
Forget me not Hana x Yeol

wake up, Hana almost forget everything. why? checked the story as her journey begin.

QueenMelody · Fantasy
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15 Chs

13. "you were the one that always be mine"

Back in present time

Me and sungyeol walk trough path to school, we stand in front of the gate, the school gate was closed.

"What happen the next day? Did we eat together?"

Sungyeol hold my hands and look at me

"You remember when we ask you for lunch at first day you came to school after the accident?, It was set as same as it happened during our first lunch last year"

Sungyeol begin to walk so I follow him. We walking forward and leave the school

"you prepared it so I can remember"


"That's why I keep thinking the situation was familiar except for sae ron presence"

"Oh it's because at that time woo hyun not dating sae ron,they just dating about 4 months ago"

"Oh I see now,reason I'm hesitated"

"if I didn't ask sae ron, it will be too suspicious to take you and make you uncomfortable as well to sit with just bunch of loud boys"

I stop walking, sungyeol look at me

"Why? Are you tired?"

"So you did all for me,yet it's still hard for me to remember everything"my eyes begin teary,I hide my face behind my hands and the flower, try hold my tears, but my heart feel so hurt and torn apart

Sungyeol get close and hug me, his right hands pat my head and his left hands at my back

"Didn't I tell you,we both look ugly when cried,don't make me cry too okay"

But hearing he say thing like that make me more sad and begin to cry

"It's okay, even if you can't remember everything, I don't care,just remember me, cause if you remember me, we can make the good memory again"

The sun begin to set, the color from sun is so pretty and warmhearted.

We continue our walk to our last destination, the park, not far from our school, the park that save many memories for us, the park when I find sungyeol and begin remembering him again.


Sungyeol handed me a cup of cold chocolate drink and side beside me

I sip it slowly

"Is it good?"

I nodding

Sungyeol cover my leg with his cardigan, we sitting on park bench

"You look tired, I'll walk you home"

"No, I'm not tired. Let's go after I drink this"

Sungyeol straightened his legs, I can look his long legs. I took my phone and get a picture of his and my legs, there so big gap length

"What's that?"

"Look, I take a picture of our legs, look at the length difference"

"Wow I just realised it"

"Your long legs?"


"Then what?"

"That you were lucky girl who have tall boyfriend"

I'm speechless

"Hahaha" sungyeol laugh

But seeing him happy make me happy too

We walking through bushes to small pathway, sky become darker, light from lamp start to on and the star look so pretty. We stand near the fence, the view so beautiful.

I take deep breath



I hold the flower with both my hands, I bite my lip and hold my nervous,I close my eyes

"lee sungyeol I love you"

Silence coming

I open my eyes slowly and I can't see sungyeol, I was surprise but then i look down, sungyeol were squat and close his face with his hands

"Hey, you do it again, make me like a silly person"

He grab my hand and pull me closer gently, so I squat in front of him

"Thank you" he said

"So why you like this?"

"I'm too shy to handle your love confession" he peek from his arm

I just find his other personal side that I'm the only know it

I pat his head, he take my hand and put in his blushing cheeks

"Promise we will together forever?" I ask

"I can't make promise like that,there's no such promise, what if I die?"

"That's true, so let's together until we leave the earth"

"Pfft" sungyeol laugh

"Why you laugh?"

Sungyeol stand and stretch his body


He flicked my forehead and run

I chase him and keep asking why

He wraps his hands around my shoulder and we laugh together.