
Forever Winter: The New World

Ezero · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Street Fight

<p>Warning! Somewhat gory content-<br/><br/>'Damn, I'm so excited about the date, I hope Mark wasn't lying when he said she was a real cutie!' A slightly short college kid with black hair and dark purple eyes was getting ready for a blind date.<br/> He tied his hair up in a low ponytail and put on the nicest clothes he had then went right out the door, not wanting to waste time, there were still thirty minutes before the time they arranged to meet up but he left early in case there was traffic.<br/> He waved at a cab outside of his apartment then told him where to go, on the way droplets of water started pouring down and eventually it became a true storm. Because of that, the traffic was moving slowly so he wandered if he would even get there before the agreed time, but luckily for him, the taxi driver followed a shortcut and he got there with 5 minutes to spare, of course, he gave the driver a generous tip.<br/> Inside the restaurant, he spoke to a lady at the front that confirmed his reservation and showed him to his table, his date wasn't here yet but he figured there was no problem, maybe she underestimated just how heavy traffic can be. After 10 minutes he wondered if her car broke down, he ordered a coffee and after half an hour he figured she wasn't coming, he paid the bill and went out on the street.<br/> 'At least I have an umbrella...' He decided to walk home since it was faster than a car and it wasn't even that far.<br/> As he neared his home, he found himself in front of an insignificant decision, he could take a detour that was the long way home or he could go trough a rightfully shady alley, he decided he was going to take the risk as it was a much shorter distance.<br/> But as you can imagine, he found himself face to face with a couple of thugs, they were only high schoolers but punks none the less.<br/> "Hehehe... What do we have here, huh?" One of the thugs spoke, there were five of them but they didn't look too threatening, the only one that seemed strong was a guy on the bigger side, he had a bat and gang tattoos. <br/> *First Person Perspective*<br/> "Leave me alone, dude, I don't want problems today, how about I come back tomorrow and we continue this." I said to the guy, he was standing way too close to me and he had a repulsing smell of alcohol and... cherry flavored vape? A wired mix but whatever.<br/> "Huh? Do you think I'm that stupid? Retard. Here is what's going to happen, you give us your wallet, phone and that watch of yours... and maybe we won't break every fucking bone in your damn face! No, actually, we will!" The smell became even stronger.<br/> "Fine, this is what we'll do." I put my umbrella to the side and took my jacket off.<br/>"But first..." I threw a right hook at the jerk and it connected beautifully, he was thrown to the ground and whailed in pain.<br/> His buddies of course reacted quickly and all four of them attacked me, I grabbed the umbrella off the ground and managed to hit one of them over the temple with it, he fell unconscious, shattering his teeth on the ground, I could see blood pouring out of the guy's mouth. The umbrella wasn't average, it's handle was made out of iron and the tip was only barely softer as it was coated in wood, it was clearly made for self defence.<br/> "I knew this was going to come in handy someday."<br/> The fat guy with the bat swong at me but I managed to block it with my arm, though I did take some damage from that I could still fight. I stabbed the umbrella at the guy closest to me, I hit him in the kidney, he was now bent over so I smacked him over the head with my forearm, he managed to break his fall with his hand before suffering the same fate as his buddy but he was still out of the fight, only two guys remaining.<br/> The one with the bat gave it to the other guy and charged at me like a rugby player, or so I thought, but at the last second he opened his arms wide and caught me before I could dodge.<br/> I could feel my whole body shaking as my back hit the concrete, I tried to fight back but he got me pinned under all his weight, both of my hands and my legs were stuck in place, but so we're his, so I figured he's going to headbut me.<br/> My instincts were right, and just before his forehead hit mine I moved my head to the side, he didn't actually hit the floor as he stopped in time but I managed to swing my head at his and the back of my skull hit his temple, it didn't do a lot of damage since my neck was my only leverage, but it was enough to stagger him, he somewhat lifted his leg and I was able to shake it off, my leg was now right under his genitals, so I did exactly what you think.<br/> He didn't give up and tried to hit me again but he didn't manage to since I kept kicking him, at some point the pain must have gotten to him as he fell to the side, panting like crazy.<br/> 'I might actually win, holy shit!' When I went into this fight I expected a hard beat down but at least would have gotten their boss, but now that I was winning I could really feel the adrenaline rush, I wasn't even badly hurt.<br/> I got up and looked at my last opponent, it was the scrawnyest of the group and didn't seem too thrilled about fighting me, he looked like a nerd and probably didn't even want to be here. I decided I had enough of this and will let him go.<br/> "You can go if you want." I said in an authoritarian tone.<br/> "But..." He said in a shaky voice.<br/> "But what?" I tried to seem threatening.<br/> "I don't want to be involved in another killing!" At that moment I realized he wasn't talking to me, but to someone behind me, I turned around just in time to see that the first guy was now back up and that a knife was hurling to my throat.<br/> "Ghaah!" It stabbed right through my trachea and the blade was now stuck in my throat.<br/> "You think you are hot shit or something huh? Well fuck you man, look what you did to my man Sam, you fucked up his teeth, now he'll have to eat with a steaw, but you... you won't eat anything anymore! Hahaha!" A crazy smile appeared on his face, then, without even letting me get a good look at the man that killed me, he threw a kick and hit the butt of the knife with the front of his shoes.<br/> The knife went flying and hit the wall next to me, the guy them went to pick it up, made a quick slash to get the blood off, then came back to me.<br/> "I can't let this be in vain, you know right?" He then searched my pockets, he got my wallet and phone. "This can be unlocked with a fingerprint right?" He then tried all of my fingers until he found one that worked, then, he simply cut it off.<br/> I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings at this point, and the pain was almost inexistent. At some point they got their friends and left, leaving me to die alone. It was cold, oh so cold, I could feel my bones rattling against eachother and my soul was spasming as if it was trying to leave my body, so, without much resistance, I let it happen.<br/> ...</p>

First chapter of my new serious project, this chapter is just a marginally improved version of my other failed work, this will hopefully go better. Thank for reading!

Ezerocreators' thoughts