
Forever Your Boyfriend

**Credit to the real owner of the cover photo** Lee Nana finds herself caught up in the middle of a drama she knows nothing about, when she accepts the request of her best friend to stand in for her as an hired girlfriend. She meets and falls in love with Kim Tan who happens to be her boyfriend's best friend unknowing to her, and drama ensues as different love triangles are formed. Lee Nana comes to find out that she isn't really who she thinks she is, and everyone around her is keeping one secret or the other from her. She gets to understand how one decision can change a person's life as well as those around her for the better... Or maybe for worse. ******** Tan locked eyes with her over his wineglass, she was pretty as sin. He wanted her, he wanted to take her right there. He could barely remember the last time he felt this strongly about any woman. What surprised him most was the fact that he didn't just want her body, he wanted her heart too. Most of the women he knew were all golddiggers, and he could get any of them between his sheets for the right price, so why the hell was this one proving stubborn? She shifted her gaze from his, "The wine is nice," She said smiling nervously, wanting to say anything to break the silence. She may be naive but she knew desire when she saw it, and she could see it written all over his eyes. The thought of it made her heartbeat quicken. 'You have a boyfriend, what are you doing letting yourself get attracted to this guy?' she asked herself. He could tell she was nervous, it made him smile. It reassured him to know he still had that effect on females, especially this one that roused everything in him. He reached across the table and placed his hand over her hand making her jump. He chuckled, "Calm down girl, I don't bite. you just look so nervous, I wanted to calm you down." He said, laughter dancing in his eyes. "I'd appreciate it if you keep your hands to yourself. I don't appreciate being touched randomly like that," She said with a frown. "I'm sorry, I'll try to let you know before I touch you next time," he said with a smile, making her know he intended to touch her again. "We'll be attending the wedding tomorrow with you as my date. I hope you won't jump up everytime I touch you. that would raise suspicion don't you think?" He said with a wicked glint in his eyes "Isn't that what this whole week has been about? You have nothing to worry about, I'll do it right. But until then keep your hands to yourself." She said with a polite smile. We'll see about that. Tan thought. PS: Credit to the real owner of the cover photo (The photo doesn't belong to me)

Miss_Behaviour · Urban
Not enough ratings
312 Chs

"You Have A Really Sexy Voice"

"So, when do you intend to move into your new home?" Nana asked Mi Cha when they were done with the business transaction.

"I've not thought that far into it yet. I'll discuss it with my brother so I can move before he returns to his place," Mi Cha said.

Nana's heart skipped a little at that. She hoped he had no intention of leaving without seeing her. She needed to end things immediately with Ji-tae. She might not necessarily date Tan at once, but she wanted to be available when he came searching.

Nana felt exhausted from all the figuring out she had to do.

"So he's done with his business here?" She asked, not wanting to appear too curious.

"Not exactly, but he will be done soon," Mi Cha said with a smile, thinking she was being mysterious.

"Ok then, when you make up your mind about moving, let me know so I can assist you. Then maybe Min-Jung and I can come over for a little housewarming party," She said with a wink.

She handed over the complete set of house keys to Mi Cha and saw her off to the door. She waved at her father, who was waiting for Mi Cha, and then returned to her office.

She took out her phone and checked the contact list. It was time to save his number with a name. She didn't want to save it with Tan. She wanted it to be something special.

Something special, huh? Yet you've been dating Ji-Tae this whole time, and his name has remained Ji-Tae on your phone. A voice in her head told her.

Maybe she was being way ahead of herself; she needed to slow down a bit. And what if Mi Cha decided to use her phone to call Tan one of these days? It would expose her. She decided to save his name as Mi Cha's brother. It was safer that way.

For now, she needed to keep surprising Tan with random calls. She chuckled at the thought of it. Since he wasn't going to approach her, she would push him into doing it.


Mr. Lee hadn't been his usual chatterbox self all day, and that made Mi Cha give him a worried look. "Are you ok?" She asked him in a concerned voice.

"Yes, I am. why do you ask?" He asked, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.

"You've been so quiet all day," She said with a shrug.

"I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind," He told her. He was worried about Nana. He had been happy she was in a stable relationship with a decent person and had hoped that after her marriage, he would finally be able to have the courage to introduce her to her grandparents.

Certainly, they would be receptive towards her, especially if she married into the kind of class they had wanted her mother to marry into. But seeing as she was beginning to like someone else who he didn't even know anything about, he felt very worried about it all.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mi Cha asked politely.

"No, my dear, don't worry about it. I shouldn't bore you with it," He said as he kept driving with eyes fixed on the road.


Tan was restless, waiting for Mi Cha to return home; he dialed her number, and she picked up almost immediately.

"I'm on my way home," She said, knowing that was why he called.

"Did you get the phone? Was the discussion recorded?" He asked in an excited voice.

"Yes, I did, but I didn't listen to it. I want us to do so together. I'll drop the call now. See you soon," She said as she dropped the call. She didn't want to talk about it with Mr. Lee in the car.

Tan walked around the house aimlessly as he waited, then he heard his phone ringing. He immediately rushed to see who it was. He almost dropped his phone when he saw it was Nana.

What was he going to say to her? Why was he even always acting like a thief when he wasn't doing anything wrong? But what did she want?

He picked up the call, "Hello?" He said with his heart pounding wildly against his chest.

Nana smiled at the sound of his voice. "I just wanted to let you know I've sealed the deal with your sister," She explained.

Tan frowned at his phone. Why was she calling to tell him that? "Ok.." He said, waiting for her to go on.

"That's just why I called. Do have a lovely day. By the way, you have a sexy voice," She said and hung up the call. Why had she done that? She had no idea. Probably it was her attempt at flirting with him or trying to make him jealous of himself. She laughed at the thought of it.

Tan looked at the phone, wondering whether to be flattered or angry. How could Nana be flirting with a stranger? He asked, eyeing the phone angrily. He was tempted to call her and scold her. The next time she tried this, he wasn't going to take it easy on her.

He heard the sound of the door opening and rushed out to greet Mi Cha. "I've been waiting for you all day," He said immediately after she entered the house. "So bring it, let's see," He said, stretching his hands to her.

Mi Cha just eyed his hands as she yawned hungrily. "I'm hungry," She said, giving him a look he didn't quite understand.

"Ok, go and eat," He said with a smile and waited for her to bring out the phone, but paused when he noticed she was still giving him the look.

"What?" He asked, frowning in confusion.

"Brother of mine, that isn't the way it works. You fix me food, and I play the recording," She said with a sweet smile.

"You are joking, right? You can't be serious!" He exclaimed as he walked towards her.

"You can't intimidate me. Don't even try. If you want to listen to this recording, you better prepare me something nice to eat. I'm going upstairs to freshen up," She said, giving him a sugar-sweet smile as she went upstairs.

He glared at her angrily. Why was she trying to get on his nerves?

"You better start preparing something and quit glaring at me. I mean it," She called when she got to the top of the stairs.

So, she was really serious? Fine! He was going to prepare something nice for her, but he was going to pay her back. He suddenly remembered Choi Min-Jun and smiled, yea something had been cooking between them.

He brought out pasta and started slicing the ingredients. Soon he heard the sound of the doorbell and went to open the door. It was Min-Jung.

"I felt I needed to come over in person," She said with a meek expression. He led her to the kitchen, where he kept cooking. She dropped a piece of paper on the kitchen table, "I'm sorry for everything. That's her number," She said and turned around to leave.

Mi Cha, who had been coming down the stairs, moved away from view when she heard the voice of a female. She spied to see who it was. It was none other than Nana's best friend, Min-Jung.