
Forever you: cold boss' true love

"You are mine now". That was the conversation that began this unexpected journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being with him. *** "Nadia, listen to me, you are going to have to do this for your family. You do know that if you don't go with them, I will be killed and soon after, they will kill your mother too". "And what about me huh? All this while, you have never thought of me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really your child. I..." "Enough!! You will go to him and that is it". I wanted to cry but I had already forgotten how to. I'm sure you must be guessing what is happening, well... My father is a gambler, and he has been living in debt for over four years now unfortunately, he borrowed money from the wrong people and now, he wants to sell me to their boss who is known to be ruthless, and monstrous.

Secrecy_x · Urban
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92 Chs

The man who looks like a god

It was very early in the morning and Jason could be seen in his gym room. The room was nothing less than sophisticated and his presence in it just added more beauty to it. He was currently doing a few press-ups. With his muscles showing off and the tattoo on his chest glowing, you could see how cold his face looked as he kept going up and down.

He did a total number of one hundred and forty-five before he got interrupted.

There was a calm knock on his gym door before it opened up quietly. Jason was still in his press-up position but he didn't move anymore. His presence looked like that of a fallen angel.

His jaw was sharp, it looked like it was sculptured. His deep blue eyes looked like the depth of the ocean and his thin lips that were slightly opened finalized his majestic look.

The man who entered was a well-built man he was wearing a suit that made him look like a bodyguard.

"Boss she is awake".

That was all the well-built man said. Jason finally stood up and his powerful presence was in full view. He was not wearing anything on top so the cross-like tattoo that was on his arm and the writing that was on his chest could be well seen. He went towards the side table and took a bottle of water to drink.

He said nothing but the bodyguard knew what that meant. Whenever his boss took water, that meant he was done with the gym and was ready for the next event of the day.

The bodyguard began to walk out and Jason followed him behind. They got to a room downstairs that was isolated in a corner and the bodyguard opened the door for him to go in.

When Jason got in, he saw a tiny-looking lady lying on the cold floor with her eyes blurry. She looked like she could pass out all over again and even though he didn't know why she looked so weak, his face showed that he didn't care at all about her condition.

He bent down to her standard and after observing her face for three seconds, he said.

"You are mine now".

His voice sent shivers down my spine and unknowingly, I swallowed hard. Something about him just scared me uncontrollably.

Jason then stood up and turned to his bodyguard.

"Get her neat clothes and make sure she takes a bath".

The bodyguard bowed lightly and Jason walked out.

I just kept looking at the man who called me his. I could only see his back right now but he still looked extremely domineering.

After the mysterious man left, I was getting better and the drowsy feeling was beginning to fade.

About five ladies came in a few minutes later and stood in a straight line. It was as though they had rehearsed it.

"Young miss, we need to give you a clean bath".

One of the ladies who looked like the oldest said. Two others came and pulled me by the hand and dragged me into the bathroom. They were doing their jobs but they were definitely not nice.

The other two ladies who looked the youngest came into the bathroom with me while the remaining three left. The ladies ripped the clothes off of me, leaving me naked as they began to scrub and wash me all over. Bathing had never felt like punishment until now. I felt like they were going to give me bruises with how hard they scrubbed.

After they were done, they wrapped me with a towel and took me back to the room where the other three could be seen.

None of them were smiling but of course, they didn't look at me with respect either. They looked like they were irritated by my presence.

The three ladies seemed to have picked out the clothes I was supposed to wear and suddenly, all five were on a straight line once again.

The oldest one spoke again.

"You should at least be able to dress up by yourself. Make it snappy, the boss doesn't like it when people delay him".

When they finally left, I unintentionally let out a sigh of relief. I sat on the bed as I was still tired. I guess the drug my parents injected me with was pretty strong.

As soon as I thought about that, a bitter smile crept to my lips. I wanted to cry but I had forgotten how to.

It has always been like this, my father would get into trouble and it would either be me or my mother who would be left to fix it. My mother on the other hand always did what my father wanted and most of the time, it would involve getting me into trouble.

But this wasn't the time to think about my selfish parents, I was already in trouble, and I'd rather not get into it anymore.

The outfit they picked was a simple big top with a long jean pants. I put it on and headed out. This was obviously the first time I was coming out of the room so it was the first time I got to see what the house looked like.

Apparently, I wasn't even underground, I was just downstairs but the room I came out from looked like an isolated room. It had a long corridor that I just kept walking in. It took a while before I finally left the corridor and found the kitchen.

I didn't go in and just kept walking. The house was mostly painted in white but it had touches of gold. I finally got to the dining room and there he was, the monster that bought me.

I stood still as soon as I saw him and from a distance, I just observed him.

I wasn't able to see him earlier because I was dizzy and the light felt much but now... He looked more like a god than a human.

He wasn't shirtless anymore. He was putting on a well-tailored suit that looked like it was made just for him. His deep blue eyes were fixed on the tablet he was holding and the other hand was grabbing a fork.

As soon as Jason dropped the fork, he raised his head and their eyes met.

When he looked at me, my heart began beating faster I don't know why but something about this man frightens me a lot.

He kept looking at me and then someone came from behind and tried to tell me something in my ear but out of reflex, I punched him right on the nose.