

[MATURE CONTENT] "Your bed is warm and the heat from your body is amazing, being away has been torture I had to rush back home just to see you and even though this part is forbidden my love for you isn't and you are my beloved I can't stay away from you and I can't turn you if you are not ready. it hurts everyday not seeing you and the elders are asking were my beloved is. "Eric please tell me you accept me?" I know I made a mistake and it has been seven years since the incident and I couldn't save any of them but you gotta understand i wasn't queen at that time and i know it hurt but i need you to believe me i am dying and it is only you that can save me. Dont...... i mean don't stay that? you had the chance to save her, the only woman who took care of me but you let them take away, you allowed your kind to take her and you tell me all this now and you coming here asking for what, for me to forgive you cause i'm your bloody beloved. i laughed cause it seemed the situation has changed, i may sound like a cold hearted being to you queen maria but i rather be alone and killed than being mate with you, and that was the last time i saw her and she never turned back. and i have been regretting saying that rumour has it that she turned cold and distant and killed anyone at her sight but i know maria she wont do anything, i just hope that i am right about this and what people say are just rumors and not the truth. Despite everything that has happened over the last 5 years, eric thought that his beloved would come back after everything he said and forget everything that happened when he was 18 years and saw her kind take his foster mother away and vowed to hate her no matters what he felt for her while they were dating and kill her on site if she ever showed her face again, but with all that said he couldn't go with it after she came back. And the rumors go that the new queen is mad with powers because she was rejected and kills everyone on sight what will happen when he faces her again but as a servant working in the castle of vampire and she treats him likes she doesnt know him.

Deborah_Agofure · Fantasy
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5 Chs

3 cold shoulders

"maria" she just looked at me and faced lord chicken, I don't know maybe it has been long noooo that not possible she can smell me a mile away when she came to visit back then I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear anything they were saying anymore and that pain in my chest from the cold shoulders I got was affecting me. when i heard the clearing of throat I looked up and saw klaus smirking and knew that I was going to suffer which is what I expected but he didn't expect my words.

"lord chicken so you got what you wanted I never knew that a small chick could talk no wonder you look like a wimp" he was about to hit me when I heard her voice "Didn't I say he should start working in the castle" before I knew what was happening she ran towards him and pulled out his heart smiling like a sadist that when I knew that the rumors might be true.

"Don't ever questions my authority it go behind my back to do evil you idiot" I was afraid, if my partners were here they would be shocked to know that the "Great Eric" is afraid. I have never been afraid of anything but seeing my beloved eyes bloodshot and her holding someone heart that brought the fear out.

"Do you need another demonstration to know if he should be taken to the castle?" she asked the all shaked their head and saying "noo my queen" immediately I was thrown on someone shoulders the shocking thing is that I weigh a lot and seeing them carrying me like I have nothing made me feel embarrassed.

"Dude where are we heading" I asked the one carrying me he just did as if I didn't see him and I just kept quiet u till I get to where we are heading after reaching the castle I couldn't believe that it was this magnificent and wonderful everything was shinning like they were expecting a guest and the guard were all wearing matching uniforms and standing straight without any noise. someone would think that it was a grave yard in the castle everywhere was quiet and noone made a single sound.

"isn't that the worthless human eric" I heard and then everyone started whispering and it was kind of annoying cause they were all staring and saying the rumors, first of all I don't kill and second I don't eat vampires that sick I take them in heal them and make sure that they don't tell anyone about it.

One of the guards came and said something to the ear of the first guy that came with us and whispered something and he turned said that the queen will like to see the human slave I felt offended but a little hope, maybe maria wants to ask if they treated me badly and beg me for the way she acted before and I won't waste time to ask for her forgiveness and we can leave together.

Truth be told I really felt a lot of pain when she left and guilty when I said those words seven years ago. I just shifted back the memory, as I was brought in front of maria I was dropped on the ground hard and I am sure something cracked cause I heard my bone I just pray that it doesn't cause much disturbance to me but I will make sure that maria destroy who treated me badly it is like they don't know I might be their king in a few minutes.

"my queen here is the criminal" I heard the jackass say, he doesn't know that maria doesn't like when someone say that and he is gonna get it but instead I heard nothing I waited until she finally spoke but her voice sent shiver down my body "make sure he works in the kitchen and serve dinner to us all everyday till he dies and noone should help him" that was not what I expected and did she say till I die "what!!" that not possible I voiced out that can't be "I am not your slave maria" I heard gasping from everywhere and immediately everyone was quiet and before I knew what was happening maria was holding my neck just a little and it would be snapped.

"Don't ... don't ever call me my name you worthless and useless human, you don't know what I am capable of" she said and I eyes were filled with rage and threw me across the room and I landed by the mirror and was bleeding but she didn't even care.

I guess that means I am noone to her and she doesn't want to have anything to do with me, she just went back to her throne and continued looking at me as if I was a parasite, nothing of her past. " take him away" clean him up and let him start preparing the dinner for this evening and I mean it noone should assist him unless they will be dead. "Get out all of you" she said amf I was dragged and it hurt like bad, nothing could hurt more than this.

I was taken to the kitchen after cleaned and giving I am guessing the staff clothes but when I got there I saw that my outfit was different, well this can't get any worse but what they thing they say never utter that if you know what it us good for you and I was wrong I was told to prepare dinner before six clock how is that possible when the time says four clock I can't prepare dinner for fifty people unless than two hours she knew what she was doing and I am so going be dead today.

Time to start preparing the dinner and I was glad that I could cook and I was preparing everything fast and before I knew it I was fine to cook and started serving and everyone was seated I was about to bring the hot soup when I slipped and the soup poured on her and she stood and faced me

"Are you that stupid human?" don't you know that I was hot and you purposely did it cause of the incident that happened better be careful mr eric cause I can kill you if I want, don't I mean don't underestimate me cause I left you alive doesn't mean I can't kill you. You are just hear so I can feed from you nothing more now leave my sight you peasant.

I have never felt such a word before as I was cleaning the dinner place after they all moved to the other dinner table I felt like crying cause what she said was hurtful and it was as if I was bullied like before I became a hunter that not maria and if she is, she has changed a lot cause I received a bad cold shoulders from her