
Chapter 1 : Reincarnation and past life

"Arghhhh, fuck that hurts" Hektor yelled.

Well that's what he thought but all that came out of his mouth was a piercing scream.

Suddenly two unknown faces appeared before him. One old woman who had grey hairs and blue eyes, reminiscence of a past where she should have countless pretendants. A man with brown hairs, eyes and beard. He had a piercing gaze which was a testament of a great intellect. All that could be seen in their eyes now was boundless love and care. They were smiling from ears to ears while conversing in a language that Hektor couldn't possibly understand.

"What are you talking now ? Is it Spanish ? Greek ? or Italian ?" Hektor tried to talk with them but heard something else. Some semi-words were uttered and formed something unintelligible.

Hearing that Hektor just began to connect the dots and looked around him.

'Wait I am not in my room at the hospital ! What am I doing here and what's going on here ?'

Hektor tried to sit down and look around but soon discovered that he wasn't in a bed. Two little arms were moving in a strange way. It seems he had difficulties trying to move his body as he wanted to.

'Isn't my arms a little to fat and small ?'

Hektor constated as he looked down. His eyes widened as he saw his body. He was as little as a baby. His little dragon was so small he doubted he could even use it correctly.

Searching for answers everywhere, his head began to spin as he looked around too much. He saw an umbilical cord covered in blood at his feets. He found himself on a bed with bloodied sheets. The two faces hadn't moved since then and slowly he saw the old woman approach and take him in her hand.

'I can fit in her hands now ? I clearly remember being so big and fat that I could even pass my house's door. At the end of the day I had to enlarge the door's frame.' Hektor thought.

Using all the clues he had gathered he easily found the answer to his question 'What the fuck's going on here ?' He had been reincarnated and was currently in the body of a baby.

Being dumbstruck by this unexpected opportunity Hektor couldn't help but ponder about his past life and how he had come to die.


Hector Maximus was an american who had toured for a small chunk of his life. He had soon understood how other country viewed United-State and how they appeared as a joke. Concerned with the well-being of the state and how it would develop in the future, he took his chance and presented himself in the presidential elections with good ideas. He had took the time to ponder and find ingenious ideas to regain the leading place America had a long time ago. He soon had lots of supporters as he was someone close to the people. Alas his opponent seeing his fame rise abruptly and dangerously, decided to make it stop here for him.

The man spread false information about him and set him up. He publied everything he could find about him and his past and even lied before the Constitution and the Bible. The man used the fact he was an orphan to make him an threat for the society. He lied pretending to have found evidence of him stealing people. After rejecting every evidences and trying everything in his power to make the truth come out. He was put to court.

The problem was that he had to proves his innocence while the court was clearly bribed. he tried everything, going as far as trying to bribe them himself aswell but soon found out that it was impossible to compete with a man like that. Their wealth was just too far from each other. He was a basique millionair while his opponent was so rich he could fit in the top richest man in the world of the year.

After being humiliated and forced to pay individuals he didn't even know of, the sums he had supposedly stolen, he decided to earn some money before going to another country were he could live quietly without the interferrence of other scum-human being. That's how he lived ten years doing nothing but focusing on his hobbies.

As more time passed he decided to learn new jobs and skills. He was already rich and could easily live without doing anything for the rest of his live but he wanted to live, he wanted to learn and to discover new things. He didn't want to stagnate for the rest of his life without doing anything. To do so he tried to learn all the skills available to him. Drawing, writting, learning new languages and finally blacksmithing. After learning the last one he found out that he loved blacksmithing. So much that at night he dreamt of it. He woke up with new ideas and found it a joy to create new weapons. Spears, swords, axes, and all kind of weapons were created without end in his fournace. This new activity took him twenty years.

At the end of his life he could be called a true Artisan, someone who had make his profession and hobby an Art and infused in it his heart and soul for years. He was soon recognized as the youngest Artisan in the world at 63 years old and the one with the less amount of years spend on his Art. 20 years was a really short time to become Artisan in a profession. Most of the holders of the Artisan Title were old fossils who had been honing their skills since they graduated. Their was a clear gap between them.

After he became recognized and got a little bit of fame, he decided to retire and spend the rest of his time taking care of his garden. After years of working without any extravagent expenditure he had amassed a lot of money which he put into a greenhouse where he grew lot of different kind of exotic and rare plants.

it's 4 years later that a cancer of the pancreas took hold of him. He soon found it impossible to take care of his greenhouse and was forced to go to the hospital. 1 year later, after hours and hours of chemotherapy he decided to finish with life as he was tired of all this shit. All he wanted now was peace and quiet.

He disconnected all his machines and sunk in a deep sleep. One he wouldn't woke up from easily. The last and eternal one. Death.


Going back to the present, Hektor was being held by the old woman and looked at by the piercing gaze of the brown man.

'Reincarnation is possible now ? pity I hadn't just reverted back to the past, I would have make the man pay so much... haaaa, I will have to do with being here. Maybe I can continue to being a blacksmith and create weapons.' Thinking about his future prospect, Hektor had glistening eyes and laughed.

A giggle sounded and he was soon put into the arms of his mother. A woman who had been behind him since the beginning. Her blue eyes and blonde hairs were all it took to understand the link between the old woman and her. They were definitvely familly. Maybe even mother and daughter.

She looked at Hektor with loving eyes and a kind and gentle smile. She just told him something. A small phrase that held all her intent and love. As soon as Hektor heard that, even thought he couldn't understand the language of this world, profound emotions started to invade himself. Smal pangs was heard in his heart and he soon understood that it was his heart beats going faster. he didn't need any language to comprehend the intent behind these words. It was something he had yearned for in his past life being orphan. That was love from his parents.

The brown-man walked nearer his mother and squat down. He was now at the same height as the woman. He kissed his mother and looked at Hektor with love, care, expectation and a whole lot of emotions.

'Ha it's probably father, hope so or it would become awkward quickly.'

He said nearly the same unintelligible phrase that send me pangs in my hearts and soon took out a little blade and presented it to me.

Since Hektor looked at his parents while giggling the entire time, thanks to being a baby, he could see that his father hadn't had any ill intent or agression in his eyes.

Hektor looked at him, searching for his approval and as soon as he saw him smile and say a brief something while nodding at him, he reached and took his little blade firmly while his eyes narrowed for a split second.

Of course it didn't escape the gazes of my parents and the old woman. They soon looked up at each other with joy in their eyes as they began to rejoice, laugh, smile and his father even performed a little dance. hektor could see their happiness but slowly his sight became clouded. His eyelids twitched and became heavy, his mouth widened as he yawned

'Hahaha, a familly... I have a familly... Never again, never will I let it go away from me... Never . . .' His last thought sounded in the black of his mind as he slowly sunk into Morphé's arms.

Tomorow promised to be a busy day.