
Forever you: cold boss' true love

"You are mine now". That was the conversation that began this unexpected journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being with him. *** "Nadia, listen to me, you are going to have to do this for your family. You do know that if you don't go with them, I will be killed and soon after, they will kill your mother too". "And what about me huh? All this while, you have never thought of me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really your child. I..." "Enough!! You will go to him and that is it". I wanted to cry but I had already forgotten how to. I'm sure you must be guessing what is happening, well... My father is a gambler, and he has been living in debt for over four years now unfortunately, he borrowed money from the wrong people and now, he wants to sell me to their boss who is known to be ruthless, and monstrous.

Secrecy_x · Urban
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92 Chs

You'll fall

"Are you okay"?

She asked seeing how blank he was.

"It's hot... Ahh!! It's hot!!"

I was so worried as I had never seen him act like this. I immediately rushed to the fridge to get him a cup of milk.


I gave him and he gulped it down at once. When he finally calmed down, he looked at me and I could tell that he was pretty embarrassed.

"Ha... Hahahahah".

I couldn't help but laugh at his face. He looked so innocent and cute. I kept laughing as he covered his face with his hands.

After a while, we were done with eating and we decided to rest in the living room for a while.

I offered him a cup of chamomile tea as I heard it was good for stress reduction. I also took a cup.

"Sorry about earlier".

I said. I knew he was in a dilemma but I was laughing.

"It's not your fault, I made a joke of myself".

I smiled lightly at his words.

"Not everyone can handle spicy food. I'll make sure to keep that in mind from now on".

I said and he smiled.

I was sitting right next to him on the same couch. He then placed his arms around me and I placed my head on his chest.

We remained like that for about thirty minutes and I was already dozing off.

Jason loved the silence and the fact that it was quiet but not uncomfortable. When he noticed that she was feeling sleepy, he helped her to sit up.

"You should go upstairs and sleep".

I heard him speak and I could not refuse that I was sleepy.

We went upstairs together and just walking upstairs, I wasn't sleepy anymore. I got to my door first and he waved me goodnight.

I had already opened the door when something popped into my head.


I called and he turned to look at me.

"Do you want to sleep with me"?

I asked without even thinking.

Jason heard what she said and his eyes opened wide. He knew what she meant but even that felt impossible coming from her.

My eyes opened when I realized how I sounded.

"Uhh... that's not what I meant, I meant..."

He smiled and cut me off.

"I know what you mean and I could not possibly refuse".

He said and I smiled. I don't know why, but I just wanted to be with him tonight.

We went to the room and decided to say absolutely nothing. We climbed the bed and I moved to the edge of my side which looked funny since I was the one who invited him over.

I was beginning to regret my actions when I felt a large hand around my waist.

Jason noticed that she was feeling embarrassed and it looked cute. He then took the initiative to clear the awkwardness. He placed his hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him. At this point, she had her back facing him.

"You'll fall if you stay so close to the edge".

He said so closely to her ear.

When he said that, I could feel shivers. I don't know if he did it intentionally or not but it definitely worked.

He did not remove his hand from my waist but he didn't say anything else either.

I felt he had slept off so I turned to look at him. His eyes were closed so I assumed he was asleep.

I couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked even when he was not trying at all.

I was still admiring him when he suddenly opened his eyes gently. My eyes opened wide and I tried to turn back but he held me tight so I couldn't move.

He looked at me for a while before he suddenly moved closer, covering the little distance between us.

Before I could think of anything, I felt his warm lips on mine. If felt so nice I didn't want it to end at all.

Jason noticed that she did not push him away so he covered the distance completely and kissed her even more. His hand moved from her waist to her face and he held her in place as he made his way into her mouth. His tongue slid into her mouth and the kiss became much more passionate.

He could hardly control himself anymore and soon, he stopped kissing her and was on her. He used one hand as support so that his huge body would not crush her tiny body and then, he took his time to look into her eyes. He could tell that she was a bit shy under him but he did not mind.

He went back for a kiss and this time around, it was much more fierce than before. He kissed her for a while before going down to her neck. He kissed her neck and sucked it, leaving marks.

He made sure her milk skin became red through his touch.

Nadia was not thinking anymore. She has had about three boyfriends in the past but she was never intimate with them. She only had them around because she always felt lonely and the highest she had gone with them was a kiss and even at that, their kiss felt nothing like this. As a matter of fact, she does not remember any of it at all but she has never forgotten anyone she shared with Jason.

'I guess this is how it felt to actually be in love'.

When the thought came to Nadia's head, she suddenly came back to her senses and stopped Jason.

Jason looked at her, confused and worried. He felt he had done something wrong. But then, he looked at her and all he could see was a warm welcoming face with a look he wasn't sure of.

"What's wrong? Do you want to stop"?

He asked as he would rather deprive himself of this wonderful moment that hurt her.

He wanted to get closer to her and let her know that he truly wanted her in his life but if it wasn't time for this yet, he was willing to wait.

He was about to go back to his lying position when he heard her speak.

"I love you".