and him. What was really cool about Hektor was that until now he hadn't thought of himself as a righteous and always right young master. Something that often happened in other familly. He always listened to the advice of everybody, being it a servants or his parents. If something wasn't to his liking he would discuss and if their was no solution to a problem he would just take matter into his own hand and order everyone making them feel like a little army.

"Put our bags in the little cabinet and let me tell you this now. From now on you're a student of this academy. Even thought you'll have to follow me through my schedule as you don't have any papers to your name, any inscription's token, I want you to listen with rapt attention to every classes and courses we will be in. You'll have to learn everything you can. Take it as an opportunity to rise in the social ranks. You'll be able to learn things you wouldn't be able to normally but you'll stay under my wing. If you have any problems come talk to me. It's an order, don't think that I'm joking, ANY problems and you have to come. I can't promise you to be able to help you with homework and knowledge learnt during classes but if somebody try to take advantage of yourslef, remember who I'm. Even thought I don't really want to blow up my cover, I won't let my subordinate be make fun of, no matter what." Hektor said.

"Now we can look at what our courses will be." Hektor thought out loud.

On the sheet of paper, there was a list of courses which were obligatory and another one with optional ones. In the obligatory one there was : History of the Empire, Church discipline's, Polindro, horse-riding, weapon's handling.

In the optional ones were Tactical warfare, survivalism, Bestiary, blacksmithing, depecing and scouting.

The courses could be skipped if you had enough knoweldge and passed a test. There is different level of mastery for each courses and it depend on you what you'll be able to learn. For exemple : Polindro is the language used in the Empire. If you already knew how to read it, speak it and write it fluently to a certain level you could be exempted of taking this course. Knowing that Hektor had spend about 80% of his time training in various domain till now, he would certainly be able to pass different kind of courses.

First, History of the Empire was almost sure to be passed with ease as it was the first subject he had studied, upon arriving in this world. Second, Polindro was of course something he had also long mastered. He didn't know how his weapon's handling was but knowing that he came from a reputed familly of warrior and trained without rest, he thought that he had good chance to pass with flying colors. He wasn't really sure what was Church discipline's, but was a bit afraid of discovering it. If it was some kind of brainwashing courses it would be somewhat dangerous. Alas Horse-riding was something he had never tried in this life and he previous one too. He would have to stick to this course.