
Brian and Marie's first date

It was nine in the morning at the Innovare headquarters, Marie was busy doing paperworks and so were Brian and Amy, the three noticed two ladies approaching them.

"Oh look! It's Kara and her mom," Amy ecstatically said, Kanna and Kara stood in front of them, bringing a basket of flowers and fruits.

"Marie, please accept this little gift as our sign of gratitude for rescuing my daughter," said Kanna, "If you have any favor to ask please do not hesitate to tell me."

"I....I am flattered and honored by this gesture, Madam Almeida," Marie responded, "Thank you."

Kanna smiled and caressed Marie's cheeks, "You know my daughter would have been your age if she was alive."

"The kid wasn't dead either," a familiar voice uttered, Kanna turned her head only to find out it was Rafael with Karen behind him.

"We both saw the hut blown up," Kanna uttered.

"But there were no bones of the kid," Rafael answered back, prompting Kanna to glare at him.

Few moments later, Arianna, Kyoko, Bianca and Jasmine arrived, staring at the former couple.

"The Golden Girls are here you should leave," Rafael suggested.

"You haven't answered my question yet," Kanna rebutted

"You didn't ask any question," Rafael interrupted.

"Yeah, Moe Howard is right, you should leave." Arianna suggested, "Because the witch behind him is turning red."

"I mean we don't have any grudges or hatred on you, right now," Kyoko added.

Kanna turned silent and walked away without any qualms to which her daughter followed.

"Kanna sure is as pretty as she was way back in senior high," said Bianca, prompting an affirmative nod from Kyoko.

"Don't worry Marie, it's safe to eat," Jasmine smiled, "Now get us coffee and let's dig into those fruits."

After the Marino siblings had entered their offices, Karen approached Marie and slammed her table, giving the lass a sharp glare, grinning her teeth.

"Listen, I don't want that bitch coming in here in the office!" Karen yelled, prompting shock on Marie, Brian and Amy. "If I heard that she is coming near Rafael, I'll make sure that you'll get fired."

Karen walked out and went inside the boardroom where the Marino siblings were having a meeting, she sat beside Rafael and clung like a koala.

"The leech," Arianna murmured.

"This is a family meeting Karen," Kyoko reminded Karen.

"I am his fiancee, I should all what he is doing," Karen answered back.

"Oh dear," Jasmine murmured, when the conference room door slammed opened, it was a beautiful lady, with an 'egg-shaped' face is a short, oval-shaped face that has a round forehead, a slim, v-line jaw and a small chin, her eyes are perfectly symmetrical and a gorgeous almond shape. She has in-out line double eyelids which taper evenly, and no sunken appearance to her eyelids. The lady's eyebrows are naturally full and are a pretty shape.

Her nose is almost ideal, but not quite. While she does possess a high and slim nose bridge, small nose tip and slim alar base, she also has a dorsal hump. Overall, her nose beautifully compliments her face. Additionally, her lips are cute and small, and she has a bright, pure smile.

"Jessica, I thought you were in Seoul," said Kyoko.

"I was, but when I heard one of my business was being used as a milking cow, I had to return," Jessica responded "Now I have to put my executive assistant to audit the business and I need another one."

Jessica glanced at her surroundings and seemingly notice Karen's presence near Rafael.

"I thought this is a family meeting, why is there a housecat?" she quipped.

"Jessica, we've known each other for years, I am already your brother's fiancee," Karen explained.

"Take note, Fiancee," Jessica rebutted "You are not yet the wife and even if you were you will never achieve the level Sachiko had."

"Not to mention, the struggle Arianna, Rina and Jessica had in raising Rafael's kids," Jasmine uttered.

Karen's face turned red and gave Jessica a sharp stare, clearing her throat.

"Remember Jessica, my father is also a businessman," she reminded Jessica who gave her a smirk.

"My Dad and my step mom has more than that," Jessica responded "And I have even more that what you have."

"Will everyone please stop fighting!" Jasmine raised her voice, "What brings you here?"

"This is a family conference, I have the right to know what is going on with both Innovare and Marino Corporation," Jessica answered, staring at Marie who was sitting behind Jasmine, "And I want a new executive secretary, that girl behind you might be one replacement."

"But she is my executive assistant," Jasmine anxiously complained.

"But you and Bianca will be transferred to Tokyo, you don't need her." Jessica informed, giving an envelope to her sisters.

"Bianca, I don't wanna go to Tokyo," Jasmine complained.

"Me either," Bianca seconded "Is there any other way?"

"You haven't read the appointment yet," Jessica responded "Jasmine, you will take over the Operations department of Penthouse Corporation and you Bianca will be the new news reader for World News Tonight, what are you complaining about?"

"The kids!" Jasmine wailed.

"The kids are Japanese citizens so to speak," Jessica further expounded, "I know you don't want to be in Tokyo because of your mom."

"It's good that you know," said Bianca, "I can tolerate Natsume, but that other brat I cannot."

"Oh Bianca, come on!" Jessica exclaimed, "That brat is still your sister."

"Well, if that is the wish of the step-mother, we will comply," Jasmine gave in to the instruction and glanced at Marie, "You'll be with her starting next week, you'll have your papers processed and you'll be the executive assistant of a global superstar."

"Stop calling me global superstar," Jessica corrected her sister, "You're very lucky I am your only headache aside from Rafael. Rina-nee is already starting to fed up with Takeru-nii"

"Let her handle the problem," said Arianna, "She accepted the role, it's her responsibility."

Jessica glanced at Marie and smiled, "What was your name again? Was it Marie? Now, book a ticket at we will go first to Sierra de Oro."

It was five o'clock in the afternoon; the meeting has just been adjourned, Marie went back to her desk where Brian was also processing documents.

"Where is Amy?" Marie asked.

"She went out early, she had other commitments," Brian answered, clearing her throat and gazed at Marie, "Are you free tonight?"

"Yes, after this I will be packing up, Ms. Jessica and I will go to Sierra de Oro," Marie responded.

"Is it okay if I can invite you for a dinner date tonight?" Brian asked the lass.

Marie stared at the handsome man with redness on her face, she smiled and nodded, causing the young man to be elated.


It was seven o'clock in the evening and Marie and Brian, went into a fancy restaurant not far from the Innovare headquarters. The two enjoyed conversing with each other while heading towards a local mall, there was no dull minute between them from playing arcade to strolling down the mall before settling down at a fancy restaurant, Brian laid his eyes on Marie, clutching both of his hands on his legs while they sat in front of the table facing each other.

"I heard the food here is delicious," said Brian.

"Actually, it's my first time to be here in this fancy restaurant," Marie replied gazing at the surrounding, "My ex boyfriend never treated me nor took me for a walk at an expensive place like this."

"Can you describe this ex-boyfriend of yours?" Brian asked.

Marie glanced at the lad and sighed "He was like a prince charming in my eyes, but at the same time he was a coward, unable to protect me from his mother and her mother killed my parents. Luckily, I was rescued by Mang Caloy."

"Mang Caloy?"

"Mang Caloy, an old man from our barrio, who turned out to be Karl Marino," Marie replied, much to Brian's surprise.

"You met the legendary Karl Marino?" Brian amusingly asked.

"Yes," Marie calmly responded, "His grandson, Ryoma used to live with us until Mang Caloy was gunned down, now he is missing."

Marie gazed at his date and smirked, "Did you ask permission from Vanessa that you will go out with me?"

"We broke up," said Brian, "After the ruckus at the company, I can no longer handle her attitude."

"How can you handle other women if you can't handle her?" Marie asked.

"There are some things that never lasts," Brian answered

"Maybe you have a point," Marie responded, gobbling the last meat in her plate, "I think it's late, maybe we should go, Ms. Jessica and I will be flying early tomorrow."

While the two were walking, Brian suddenly stopped and gazed at Marie once more, mustering all the courage that he has.

"Marie, is it okay if I court you?" the lad asked.

"But I am leaving for Korea," Marie replied, "And it's better if you'll be with Vanessa,"

"Can you give me a chance?" Brian asked.

"I dunno if you can tolerate long-distance relationships," Marie said, "But do what you think is right."

There was a slight of hope for Brian as Marie was open to the idea of courtship, but deep inside the lass' mind was caution.

After having dinner, the two strolled down the mall, Brian stopped by at a jewelry shop and bought a necklace, he then rushed and walked again with the lass.

"Marie," Brian murmured

"Yes?" Marie noticed despite the low voice the young man uttered, she noticed him holding a necklace in his hand. "Is that for Vanessa?"

"No, this is for you," Brian answered.

"I can't accept it," Marie politely responded, "Vanessa might think that I stole you from her"

"Please keep it," Brian insisted, "I want you to have it either as I sign that I admire you or a sign of friendship."

Marie glanced at Brian and nodded reluctantly, a sign of respect to her colleague and friend, the young man smiled and gave the necklace to the lass as the continued to walk towards the parking lot.


Marie and Brian arrived at the Teodoro residence, at eleven in the evening, the lass went out of the car and slightly bowed to Brian, afterwhich, she packed her things, ready to leave for Sierra de Oro when Cynthia and Gabo went inside her room.

"You take care of yourself Marie," Gabo told the lass

"I will uncle," Marie answered embracing her uncle and aunt "I will return very soon"

"We will wait for you," Cynthia added going outside the room with her husband, she was staring blank outside the window and stared at the television

"Of all people that will take her, it's Jessica," Gabo told his daughter

"Could this be the key to her identity?" Cynthia asked.

"We'll just have to wait" Gabo told his daughter "Mako Marino has called us to return to duty so we can look after her while we do our work"

"I know that this day would come" Cynthia uttered "Another war against the Triads"


The next morning, Marie hurried to the airport where Jessica was waiting for her, she rushed inside the lobby where her boss was sitting.

"You're late," Jessica remarked, "I told you to come early."

"It was traffic, Ma'am." Marie explained when she noticed Brian standing behind her new boss. "Brian, what are you doing here?"

"I will be coming with you at Sierra de Oro," Brian told Marie "I asked Ms. Jessica to allow me to go with you"

"He really begged that he should come with you," Jessica told the lass "I was planning to pay a visit to my sister before leaving for Korea, don't do anything humiliating, okay?"

"I will Ms. Jessica!" Marie lively responded

"Oh, that's the spirit girl" Jessica said as they went aboard the aircraft bound for the Sierra de Oro, starting Marie's new adventures.