
Unnamed inventor

Opening the back of his semi a sleek black box was shown as he glanced at it he tapped the exterior once his finger made contact a golden light spread across the box as it opened

Revealing a metal knight coated in all black

"Hmm look like the spring busted again and damn the interior all fried"

As a blue screen slided infront of the bot from the case showing the damages of last night fight

Glancing at the envelope in his pocket he sighed

"I really need to find a way to keep you from breaking" shaking his head arrgon without a doubt was a powerful bot but it had it problems

"Hey arrgon wake up" with a snap of his finger the robot eyes shone red as it stood from it case it locked eyes with its creator

System analysis -Error spinal Spring has ceased to function- -Er?#*? Systems failling#^*>%- shutting down

As it collapsed with a hard thud leaving a very pissed off inventor

After about 30 minutes of hard manual labor our protagonist got him back in his case as he sat leaning against it he was at a lost

"What am I even doing anymore waiting for the cannon nah that not it -sigh- what would Sam think if he saw his older brother bitching about life " as he slapped his cheek he got up

"Ok ok first things first fix arrgon and we'll see what happens after"

-one day later-

Outside of sleepy motel a black semi was parked and inside was mad scientist on his 100th Red Bull

"I finnaly fixed you bastard I don't know why I decided to make you look like artorias if I knew it would be this problematic to fix you every time I would've gone with baymax"

As he threw his combo wrench to the ground their in all its glory stood Arrgon Version 3 don't ask what happened to the others as they all had the same fate low budget

-System analysis-

-spinal spring operationial

-high frenzy operational

-limbs operational

-software operational

-system evaluation-


"Yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah"

Should've never added that feature


Looking at me phone I saw a message from Finn

<hey got a fight tonight 100k main card winner takes all to the death you in>

Glancing at it I typed back

<sure >

Arrgon needed a fight anyways


When I arrived one thing became painfully obvious everyone was watching as they all stopped working on their bots to watch me unload Arrgon

Smirking I realesed him as the black case opened awe's and gasp were heard here in all his beauty the king has appeared

As his eyes glowed red he followed me as we made our way through the crowd


"Still one scary motherfucker almost feel sorry for skullcrusher" said Finn as he and his group walked towards me

"Skullcrusher?"i spoke who ever named their bot that must seriously be dedicated

"His opponent anyways your match starts in ten I hope the King give a good show tonight"said finn as he walked away

"Don't worry he will"


"The bot who trampled who ravages who diabolically destroyed his opponents SKULLCRUSHER!"finn said ah yelled in mic as the crowd chanted and screamed the bot name as he walked out with heavy music playing

With robot heads decorating his waist red paint coated his metal skin as a devilish smile was painting on its head it dragged behind it a robotic corpse of it last opponent

As it threw it in the ring it jumped over the metal ropes and roared

Behind it a obese man laughed but was cut short as the lights turned off

"To walk into the kings home without kneeling is a act worthy of death you should be honored foolish one for he is a merciful lord"

As the light converged into one spot a figured clad in black walked with it red glowing eyes shutting everyone up

And behind stood a figure wearing a black hoodie as he followed his bot


As he jumped in the ring he stood infront of skullcrusher


Finn slammed the bell as skullcrusher struck first with a haymaker

Only for it to fall short as just before it hit arrgon leaned back just a little as it passed him

"Arrgon was hit the king has been struck in his own home"

As the inventor of Arrgon raised a brow "he must have not seen it whatever another easy win"

As the obese man laughed he pointed at Arrgon creator "this is my win you lost stranger this is my perfect victory!!!"


"Huh" as the obese man looked toward the stage his eyes were in shock his bot last attack was stopped

"No it's mine"

As arrgon twisted the bots arm with it left it swung it own and cleanly sliced threw it

"You lost the moment you entered the ring no"


As arrgon grabbed ahold of the arm like a bat it lashed out with it on the head of skullcrusher

"No that not right Ever since you entered the building nah that not it either"


As it swung harder and harder on the head of skullcrusher to the point where it head was being crushed

The obese man finnaly reacted as it bashed buttons as the heads on its bots waist glowed