
Forever you: cold boss' true love

"You are mine now". That was the conversation that began this unexpected journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being with him. *** "Nadia, listen to me, you are going to have to do this for your family. You do know that if you don't go with them, I will be killed and soon after, they will kill your mother too". "And what about me huh? All this while, you have never thought of me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really your child. I..." "Enough!! You will go to him and that is it". I wanted to cry but I had already forgotten how to. I'm sure you must be guessing what is happening, well... My father is a gambler, and he has been living in debt for over four years now unfortunately, he borrowed money from the wrong people and now, he wants to sell me to their boss who is known to be ruthless, and monstrous.

Secrecy_x · Urban
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92 Chs

Mr O'Brien's son

Mr Omil never believed it was possible to see the devil in real life but right now, he knew the person in front of him was nothing less. His eyes have no sympathy or emotion. He looked cold and... evil.

Jason moved back and took a chemical from the table and poured it on Mr Omil's finger. Mr Omil felt like he was burning from the inside. He couldn't hold it in. The pain was excruciating.

Jason then took a dagger and pierced it into his hand making the dagger come out of his palm.

"Ahh!!! Ohh f*ck"!!

Jason took the chemical again and Mr Omil's eyes opened wide.

"No, no, no pleeaaassee!!! Ahhh"!!!!

Jason poured it on his now daggered hand.

Just when Jason was about to do something else, the door opened up and a young boy with white hair, a headset, a laptop, and baggy clothes rushed in.

"Dad, Dad I found it"!!!

He yelled in excitement. He then turned and saw Mr Omil. Seeing his condition, he squeezed his face.


He exclaimed. But then looked back at Jason and showed him the laptop in his hand.

"Dad look, the money was transferred to his mistress account. She has already spent a thousand dollars but the rest of it is safe and is already being transferred back to the company's account".

Jason looked at Kay with pride in his eyes.

"Good job son".

Kay smiled to his eyes. Nothing made him more happy than getting a compliment from Jason.

Kay had not just discovered where the money was but he had also transferred the money back to Jason's company account.

Jason got his money back but he still wanted to punish Mr Omil a little more for his stubbornness. He told one of the bodyguards to take Kay back to his room and he then continued his torture.

When Jason was done, Mr Omil's eyes were so swollen that he couldn't open them. He had dagger holes on both hands, his trousers had holes all over as Jason had used his dagger to tear into them causing his tigh to also get affected and suffer a lot of blood loss.

Jason asked his men to get him treated and then left. When Jason got back to the mansion he saw Anita waiting for him. He was already in a pretty foul mood so he was not interested in anything she had to say. Avoiding her, he began walking upstairs but then she still followed him.

"Jason, I have been waiting for you since earlier, don't tell me you are just going to work away from me".

Jason said nothing to her as he turned around and looked at her. His face showed no emotions as it was cold as ever but it seemed Anita was already used to this and she didn't seem to be surprised at all she just looked at him not affected at all and waited for him to say something, but to no avail as Jason just turned back and begun walking away.

But then he heard her speaking and it made him stop immediately.

"Is it because of that thing you brought home"?

She asked making Jason pause in his steps and look back at her with one brow raised. This time, he was actually pissed.

"What thing"?

He asked trying to feign ignorance but then the lady in front of him scoffed and said

"You know exactly what I am talking about".

He looked at her as though he was trying to say 'Stop wasting my time young lady'.

She then rolled her eyes and sighed in frustration.

"On come on you know exactly what I am talking about. I'm talking about that tiny thing you brought home to be your mistress or concubine. Whatever you want to call it".

Jason said nothing and just picked up his phone from his pocket. He called someone and in a few minutes, Miguel arrived Jason simply said

"I don't want to ever see her in this house ever again".

Miguel nodded and began asking her to excuse herself but it seemed Anita was not in the mood to be humiliated

"What? Are you really asking them to chase me out"?

Jason was already going upstairs and Anita wanted to follow him but Miguel did not allow her to. She kept shouting his name but he didn't turn back. Miguel had to force her out.

"Let go of me".

She yelled

"Who do you think you are"?

She asked but as she said this, Miguel showed no fear neither did he look like he was interested in knowing who she was. He just looked at the two guards by the gates and told them never to let her in again. Anita was so shocked, that she could not say a word, she simply got into her car and drove off.

When Jason got a few steps higher, he saw Nadia and realized that she had heard the entire conversation. He wanted to explain to her but at the same time, he didn't know what to say. Before he could get the opportunity to say anything, Nadia bowed and began walking downstairs.

He wanted to stop her but he didn't see the need to so he just let her go. He was already tired and he reeked of sweat and blood so he figured it'd be better for him to take a shower first before having to plead or talk to anyone.

Nadia was dumbfounded.

"Why did he have to chase her out like that? Are they not a thing? Why was he treating her like a virus when he was supposed to be treating her like a queen".

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't know when she bumped into someone. She was a bit taller than the person she bumped into but she immediately apologized knowing fully well that she had done something wrong.

She then looked at who it was that she bumped into and it appeared to be a young boy.

He smiled at her and said.

"Hi, my name is Kay, and you are"?

The Innocent young boy asked and then Nadia replied

"My name is Nadia do you work here"?

I asked him but his next reply shocked her.

"No, I'm Mr. Jason O'Brien's son".