
Forever Mine[BL]

Wang Tao emotionlessly spent his life following the same routine. His only interruptions were when he fought or visited worlds. But what happens when one day he decides to visit a world in a galaxy ruled by systems? Will he finally be free of that never ending cycle? Will he learn to feel and love? Or will he slowly sink into the sea of depression, falling into a state worse than before? ... ps: Part of the Wang Tao(WT) series. Check my bio for clarification. ... More accurate tags: male x male, angst, mc falls in love first, various worlds, slow-burn, non-human x non-human, unique, new experience, multi-verse, supernatural, magic, emotional, HE.

EM236_otaku · LGBT+
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58 Chs

Chapter 20: When There Were Dynasties/Arc 3.3

"Your M-"

"No need."

Zhou Jian raised his hand to stop him and gestured to the newly added seat. He dismissed the servants as Chen Xiang briefly greeted Wang Tao before sitting down.

"Chen Xiang, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"What brings you here?"

Zhou Jian continued the chess game with his minister as he spoke to him to seem uninterested. Wang Tao observed this silly friend of his as he checkmated the man. The Emperor frowned as he realized he lost again but stubbornly requested a rematch.

Chen Xiang realized the two weren't paying him much attention and cleared his throat. When the two looked at him, he smiled and spoke softly,

"Answering Your Majesty, I was on a walk around the palace as I'd been upset over something and needed some fresh air."

"You're upset? And why is that?"

The love sick fool quickly showed a worried expression as he turned to his concubine. Wang Tao silently shook his head before lowering his eyes to study the board.

"I-I'd rather not say…"

"It's fine. Zhen will listen."

[ Has this man already fallen for me again? Isn't he too easy? Maybe he can't remember me but his love remains? ]

Chen Xiang covered his smirk with his sleeve as he prepared the water works. Shakily he took a breath and revealed,

"I-I've found out that I'd been poisoned. I don't know who but I'm worried about the effects…"


Wang Tao and Zhou Jian exchanged a look.

Even though he knew the original Chen Xiang would suffer some things, they didn't get specific information. The two had no idea that the other would be poisoned.

Zhou Jian had felt a bit of guilt from actively allowing the original Chen Xiang to be hurt and now it only grew. Out of worry for the effects it would have on his lover, he hurriedly ordered the Imperial physician to check on Chen Xiang.

After a while, the physician approached.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Xiang is in good health...However, the poison was one to make him infertile. I am incredibly sorry Your Majesty but he will not be able to give you an heir."

Zhou Jian was relieved to hear that his beloved was in good health.

"Thank you, you may go. But do not disclose this to anyone."

"Yes, Your Majesty "

The physician bowed respectfully before leaving. Once, the man was out of sight, the Emperor entered the room.

Chen Xiang sat on the bed with his head lowered, hiding his expression. Zhou Jian lifted the boy's chin and was a bit startled to see tears.

"Why are you crying?"

"I-I'm sorry, It's just that I feel awful and useless. What good is a concubine who can't produce an heir?"

Chen Xiang put on an act as he waited for the Emperor's reaction. He knew that these men of power often liked to have someone who was dependent and would cling to them. Having realized that the man already held strong feelings for him, he grew bolder and acted faster. He needed to ensure that Zhou Jian would feel sympathy for him and still keep him even if he was infertile.

Zhou Jian gently wiped the boy's tears and assured him that he didn't care. He hadn't lied, he would like to have a child but if his lover didn't want to or couldn't, he would respect his wishes.

He still planned on dismissing the harem, however small it was, and making Chen Xiang his Empress. Of course, he couldn't move too fast. As for an heir, he'd just adopt and train one.

Zhou Jian knew that he had to hide the news of Chen Xiang's infertility or the people wouldn't accept him as Empress. Once the boy already had the position, no one would be able to take it away from him except the Emperor himself.

Weeks had passed and Chen Xiang had been promoted to consort. He and the Emperor grew closer and would go on a stroll everyday. Rumors of Chen Xiang's kindness, especially towards servants, had spread throughout the palace.

In the harem, unrest arose among the other two concubines.

Chen Zing sat before his bronze mirror, a furious expression as he bit his lips in irritation.

"How could he have won him over so fast? What trick did he use? It's almost as if he cast a spell. This is unfair, how dare he steal what is mine!!"

The servant girl flinched when a bottle of perfume crashed beside her feet. Trembling, she listened to the onslaught if vulgar words screamed dy her mistress in rage. Afraid to disobey her master and move, hence become the target if anger, she stood unmoving in her spot.

"Damn you Chen Xiang, I will take away more than just your purpose!!"

Days later, the young one sat outside in his courtyard, munching on snacks when his eunuch whispered something to him. Inwardly smirking, he hurriedly changed with the servants' help before striding towards a certain palace.

Upon his arrival, Chen Xiang immediately showed a concerned expression, wincing every time he heard the whip. A little distance from him, concubine Chen Zing folded his arms as he contently watched the punishment take place.

As the situation seemed to escalate, the transmigrator quickly spoke up.

"Brother, that's enough. The poor boy can't even stand."

Currently, a servant boy was being punished for attempting to steal Chen Zing's jewelry and Chen Zing used this chance to let out his frustrations.

When he entered the harem, he thought with only two others for competition he'd come out on top. Chen Zing hadn't expected to not even be able to catch a glimpse of the Emperor's robes.

Chen Xiang overheard that his half-brother was scolding the servant and rushed over to play hero. As he spectated, he showed how he cared for the servant to further bring up his good reputation.

"What are you talking about brother? He deserves it. And it's concubine Zing to you."

Chen Zing sneered at his half-brother.

[ How dare he act so familiar with me? I ignore it once and he thinks he has privileges. ]

To Chen Zing, Chen Xiang seemed really stupid to be asking this of someone who bullied him. But, contrary to what he was thinking, Chen Xiang knew what he was doing.

"I apologize. I know you hate me but please let the boy go. He's been punished enough."

Chen Xiang had always jumped at the chance these past weeks to pin Chen Zing as an awful person who not only mistreated his servants but also his own brother. The transmigrator didn't forget to paint himself in a good light.

Feeling the accusatory gazes the spectators were giving him, Chen Zing reluctantly let the boy go. Chen Xiang personally helped the grateful boy up and asked a servant to help him wash up.


Wang Tao, who overheard the fiasco, headed over to the Emperor's study room. Entering, he sat down and told Zhou Jian about it. Zhou Jian didn't seem to have much of an opinion as he didn't say anything at first.

Propping his head on his elbow, the Emperor's eyes stayed glued to his work as he nonchalantly spoke.

"Does that seem like Xiang er?"

A frown fleeted across Wang Tao's face.

"Aren't you the one who told me how kind he was? Why are you doubting it?"

"I was just wondering."


Doubt appeared in the silver eyes but he didnt say anything more. Sitting quietly, he watched as the man finished his work. It was about an hour before Zhou Jian talked again.

"How long till I can dismiss the harem?"

"Probably another week."

"So long?"


"Should I send Yuan a letter?"

"Yeah, I think he'll be interested in what's been taking place."

Zhou Jian nodded at that before going silent.

Realizing that his Emperor had nothing else to say, Wang Tao told him a discovery he made on the Disaster Relief Fund case. Apparently he found out who was responsible but there seemed to be more to it. It would take him a few days to know what.

Shortly afterwards, Zhou Jian went to meet up with his lover for their evening stroll. At the same time, Wang Tao hopped on his carriage and returned home.

Here's a new chapter! Hope you like it.

Thank you everyone for the comments and support. I'm really grateful.

EM236_otakucreators' thoughts