
The Forger

Hey. Just so you know, the upload schedule will not be consistent and will depend on what I have to do in my everyday life. I can somewhat guarantee 1 chapter per week. The chapter's length will depend on how smexy I'm feeling


"Man… What a shitty life."

A man sat up while rubbing the back of my head. Looking around a bit more, he saw nothing but an endless void.

"I guess I'm in hell." He then looked down, now aware that he has no clothes on.

"Why do you think you're not in heaven?" A blond hair, golden eyes, revealing clothes, big honkers, and a halo. In conclusion, she's an Angel.

"What a stupid question. Are you aware of how many people I have killed?" The man responded with visible anger and regret on his face.

"You did not kill them with your hands-"

"That's like you're saying I ordered a nuke on a city. I did not fire the nuke but that guy did so it's his fault."

"..." The angel could not reply despite millennia of work experience in this category.

"I made more things that can kill than you can count numbers." The man felt like punching the air but in truth, he was punching the pride and ego of a High Angel.

Veins started popping on the Angel's forehead as she started losing patience. But in the end, she sensed guilt overflowing through the man so she just sighed and moved on. She flicked her hand in the air and a clipboard appeared in her hand.

"John Creek. Born in 2582 in your years, died in 3059. Cause of death, suicide. Cause of suicide, guilt. Cause of guilt, the number of people your creations have been used for war." The Angel started listing John's life in a summary.

John clench his fist so tight that blood would have come out if they were in the world of the living.

"Number of deaths that resulted in your creations are 10 planets, extinction of one race, over one trillion civilians, and-"

"Shut the fuck up." This was the second time he has cut off the one speaking. "I know what I did. Every one of them, so shut up and piss off."

"What a temper. Usually, the sinners would come and beg not to be sent to hell. I'm not even sure hell will be enough to resolve your guilt and anger." She tossed the clipboard into the air as it dissolved. "So the Gods have a resolution. You will be sent into another universe where you will also be cursed. You cannot die until you saved the same amount of people you have killed."

"Huh?" The man is now more confused by this. "Why have the Gods involved themselves in this?"

"Don't ask me. I'm just the messenger." The High Angel smirked. "You will be provided with the necessary supplies to make this possible."

The Angel extended her arm as a semi-transparent window show up. The top of the window says the "Forger System".

"What the hell are you planning."

"A redemption ark." The Angel poke his chest. "You will also be granted the 'Eyes of Judgment'. This will help you in your journey. If you save someone with a red light covering them, you will lose points. The system will explain the rest."

The world of endless void started disappearing leaving light to cover the rest as John's body turned into dust with dull green eyes.


"..." The man slowly opened his eyes as the bright sun greeted him. "Hm."

He looked around and saw that he was in a desert. With a robe this time. He looked under the robes and what do you expect, nothing.

"Fuckers. They can give me a robe but can't give me anything to cover my family jewels." He cursed them yet again. "At least my body is still nice and all my scars are gone. System."


"Hmm. A sentient one."

[... How did you know?]

"Normally they would add host or master to the end. And now you just confirmed my theory." John rubbed the desert sand off of the only piece of cloth covering his bare body. "A system is not something I'm unfamiliar with."

[You did not confirm you're theory before this?]

"Of course not. If you were me, you have to gamble in everything." He was in a sitting position as he touched the sand, "Gawd damn that's hot."

[That is to be expected. You are on Tatooine]

"Tatooine? Never heard of that before."

[You are not in the same dimension as before. There is not Earth here but humans still exist.]

"Anyways why are you here?"

[I am here to help you in whatever way is possible. Your mission is anything but easy.]

"Alright, where is the nearest place where I can find shoes?"



[You have an inventory. Use it]


[Imagine that you are finding something, in this case, it would be shoes. The pull it out]

John put his hand into the air and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he closed his hands as if he were grabbing something and pulling it out. A pair of black leather shoes flew out of the air and smacked John in the face as it slipped out of his hands.

"Ugh." John groaned as he reached into the air again before pulling more black leather clothes out. "Give me some info on this planet."

[Tatooine was a planet located in the Outer Rim, a region of the galaxy far removed from its core. It had three moons, Ghomrassen, Guermessa, and Chenini. Long ago, Tatooine was covered in oceans and rainforests, but for unknown reasons, it became a hot desert world. Tatooine orbited twin suns, Tatoo I and Tatoo II. The whole planet was covered in harsh deserts, and only a small part of its northern hemisphere could sustain intelligent life. The landscape was covered with sand dunes, mountains, and canyons, which made traversing the planet very difficult. Due to the absence of surface water, those who lived on Tatooine had to draw moisture through the dry air. Rain was incredibly rare on Tatooine, coming once a year, decade, or century. When the rain came, some plants were able to grow in a brief yet glorious period. Inhabiting the planet were many native species, the largest of which were the carnivorous krayt dragons. The common krayt dragon, while more plentiful, was shadowed by the greater krayt dragon, which submerged itself under the shifting sands and used its powerful limbs to traverse through the dunes. In addition, the common bantha and eopie species also found a home on the world, along with dewbacks, rontos, womp rats, massiffs, and scurriers. The cities of Tatooine were frequently blasted by sandstorms and the inhabitants always seemed to know when one was coming. Not much distinguished the towns as the poor standard of living was common. The cities were separated from each other by large expanses of deserts. Rural life, on the other hand, was mostly small moisture farms that sold water and food for a meager living.]

"What a nice place aye?" John fully clothed himself. "Nearest city?"

[3 miles to you're left is the city of Mos Eisley]

"Alrighty" John stood up and started walking. "Now, no one in this universe should know what my past is. Let's leave that behind."

After walking for a bit John made up his mind.

"Yes, that will be perfect. My name. The one I chose is Lis."

[What a curious human. This journey shall be fun]

"You have a mirror?" Lis asked the System.

[Of course]

A mirror displayed the face of his new life. He still had his red eyes inherited from his mother and that golden yellow hair replaced his original long black one.

"Tell me more of this universe as we move." Lis pulled his hood up and increases his walking speed.

[As you command]


"Hmhmhm" Lis was humming near the city of Mos Eisley with many others trying to get in at the same time. "What a place ehe."

Lis learned how the system works while waking to Mos Eisley. He first has to gain [0/150,000,000,000,000] points to get rid of the curse to be unable to die. 150 trillion is not a small number to save but it's the price to pay. If he inspires someone to save another, that will also count as a point. If he inspires someone to kill someone innocent, he will lose points as well as if he kills an innocent. If Lis has direct involvement in an event that saves people, points will be gained.

And the main, the Forge. The Forge is a second dimension of a forge capable of making a large number of weapons, ships, or armor. The tools will be provided but the material will not be.

Lis continued to walk into the city. Even from near out outside of the city, he could still see the big hole in the middle.

'No security guards here as well. Must be someone that has high influence protecting them then.'

[Correct. The true powers in control of Mos Eisley were the Hutt gangsters, who found slavery a useful institution. One could not set foot on Tattooine without bumping into a dealing that went back to him. His influence extended all throughout the Outer Rim]

'Tsk. Slavery even exists here as well.' Lis clicked his tongue and went to a bar called the Mos Eisley Cantina. 'I can smell the alcohol from here.'

[Why a bar?]

'Aren't you a new system now? How do you think they can keep so much expensive bottles of alcohol on the shelves and never drink them? That a sign that they sell info or a place stuffed with mercenaries.'


Lis opened the mechanic door and walked into the bar. When the people inside heard the door open, it earned Lis strange gazes. The robed man ignored them and approached the bartender, who was a robot and asked for a drink.

A/n - I could not find who was the bartender before clone wars so if you know, please tell me and I will change stuff.

Before Lis could speak to the robot bartender, someone interrupted him by swinging his arm around Lis' shoulder. A Rodian with his gang slowly approaches the mysterious man.

"Heyyyy~ Far from home I assume?" The green alien spoke with the rest of his friends reaching for their blasters. "Why don't you buy me a drink?"

"Get your filthy hands off." What a regular person sees smugglers, pilots, and bounty hunters. What Lis sees is a place filled with red arua.


Lis grabbed him by the throat and ripped out everything where his neck was. Green blood spilled everywhere as Lis took the blaster from the Rodian's dead body and used his body as a shield from the others that were shooting at him.

Lis throws the green body at one of the goons and shot another one. Picking a glass with drinks inside, Lis threw it at another shooter and blasted the glass with the shards flying into his eyes before getting shot in the head. And another went down when he got shaken by the death of his friend until no more blasters were being shot at him.


1,905 words

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