
Forever MINE

I was a fire, and he was my fuel. The chapters have not been edited so I'm sorry if there are any errors. Thank you!

Leinkoln · Fantasy
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13 Chs

To Fill A Whole In My Heart

"E–Ever." Aiden started.

"Don't called me that."

"Um..Miss, I have no bad intentions towards the people of this town. I just came to find my mate and nothing else. I have never drank directly from a person before and I'm not going to start. Please believe me, my family will send me bags of blood  as soon as I contact them." Aiden pleaded.

I stood and stared at the boy in front of me. He didn't look like a  bad person at all but no murderer had "I'M A MURDERER" boldly written on their face.

It wasn't because he was a vampire or anything like that. Dad was the only one I've got. He was my everything. I couldn't put his life in danger, no matter what.

But if my Dad who trusted only two people in this world, himself and I, was willing to give him a chance, I guess I also have to try. It doesn't mean I was going to go easy on him though.

"Okay, you can stay. But I'm going to be monitoring your every move. One wrong step and you're a goner. Are we clear?" I told him.

"Yes, thank you so much Miss." Aiden said.

"The name's Everlette not Miss"

I corrected.

"That's quite an unusual name."

"Got a problem with it?" I glared at him.

"O–oh, of cour–se not." He took a step backward in fear I'll hit him.

"Dad, we haven't trained today. Let's go." I said to my Dad.

"Um, wait...."

"Ugh, what's it again?" I turned to the vampire.

"My bag, I left it in the forest." He scratched his neck in nervousness. I guess I succeeded in making him scared of him.

"It's the one over there. " I pointed to where I'd left the bag upon entering the house.


2 Years Later

"Asshole, hurry your ass up before I do it for you. " I shouted to the boy who was taking his sweet time to comb the unruly curls that's his hair.

" Aish, isn't it too early for you to be cursing out like that?" He yelled back, still taking his sweet time. 

"If you don't hurry up, I'll leave you here."

"Oh, come on." He whined

"That unruly hair of yours will still look like it has been hit with a hurricane no matter how many times and hours you use to comb it."

"Babe, we know you love this hair. Just admit it." He licked his bottom lip and bit it slowly. This boy, hu

"What I'd love to do," I said as I  moved towards him. "Is to whip that stupid head of yours upside down" I gave his head a heavy knock.

He dropped the silly seductive look on his face and rubbed his head while groaning.

"Aish, you know I was joking.  I fear for your boyfriends. If they'll be brave enough to approach you, that is."  He whispered the last part thinking I would not hear

I gave him another knock making sure to hit the same place I'd hit him before.

"Ow, oww, Everlette!" He rubbed his head in pain.

"Serves you right."

"Can't you take a simple joke?"  He groaned.

"Ever, Aiden! Won't you go for lectures?" Dad shouted.

"It's Aiden!" I replied.

"So mature, putting the blame on someone else." Aiden said trying to appear mature.

I tried to smack him again but he side-stepped.

"What's up with you today ah?"

"If you'd stop provoking me, then I'd also stop hitting you." I told him.

"You're getting late do you know that?" Dad appeared in the doorway.

"Tell that to Aiden" I pointed to the goof beside me.

"Aiden, leave that hair and leave for school." Dad told him with a stern face.

"But what if I meet my mate. First impressions count you know." Aiden pouted.

"Ah...you children of nowadays. If you meet that girl and she doesn't accept you, then it's her loss not yours son. It's your character that should be considered not your physical outlook. Hurry up and leave for school." Dad said and left.

I know that what Dad said meant a lot to Aiden. It's been two years since he came to Green Valley and he still hasn't found his mate yet. He acts all cool and unbothered but I know it's eating him up.

I hope he finds her soon. I'll be very happy if he were to meet her and also sad at the same time. I hope she'll not be a vampire.

Don't get me wrong, if she were to be a vampire, they'll instantly hit it off and that means he'll be leaving soon. But if she turns turns out to be human, then he'll have to spend a little more time here (bonding with his mate).

If someone had told me that that jerk face called Aiden would become my best friend, a brother to me and also a son to my father, I would have knocked you out. Then you'll wake up to find yourself in an asylum.

For the past two years, Aiden has been able to fill a whole in my heart that I never new existed.

I know that I always wanted to experience how having a mother felt like. But I didn't know I yearned for companionship with people my own age or siblings for that matter.

Within these two years, Aiden wormed his way into the hearts' of my father and I. I slowly learnt about him and his family, Dad even allowed him to join out training sessions and he started going to school with me since that seemed like the most likely place for him to meet his mate.


Lectures and experiments passed in a blur with no sign of his mate. Well today was the first day of a new academic year. So if he doesn't find her within this first week then he'd have to wait for another year.

Going home, his usual stoic and energetic shoulders were slacken and drooping.

I decided to cheer him up by sending him to a new place I found while he was home lazying his butt on his bed playing video games.

It was a distributary of the Green River. The sand on its bank was very smooth and there were a lot of pretty pebbles too. The stream was bordered on both sides by trees. The stream was very clear and only a few feets deep. You could even see the small fishes inside as they swam.

The place gave off a very calming vibe and I'd decided to visit it quite often.

We sat on the floor with out backs to the trunk of one of the trees along the streams' bank.

Aiden dropped the two backpacks he was carrying, one his and the other being mine onto the forest floor carelessly making me scowl at him.

"What's the backpacks done to you?" he ignored my question and turned to the stream and then asked,

"When did you find this place?"