
Chapter 4: Attack of the Killer Blue Furry

I woke up early in the morning yawning heavily before climbing down the tree, I wanted to continue exploring the woods however I had no means to defend myself.

After encountering that crazy goblin yesterday it dawned on me that I couldn't just go around willy nilly with my thumb up my ass.

Who knows what other crazy bastards I could run into, I was a thin green midget without any fighting skills or real combat experience.

Before my time in the dark room I never had the need to learn how to fight.

Not to mention up until now I've been relying on dumb luck and just going with the flow.

If that crazy goblin from yesterday had a knife I would have been gutted I sat down by the river drinking the salty water contemplating what to do.

Those two goblin guards had spear's made from sticks and rocks but given my current upper body strength and lack of experience with one.

It would be nothing more than a glorified pointy stick in my hands.

I am confident in my pitching abilities but throwing rocks wont work against a large group or someone or something tough.

The only kind of weapon I could use was a slingshot but it's not like there's a toy store right around the corner, I'm in the middle of the fucking woods.

A stick wouldn't really work because it would break the moment I swung unless it was a bat.

Suddenly the blue screen appeared before me.



Crafting Options Available : Stone Macuahuitl

Yes / No


Jack: (" Ma-Chu-Ah-Hooty?, isn't that some kind of Mexican goat vampire or something?")

Chuck: "That's a Chupacabra dummy, a Macuahuitl is a flat wooden club with blades around it."

Jack: ("Chuck since when did you speak Spanish? How do I say "Yes" in Spanish?")

Chuck face palmed his face with his small stuffed bear paws before replying to Jack.

Chuck: "Jack buddy look we don't have much time hurry up and click yes."

Jack: ("Much time? What are you talking about? What's the rush were the only ones here.")


I stood up from shock and looked towards the direction of that loud roar.

There was a small beast like figure way down below the river slowly growing larger and larger as it approached.

Jack: ("Chuck! What the Fuck is that!? Chuck? Chuck?")

I looked around for chuck who was nowhere to be seen.

Jack: ("Seriously Chuck you pick now to disappear!?")

Jack was shitting bricks as the roaring beast was fast approaching him.

It looked like a mutated blue bear with three large yellow eyes with saber tooth fangs and a long blue bushy tail.

Jack clicked yes on the blue screen and began to run the opposite direction he wasn't stupid enough to climb up a tree since he knew if a regular old bear from his part of the country could climb a tree.

Than this sure as shit beefed up blue demon bear could as well.

His legs were too short no matter how hard or fast he ran he couldn't create enough distance to outrun it.



Stone Macuahuitl

Material required:

Lumber of Wood

Large Stone Rock


Okay but what do I do with it?

How do I make it?

Do I even have the time to do that right now?

And even if I did what am I supposed to do with a vampire goat?

I heard Chucks voice echo in my head with an irritated tone before fading away again

Chuck: "That's a Chupacabra! dummy."

Jack: ("What is he all mad about I'm the one being chased by Goldilocks Worst Fucking Nightmare on Acid! And it's not like I can speak Spanish either who cares what its called I need help Chuck!")

For a few seconds the fear of being pursued by a mad beast was overwritten by Jack's curiosity of how or when did Chuck learn Spanish.

That curiosity was quickly forgotten when another deafening roar was heard even closer than the one before.

Jack was running out of time and out of breathe, Fuck Fuck Fuck this is bad I'm so Fucked!

Jack looked around frantically to find something anything that could get him out of this situation.

I had picked up a few rocks along the way to throw them, but given that thing's size they were virtually useless.

In all honesty I had only picked them up to have a small sense of false comfort.

I began to slow down as my panting grew louder I came to a total stop and leaned by a tree, my legs were almost completely numb my throat was dry and stung with pain at every breathe.

And my lungs felt like they were on fire, I was close to collapsing that bear thing was only picking up speed and getting closer and closer by the second.

By now I could see the blue fuck clearly across the horizon of the trees.

It wouldn't even take a minute more before it gets me and turns me into minced goblin meat.

Left with no other choice I forced my aching body to climb up the tree scrambling to the top both my hands getting covered with splinters by the time I reached to the top.

I sat there in anticipation for the inevitable grizzly death that would follow when that freak of nature would arrive.

Clutching the rocks in my hands so tightly that they oozed out blood I was scared and on the verge of tears.

When it arrived at the tree it looked up at me and bared its fangs and gave off another deafening roar it was at this point that I peed myself.

Some of the pee landed on the bears face and it became further infuriated and began to madly slam its entire body against the tree.

In an attempt to either shake me off it or just bring down the whole damn thing.

I started to throw the stones aiming for its eyes and face.

I had grabbed about five of them the first two had hit his head but bounced right off.

However the third one hit its third eye in the middle blinding it by lodging itself in as blood flowed out.

It roared in pain seeing how effective that was I had two stones left and my hope was to completely blind it so that I could make a run for it by hitting its other eyes.

I hurled the fourth rock at its right eye but it moved and crushed its nose instead.

A satisfying squishy noise came from its nose being pulverized causing the bear to flinch and foam at the mouth as it was practically Dry Humping The Tree To Death at this point to get me off it.

The tree was shaking so violently that I was amazed it was still standing.

I had one last shot left and I knew the chances were unlikely of me getting out of this alive.

But if I had to die I would at least make this blue fuck work for it.

And with confidence and the resolve to see this through to the end I yelled out.

Jack: " Giii Giii GIii! " / " I Eat Poop! "

(Intended meaning : " Go To Hell! " )

I stretched out my arm and hurled the palm sized rock at the bear's eye again.

I had thrown it with such force that my arm recoiled pulling a muscle causing me to fall off the tree.

At that moment all I could think was that my baseball career was over.

I hit the floor with a thud and blacked out the last thing I heard was the roar of that roided out blue freak before everything went black.

Jack: "Giii Giii…" / "Eat Poop…"

(Intended meaning: " Sorry Jullie….")

Jack was out cold his final throw was the culmination of his life's work as a human child, his passion for baseball and his goblin anatomy mixed into one making it a pitch worthy of being called world class in his previous world.

The rock had missed both of the bears eyes, Jacks intended target jack had failed to reach his goal.

However he had hit the same third eye where the third rock had previously lodged itself in causing his final rock to push the third rock in though the blue bears head piercing its brain killing it instantly.

Jack awoke a few moments later, not by own his will but by the voice of a familiar teddy bear calling out to him.

That and about a buckets amount of cold river water splashed over him.

Chuck: "Jack, hey buddy wake up Jack, Hey pal you still breathing?"

Jack: "Giii?" / "Poop?"

(Intended meaning: "Wha?")

Jack felt a splitting headache as he woke up his vision was blurred he saw Chucks figure slowly morph into the figure of that crazy goblin he bumped into yesterday.

Gia: "Giii Giii Giii" / "Are you awake?"

Jack looked up to her his head was resting on Gia's thighs he was too dazed to immediately spring into a defensive position and instead asked.

Jack: "Giii Giii Giii Ouch" / "I Eat Poop Ouch"

(Intended meaning: "What are you Ouch!")

Jack rubbed his head he was less dizzy now so he stood up and the blue screen popped up before him again.


{Level up 3- 10} X

{Level Max 10}: You have reached your Race level cap you will no longer be able to level up.

Name: Green Goblin

Species: Goblin

Race: Green

Health : 25

Stamina : 25

Magic: 5

Skill slots remaining : 0

Skill: Bug Catcher, Goblin Cannibal, Grave Digger,

New Skill : Blue Claws

Will cost one Magic point to activate your hands will be imbued with the strength and sharpness of the blue claws


Jack was too intrigued at his new found skill since the moment he saw the Magic option he had been eager to see it in action.

Since magic was not something that was proven or even heard of in his world.

Closing the blue screen, he activated the Blue Claws skill and his hands began to glow a blue light.

Gia was flabbergasted originally Gia had been stalking the Weirdo Goblin Jack but had accidentally stumbled upon that blue demon bear.

In attempt to save her own skin she led the bear to Jack and left him for dead.

She had been watching the whole thing, she was not upset about the bear killing Jack.

She was upset that she would not get to try out that cooked fish that weirdo goblin could make.

And could only sigh about how much of a great loss it was too lose such delicious fish.

When she saw Jack climb the tree she had assumed he was done for and turned away.

She was about to leave and had not paid attention to the rest of the fight only turning when she stopped hearing the blue bear.

After seeing Jack kill the beast which no mere green goblin in the world should have been able to survive let alone stand against.

She had decided then and there that she would make this goblin a follower and use him secure the position of Goblin Chief.

In Gia's eyes after Jack had slain the Blue Bear his value and threat level exponentially rose up in her mind.

among goblins not only was he strong enough to kill a blue demon bear but he could also make good food she felt a weird fluttery feeling in her heart as she began to blush for some reason.

She had decided on making him her underling in her eyes Jack was simply meant to be a means to an end for her ambitions.

And someone she would toss aside the moment he was of no use to her but now she felt envious she believed that she would be the best among her generation and would one day rise to the very top of Goblin Society.

But she couldn't help but feel the need and desire to want to be with this Weirdo Goblin not out of benefit but out of respect and reverence.

These emotions of respect and loyalty should have been foreign to lowly creatures such as goblins who are born as natural bottom feeders.

His glowing blue hands only further intensified the image of an almighty and superior being as fear rose in Gia's heart.

She truly believed that one day this Goblin would make a name for himself and maybe even one that reached beyond the Dark Forest...

A name that would rise above her own...

Gia shook her head she wasn't going to give up so easily Jack had already become a rival and an object of desire to Gia.

While Jack was busy playing with his glowing hands by swinging them around making light saber noises with his mouth each time he created a trace of light.

He wasn't even aware of Gia's complex thinking and emotions that were gradually spiraling out of control.

There was a saying among the goblins that there is no love greater than the love for gold.

Gia was greedy but smarter than the average goblin she had the ambitions of becoming the queen of goblins and usurping the Goblin Chief of their tribe and conquering the Dark Forest.

But she lacked the strength to pull it off right now.

She was the type of person who saw herself above others and these feelings of reverence towards another conflicted with her superiority complex.

She did not want to be beaten or left behind by that weirdo goblin.

She wanted to be the very best like no one ever was.

But after meeting this weirdo goblin her ambitions were skewed she still wanted gold and the status of leader.

But she also wanted to follow around this weirdo goblin in hopes of getting his attention She wanted him to acknowledge her as his superior.

She had imagined a bizarre fantasy of him and her conquering the world together in a burning fiery landscape of corpses and mountains of gold while every being of the world including the gods were bowing down beneath their feet.

Her wishful thinking and fantasies of her and this weirdo goblin were shattered when she was reminded of this weirdo goblins biggest flaw his speaking disability.

Jack: "Giii Giii Giii Giii" / "Eat Poop Eat Poop"

(Intended meaning: " Welp time to eat")

As jack made his way to the blue bear he didn't know where to start this thing was covered in fur and he had no knife to skin it with.

He tried biting into but got a mouthful of hair its fur was thick and very rough.

Gia noticed this and made the motions of putting her right arm on her stomach then pointing the left at the bear.

Jack shook his head he was not planning on sharing another meal with this crazy goblin again.

However Gia pulled out the stone blade her parents gave her ignoring the initiation rules and made the motions of cutting and pointing at her still scorched outfit then at Jacks.

Jacks understood the intention so he nodded his head in approval.

Gia began skinning the bear while Jack started to make a fire to cook the meat.

It wasn't long until the two weird goblins were wearing a full clothing set of blue bear pelt and feasting on roasted demon meat.

Gia had turned the pelt into a blue cape with a demon bear fang on the collar and loin cloth for jack and used the rest to make a new hat and outfit to replace her scorched one she also made fur boots and gloves .

The night had come and Gia using a skill of her own burrowed a hole into the ground by the bushes to hide and fell asleep while Jack climbed up a tree to fall asleep.

Ending Jack's second day of the initiation period...