
Forging Empires and the Utopia

After looking at suggestions of viewers it's acomplete rewrite better story and plot without any system. "I find myself at a crossroads in my writing journey. The pacing in the current storyline feels rushed, leaving little room for a proper introduction of the main character. Additionally, the timeline is disarrayed, prompting me to consider scrapping the existing concept and starting afresh in the 1970s. The new narrative would involve substantial plot development, transcending the current shitty Hollywood and the world as whole and exploring deeper themes. Making much better wish fulfillment story. Introduction of older actresses (females) without the system in place, I envision a tale featuring fundamental superpowers like longevity and super genius. ***Synopsis... "Have you ever wondered what a person will do when he finds himself on alternate earth?" In a realm teetering on the edge of chaos, our protagonist is bestowed with an extraordinary opportunity. Armed with the intellect and experiences of Norman Osborn from Earth-616, they embark on an ambitious journey to build not just an empire but a utopia. As the architect of his destiny, He navigates the intricate web of power, ambition, and innovation. However, with great potential comes great responsibility, and the choices made in the pursuit of this grand vision will shape not only his destiny but the fate of the world. Can he transcend the shadows of his past, break the shackles of ordinary existence, and truly forge a legacy that stands the test of time? Join our visionary protagonist as he navigates the challenges of building an empire and strives to create a better world against the backdrop of intrigue, ambition, and the relentless march of time people of dark kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Harem, Pretty Big Harem, and world-hopping with a twist, no ntr, yes stealing girls, very lustful and pretty aggressive MC. Not really his fault though. He's not dumb either. I am doing this for fun, and it's fantasy just all books on this platform but it's going to be filled with realism. Love all the reader's thanks for your support And if you are very good at English I need an editor but no payment because even I don't earn A single penny from this thanks love you all

GodOfGreedAs · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

CH: 13 Buying a House

13 Buying a House

With a confident smile, he greeted the big celebrity next door.

"Hi beauty, my girlfriend really likes you and your work. Can you leave a contact?"

Rita didn't expect the young man next door to have such thick skin, but with so many people on the plane, she didn't want any trouble and just coldly replied, "No."

'Damn, this is not giving me a face,' Henry's smile faltered for a moment, then he spoke again, "Beauty, let's exchange contact information. Maybe we will have a chance to collaborate in the future."

This time Rita ignored the other party, pretending not to hear.

"Babe, forget it," seeing that Henry wanted to speak, Susan quickly grabbed his hand.

'Damn it, with that attitude, I must personally taste you and even direct a romance action movie with you,' Henry thought to himself, affirming his plans to enter the entertainment industry, but for now, he could only solemnly keep the other party in mind.

Seeing him looking unhappy, Susan quickly changed the subject. "Babe, I plan to visit DisneyLand first, then Silicon Valley, and also take a stroll at the Golden State Gateway. We don't have much time, and there are too many places to visit. Do you have any special places you want to go?"

Henry temporarily put away his frustration, reached out, and ruffled Susan's head. "We won't finish visiting this time; we will come again next time. As long as it's a fun place, we'll visit them all… Over the weekend, my parents are more important, and I also have some work to do. But don't worry; in a few months, my cousin is getting married, and he has agreed to go back directly this time. I can only stay for a week as many things have come up that I need to deal with."

Susan seemed to want to comfort Henry and said immediately, "Then I will definitely remember to buy a business class ticket next time and also a five-star hotel."

Henry was amused by her stay in a hotel. "When we arrive in California, let's just find a real estate agent and buy a house and property there. Then we will have a place to stay when we want to visit in the future."

Susan started to worry again. "Babe, the housing prices in California are too expensive. Isn't it a bit wasteful?"

"Wasteful of what? By the way, I heard that the houses in Thompson One are good. When we get to Boston, we will ask around if there's a suitable one and will just buy it."

Next door, Rita listened to the conversation of the two people next to her and couldn't help but find it amusing.

'This young man in front of her was really exaggerating. What kind of places? Thompson One. The price of a square meter there is hundreds of dollars; at any decently big Random House, it costs over at least 1 million.

"Even within the entertainment industry, few big stars can afford such extravagance. And while some of the wealthiest individuals may boast considerable assets, much of their wealth is tied up in investments, not readily available cash. To possess such a substantial sum on hand would catapult one into the upper echelons of the top 1% of elites."

This young man in front of her was probably just fooling the girl next to him. If he really could afford it, then that would be a miracle.

The plane pierced through the clouds and reached Boston in less than four hours. The plane arrived at San Jose Airport after just 4 hours of flight. Henry already informed his parents to pick him up, so he looked for them.

After searching for 5 minutes, he found them waiting in the waiting room while sitting and chatting. Soon enough, they noticed Henry and Susan as they came over.

Margaret then held Susan's hand as she pried her eyes all over Susan's body.

Susan felt quite nervous as this is the first time she met her boyfriend's mother. Although she already heard from Henry how nice his mother was, it's natural she is feeling nervous now.

"You must be Susan, come here to mom." Then Margaret hugged Susan as she felt happy for her son to finally get a good girl.

After chatting for a while, they decided to go back home as it is not convenient for chatting here.

House of William

Knowing Henry and his girlfriend would come, Margaret especially cooked a lot of food. After eating, Henry talked about how he lives in the university and about his career. Margaret and Jacob just laughed as they felt their son finally had grown up.

Henry then talked about his career, and Margaret and Jacob heard it with interest as they were curious how much money Henry had made in the last few months and the details about his contract with the new publishing company.

After hearing how much Henry has made over the past 7 months, Margaret and Jacob were shocked as the number was just too shocking for anyone. Having that much liquid meant he was really one of the richest men alive.

""Mom, Dad, I want you to stop working so hard. You know my wealth can support us comfortably for the rest of our lives. I'm not saying you have to quit your jobs if you enjoy them, but there's no need for overtime or extra stress anymore. I want you to enjoy life to the fullest. Here, I will transfer $5 million to your account so whatever you want with it." Henry's words were filled with sincerity and love, as he wanted nothing more than to see his parents happy and stress-free. After all, with their son being a true millionaire, they deserved to enjoy the fruits of his success.

After Margaret and Jacob heard that, they agreed as they knew Henry's net worth would not run out even if they lived quite luxuriously. Even Jacob felt excited as he already felt quite tired of teaching at Stanford as many times he must work overtime and caused him to rarely meet his family if not in the morning.

Margaret and Jacob made the decision to embark on a journey, exploring the United States and possibly venturing into Europe. With their son's intellect surpassing their expectations, they felt confident leaving him to his own devices as he entered adulthood. After attending the wedding of Jacob's nephew, they would begin their much-deserved holiday, eager to experience new adventures and create lasting memories together.

It was a grand family event, deeply ingrained in the William family tradition, with members from all corners of the family gathering to celebrate. Little did they know, this seemingly ordinary celebration would mark the beginning of an extraordinary transformation for the younger generation of the William family. In a twist of fate, each young man would soon rise to become a billionaire, their futures forever altered by the events of this momentous occasion. As they toasted to family ties and shared laughter, little did they realize that this would be just the first of many celebrations held in honor of their son's countless weddings, each one a testament to their unprecedented success and prosperity in matters of money and love.

Also this time would help Jacob to settle his job as a professor at Stanford and Margaret must arrange her bookstore to her assistant.

Henry decided to spend the night at his parents' house with Susan, planning to purchase a new home the following day. Margaret was eager to catch up with Susan, teach some important lessons to her possibly Daughter In Law and before long, the men found themselves politely ejected from the room, Margaret declaring it a "girls' talk" affair.



The next day.

Bright and early on Monday morning, Henry's eyes opened up at the prompt of his alarm clock.

Susan, sprawled over his chest and dressed in a pair of skimpy pink pajama's gave a sleepy murmur but didn't stir all that much. She was quite the heavy sleeper.

He reached over with his free hand and turned off the alarm and just lay there for a moment, enjoying the feeling of one of his girl's soft bodies pressed against him.

She was so soft and so warm.

Henry admired Susan's cute sleeping face, her hair undone from its usual ponytail and falling in a long waterfall down her back.

He stroked his hand through her silky blond hair, just taking her in and confirming as he had done near every morning over the past two weeks, that this was real. This hot bombshell, Susan was his girlfriend.

Fiance even according to her.

Bright smile appeared on his face, gently extracting himself from his girlfriend's embrace, allowing her to roll over onto his pillow and nuzzle her face into it.

Before getting his early weekend morning preparations taken care of. He washed up, changed into some exercise clothing and had some pre-work out.

By the time he finished exercising, 45 minutes had passed. He looked at Susan, who was still nuzzling in his pillow, shaking his head with a smile. He woke her up, as today they were going to buy a house. When she heard that Henry wanted to buy a house today, she quickly got up, brushed her lips against Henry's, and rushed to the bathroom to clean herself.

Henry then quickly followed her to the bathroom as he wanted to shower together with his girlfriend.

After they finished cleaning themselves and putting on good clothes, Henry and Susan headed to the garage and took Jacob's old car, which was a Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454. After that, they went to the biggest real estate agent as they would have a finely detailed list of the houses.

They left the house behind by eight-thirty in the morning.

As soon as Henry and Susan arrived at the agency, they were warmly welcomed by the front desk lady. With just a glance, she recognized them as potential customers, especially noting Henry's demeanor. Despite their attire being modest, their unmistakable aura set them apart, particularly Henry's.

Temperament can only be formed by their living condition and innate status. So judging from this, the lady quickly knows this is an absolutely potential customer.

"Good Morning, Sir, and Madam, may I help you?" The lady politely asked.

"Yes, we're in search of a house. Could you recommend one for us?"

When the lady heard that, she smiled as she already knew her commission was secured, so she said, ""Of course, sir. You've made a wise choice by selecting us as we are the best agents in the San Jose area. Please follow me, sir."

Henry and Susan followed the lady as she led them to a room. With a gentle knock, she addressed the person inside, "Manager, these fine gentlemen and lady are interested in purchasing a house."

The person in the room, a slightly plump lady in her 40s, greeted Henry warmly. "Good morning, sir. Are you interested in purchasing a house? If so, please have a seat." Despite Henry and Susan's youthful appearance, the manager maintained her professional demeanor, recognizing potential clients when she saw them. She presumed they might be the children of a wealthy family, but regardless, as long as they were interested in buying a house, she was ready to assist them.

Henry and Susan then sat down.

"May I ask what budget you provide, sir?" The manager asked so she could better recommend something.

"Around $4 to $5 Million all front cash," Henry said in a casual manner as this money was just a little compared to his net worth now. He didn't care about $5 Million as the net worth he has now is enough for his company establishment.

The manager and the front desk lady were taken aback by Henry's declaration. Such a large sum of money was almost unfathomable to them, especially considering the real estate market in 1973, where the average house cost between $25,000 to $30,000. The idea of purchasing a house for $5 million in cash, without the need for an FHA loan, seemed almost incredulous. Their shock was palpable as they tried to process the enormity of this teenager's financial capacity.

The manager's voice trembled as she asked, "A-Are you sure, sir?" The enormity of Henry's request left her speechless, considering their most expensive listing didn't even come close to that figure. Regret began to gnaw at her, realizing that even if she lived her best life without holding back, $10 million wouldn't be fully consumed. And this man was buying a property for half of that.

"Of course, do you think I'm joking?" Henry then asked with a sharp tone.

"N...NO, it's just that our most expensive house available for sale is priced at $1.8 million, so your budget exceeds my imagination a little bit," the manager stammered, clearly flustered by Henry's substantial offer. This encounter was likely the most significant one she had ever experienced, and possibly ever would.

""Then bring me to that house. I'd like to take a look and decide after that," Henry declared, rising from his seat. Susan quickly followed soon, still reeling from the shock of Henry's extravagant budget. Yet, she brushed aside her disbelief, knowing that this is her man!!

The manager's hands trembled slightly as she quickly rose from her seat and commanded the front desk lady, "Quick, inform Jack to prepare the car. Tell him we have a big customer coming." The front desk lady nodded hurriedly, immediately darting off in search of Jack, the company driver.

"No need for that," Henry interjected, his voice calm but firm as he grabbed Susan's hand. "I'll be taking my car. You can follow us and guide us along the way."

The manager then quickly went too as she didn't want the big customer to wait. After 4 minutes, the manager's car set sail followed by Henry's car.

After driving 5 minutes, they came to a mini forest composed of a maple tree. Now it's almost time for winter, so maple leaves were everywhere in the air so they formed an amazing spectacle. Susan's eyes widened as she felt this scene was so beautiful and romantic. Now there are only two of them in the car and surrounded by maple leaves, so the atmosphere quickly became romantic.

"It's so beautiful," Susan remarked, gazing at Henry as he drove with admiration in her eyes. "It must be nice to live here for a lifetime." Overcome with emotion, she couldn't resist and stole a kiss from Henry's lips, momentarily forgetting that he was still driving.

As Henry's hand slipped from the steering wheel, it found its way to Susan's soft ass, and he playfully pinched it, eliciting a surprised yelp from her. Startled, she swiftly disengaged from their kiss, shooting him a playful yet admonishing glare. "I appreciate the passion, but babe, let's focus on the road," he chided with a smile, his eyes twinkling with affection.

Soon he is focused on driving, but his smile can't be obstructed and he quickly thinks about something. After 5 minutes of a romantic journey, they finally arrived at a big estate. The name of the estate is Flood Estate and its address is 331 Greer Road, Woodside, and the estate style is a Classic America. (Search for the address if you want to take a look at the estate)

Built in 1941, the Flood Estate sits on more than 40 acres of gorgeous rolling hills. The property includes plentiful gardens, a gatehouse, tennis court, swimming pool, and colonial-style main house with nine bedrooms.

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