
Forged in Chains: The rise of prisoner

this is a story of a innocent boy who later become man to be feared with his irregular power rises by breaking the limit. if you want then come join his journey and watch as he go from and insect to something that even people feel dread calling the name he become

Nikhil_Singh_4588 · Action
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2 Chs


A child, who appears to be about 14 years old, is seen in a magnificent palace, groveling on the ground on both knees, pleading for forgiveness and crying. He has deep black hair and green eyes as deep as never ending forest .

The child says, "I haven't done any of this; I am being framed. Please listen to me."

The child was surrounded by a number of people dressed in opulent clothing who were either silently laughing or watching him with sympathy, or they were acting as though this was a strange experience for them. But everything comes to an end when the man occupying the throne, emanating authority and power, raises his hand and declares,

"It has been established beyond a reasonable doubt that you have committed a crime by murdering your own instructor and endangering a pupil's life. And you are going to serve a two-year sentence in dark water prison. Upon hearing this, the child's entire complexion disappears, leaving him as white as a sheet. As hopelessness began to creep into his heart. Everyone began to talk among themselves, asking, "Isn't this the same prison where once you go in you can't come out?" It's rare for a young person in that kind of jail to return sane. The hall was filled with chatter as guards arrived to take the child away as the chatter was Continued.

Um.. Hello once again and That guy that was taken away is, of course, me. I'm Raven Darkborne, and this is how my story has progressed thus far.