
Forever Forrest.

Blessed with the power of an overseer but cursed with the lies he has been told.

Forrestwoods · Fantasy
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4 Chs


I see multiple figures around me. The figures have their own color. My vision is blurry but i could still make out their color. One is black, the much shorter one is blue, the figure beside me is red. After a few seconds, my vision starts to restore itself. There's three doctors in the room with me. The doctors beside me is checking my pulse, the other two doctors are changing my blood. The doctors notice me regain consciousness and immediately told the staff. A young lady walks in, "What do you remember?"

I didn't recognize this woman and she didn't look like a doctor either. She continues to ask questions but I wasn't listening. The only person I wanted to talk to was my mother. After many attempts of questioning without getting answers, the lady then exits the room. What time is it? I thought to myself. Where is the glowing light guy? I thought to myself. After running through a million questions in my head, I heard a familiar voice. "Woods, where are you!" It took me a couple of seconds to recognize who it was. "Chas, is that you!" My childhood best friend runs inside my hospital room, "I've missed you man, what happened?". Chas looks worried.

"Man, I'm good. Nothing gonna kill me that easily. Where's my mom?"

He pulls out his phone and shows it to me. I see the messages. She isn't coming. "Look at the bright side. I'm picking you up. Bro time, Like old times". Chas trying to reassure me.

"Look, the quicker I can leave this hospital. The faster we can have bro time." I explain to chas. He smiles. "Yo woods, you hungry?"

Before I could answer his question, my stomach growls at him. "Okay stomach man I'll get some food for us." As Chas turns around to leave the room. I see the color red and blue on his back. Before I could think much of it, he exits the room. A couple minutes go by and Chas returns with food and a surprise. "Here's your favorite food and close your eyes". I looked at Chas confused.

"That doesn't sound right." I said humorously. Before I could close my eyes. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in", Chas tells the doctor. "Forrest king woods correct?"

I never liked hearing my full name but at least she didn't laugh like Chas did the first time he heard my full name. "Yes miss, that's me."

"How do you feel?" I just wanted to eat my food. "Perfectly fine". I replied. Chas knows what I want so he announces it. "Can we please get the discharge papers?" After three hours of patiently waiting. I was free to go. Chas is eighteen with a car. Basically the luckiest eighteen year old in the world. As a seventeen year old. I can't drive and I can't watch Grown up shows. After a couple hours of driving I've noticed something. My eyes keep seeing different colors around people. Most have two Colors. Some have mainly one. I don't understand what's going on. I can't help myself but to stare. When I got home. I felt off. As if someone's watching me. The only place I felt alone was the bathroom. "Yo Chas, I'm gonna take a shower. Call my phone if I'm needed". Before I could hear him respond, I locked the door to the bathroom. As I'm taking off my clothes I notice something about myself in the mirror. I see two different colors above me, White and red. After examining my colors for a long period of time. I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Yo woods, I forgot to give you this." Chas slipped a piece of paper underneath the door. "Some lady said to give it to you". I put the piece of paper in the sink. That wasn't important to me at the moment. As the water hits my body, I started reflecting on my conversation with grey head. As I'm reminiscing about grey head's words, I hear a sound. I quickly turned off the water and waited for a brief moment. I opened the shower door. I noticed the piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up. I unfolded the paper and saw a marking. I didn't recognize this symbol. The marking on the piece of paper starts to open up. A man wearing all black jumps through the marking. The man throws a punch and I quickly dodge his fist and gave him a flying knee. The man stumbles back. "Who are you?"

He didn't bother to answer my question. After Examining the man, I noticed the color around him was Dark red. I prepared myself for his next attack. Thankfully my mother made me learn kickboxing at the age of 10. I remember losing multiple matches but was still determined to learn. I slowly realized the color around him start to act strange. His color wasn't flowing around him anymore. The dark red color placed itself on his knuckles. "What are you doing?" I was startled to see grey head floating outside my bathroom window. Grey head flys towards the man and elbows him. The man goes flying and breaks the sink with his head. "In the name of yang, who are you?"

The man stands up with a bloody face. "A human under a yin". I stare at grey head's color. Pure white. His color was much larger than anyone else's I've seen today. Grey head starts to question the man. "Why is the boy any importance to the yin?" The man smiles.

"He wasn't, until we heard his full name."

Grey head wasn't buying it. He walks up to the man and disintegrates him on the spot. I couldn't believe my eyes. "Your life is in danger, do you remember who gave you this piece of paper?" As questions are being asked, grey head's color places itself on his eyes. "No, I don't remember". I explained. I put a towel around my waist and proceeded to ask him a question. "Why do I see different colors around people?" His facial expression changed. He was dumbfounded. "describe your situation". His color moves away from his eyes. "I see different colors around people. I've seen blue,black,white,red above different people. It's usually floating above their heads but some people colors land on a specific part of their body's." He was silent for a couple of seconds. "The colors you see determines the persons race. Blue indicates giant, Red indicates human, White indicates yang, Black indicates yin. I don't know the other colors because I don't have the ability myself." I was surprise at the fact that he didn't have this ability. "How did you know I was part yang?" He smiled. "Us yangs could smell our own DNA off each other. There hasn't been someone with that ability for a very long time." He looks at me with a serious face. "You are a overseer, the colors you see doesn't have a name but you humans call it aura. As a overseer you can predict enemies attacks and magical attacks. If I focus my magical energy into my arm, you'll see my aura place itself on my arm. You are the seventh overseer this world as seen and the first yang and human mix. We need to awaken your power." My mind filled with questions.I didn't know what to do. I'm seventeen with a magical gift and people are trying to kill me because of it. I was freaking out but I knew I didn't have a choice but to live my new life. "How do I awaken my powers and what is your name?" He walks up to me. "Your power is inside of you. As a yang, All of our powers are connected to light. Yin are connected to darkness. Humans however are connected with the universe itself. Your power would be random but since your DNA structure is part yang, It should be easier to achieve your goal. We yang don't have names. As I explained before, we smell our DNA off each other." I didn't wanna Change my life but I felt needed for something greater. I wanted to learn more about this. Before I could ask anymore questions, I hear Chas knock on the door. "Yo, why you making all that ruckus?"

Grey head smiles and says "if you need me. Call out to me." He snaps his fingers and disappears before my eyes. I open the door for Chas. He looks at me and over my shoulder. His face is shocked. I didn't know why so I looked behind me. I forgot about the broken sink. "What the heck happened woods!"