
Forever you: cold boss' true love

"You are mine now". That was the conversation that began this unexpected journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being with him. *** "Nadia, listen to me, you are going to have to do this for your family. You do know that if you don't go with them, I will be killed and soon after, they will kill your mother too". "And what about me huh? All this while, you have never thought of me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really your child. I..." "Enough!! You will go to him and that is it". I wanted to cry but I had already forgotten how to. I'm sure you must be guessing what is happening, well... My father is a gambler, and he has been living in debt for over four years now unfortunately, he borrowed money from the wrong people and now, he wants to sell me to their boss who is known to be ruthless, and monstrous.

Secrecy_x · Urban
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92 Chs

The package

I slept like I was drugged and did not wake up till late in the morning. When I woke up, I felt a very big arm around my waist. I turned around to look at his face and he looked so handsome I couldn't help but smile.

I kept looking at him until I heard a knock on the door and suddenly, I became extremely startled, I pushed Jason's hand away from my waist.

This action of mine woke him up from sleep. I didn't look at him though as I dashed into the bathroom.

After taking a shower, I used the door that connects the bathroom to the closet to change into my dress for the day.

It was a black high-neck dress that was a little bit below my knee. My hair fell to the back and I took a pretty wine bag and a wine coat to go with my outfit.

When I entered the room, Jason was not there anymore.

When Nadia went to take a shower, Jason wore his clothes and went to see who it was that kept knocking on the door.

When he opened it, to his surprise, it was Miguel.


He said and bowed lightly.

"What is it"?

Jason asked with sleep still evident on his face. He could definitely not remember the last time he slept this well.

"It's an emergency sir".

Miguel said as he pretended not to see how disorganized his boss was.

Jason immediately left Nadia's room and went over to his. He quickly freshened up and left for the office.

He felt bad that he was unable to see Nadia before leaving but he consoled himself saying he'd see her when he got back.

Meanwhile, Nadia was not really happy about it.

"He just had to wait for me to take a shower. Was that too hard"?

She said quietly to herself. She was already worried that he was ignoring her after last night. She obviously didn't have any reason to act like this but she couldn't help it.

I tried to push those thoughts to the back of my head as I went to the make-up table to touch my face a little.

When I got downstairs, I saw Li Sa-ra waiting downstairs. It seems she has been waiting for a while.

She was putting on a black suit and pants. She actually looked like a bodyguard.

As soon as Li Sa-ra saw me, she bowed and greeted me. I also replied to her greetings.

"Were you waiting for long"?

I asked but she shook her head.

"It hasn't been so long ma'am".

I knew she was lying but of course, she wouldn't tell me she had waited for a long time.

"We should head to the office already".

I heard her say as I was on my way to the dining table. As soon as I heard what she said, I paused and looked at her with questions on my face.

"There is a lot to do, we need to make sure everything is ready before the grand opening".

She said confidently but she did not look me in the face.

I was already informed about this. Lawyer Patrick told me that we would begin to introduce our products to the world in the next two months.

It was a pretty short time to get so many things done. Everything about the launch had to be perfect. I had so many departments to visit and so many things to do.

I can't believe I got carried away on my second day and was reminded by my employee.

'Good job Nadia, good job'.

I said, scolding myself within.

I turned towards the door and without saying anything, we left. I was unpleased with myself. I needed to take this job seriously, not for anyone, but for myself. I needed to show my parents that they were wrong to have treated me that way.

But instead of focusing on what I had to do, I was sulking because Jason left without telling me.

When we got to the office, Li Sa-ra opened the door for me and though I had other bodyguards, she was the only one who stayed very close to me as we made our way to the elevator.

When I got to my floor, I met Tin Foley and Anita seated at the secretary station, just in front of my office.

It seems after I left yesterday, lawyer Patrick had instructed them to make the secretary desk for three. It was in front of my office but in the opposite direction. This way, they were facing my office directly.

As soon as Tin Foley and Anita saw Nadia, they stood up and bowed respectfully while Nadia entered her office with Li Sa-ra.

Tin Foley rushed and followed them in right after she knocked on the door gently. When Tin Foley entered, Li Sa-ra excused herself.

I was watching their every step and I must say, they are really good. I did not expect them to be this coordinated and smart. Plus, they were all putting in their best. I guess they really wanted to keep their jobs.

Tin Foley bowed and began to brief me on my schedule for the day.

"You have a meeting with the heads of department, after which you are to inspect the production team and see their progress. You will be going to the cosmetics section first before you go to the outfit section".

She paused so I raised my head to look at her. I was not looking at her earlier because when I arrived at the office, I realized there were so many documents I had to revise, inspect, and approve. I'd approve some and disapprove others but I had to go through all of them, and they were so many.

So I decided to listen to her while I began going through them. That was when she stopped.

"What is it"?

I asked and she walked closer to me. I raised a brow and sat properly trying to figure out what she was doing.

Tin Foley noticed there was a package on Nadia's desk.

'This can't be right, things can't go into the office except through me and I never approved something like this'.

She said to herself and suddenly, she noticed a part of the box was stained with red paint or some sort of color.

'I have to get this out of here'.

She said to herself.

"What is it"?

Nadia asked again.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I don't know how this got in. I'll be more careful next time".

Tin Foley said and picked up the box quickly.

"Excuse me, I'll be back".

Nadia simply nodded as she did not have time to argue about a box either.