
Chapter 15: Unfortunate Explosion

Gyrom: "gee-gee-gee gya-gya-gya GGwwaah-Gwah-Gwah-Gwah!"

Gyrom sinister old laughter crept throughout the cave echoing as it grew louder and louder it turned from an old man's laughter to the sadistic glee of an evil wizard.

The noise sent a cold shiver down Gorbum's back as he unconsciously took a few steps back from the red stained drapes.

He did not want to be anywhere near these two demons and be caught up in their impending collateral crossfire.

When the laughter died down the echoes followed and the cave became silent once more.

Jack looked on with anticipation while Gorbum furthered away ever so slightly as to not disturb the silence and garner any attention.

Soft footsteps along with the thud of a staff could be heard growing louder and louder as Gyrom approached the entrance, hidden behind the cover of the blood stained drapes.

When the noise stopped just before reaching the entrance a decrepit red hand with long dirty sharp yellow nails slowly reached out pushing the drapes away revealing Elder Gyrom.

His eyes glowed with a slick green shine in the dark as they reflected the illumination of the torch light.

The green sunken eyes hidden behind the cover of his mask gave him an imposing and mysterious aura.

His eyes scanned across the cave looking over at Jack with intrigue and hope before looking over at the cowering Gorbum.

Gyrom: "Gorbum bring gobs over I will take care of this Ja'Hack."

Gorbum: "Yes Elder!"

Jack: "Hey! My name is Jack! Not Ja-Hack Asshole! Get it Right!"

Gyrom: "A stupid name for a stupid gob."

Jack: "Hmph!"

Gyrom's expression was hidden behind the mask but from his body language and lower face he wore a calm and stern expression, that expressed Jack's very existence to be unimportant and meager before him.

Gyrom's attitude was the ideal image of an Elder ruling over his subjects.

Behind Gyrom's calm and stern expression he was very jubilant for the outcome of events. To think that the fool would come to him like a platter of food ripe for consuming.

For Ja'Hack to not only survive but recover to this extent from his fireball was proof enough that the lad held a very valuable secret.

Gyrom was itching to take those secrets away from the lad and Demi Gob he could only imagine the kind of benefits he would gain from them.

Perhaps they would be substantial enough for him to move up in the tribe and become a great Elder among his peers…

While Gyrom was daydreaming he noticed that Gorbum had not moved yet and was still standing around like an idiot waiting for directions.

Gyrom glared at Gorbum which caused him to tense up from the hostility turning his stomach into a knot as sweat dripped down his brow.

Gorbum left immediately and scurried off into the caves to gather the other goblins.

Gorbum was personally relieved to have left the two tyrants and survive the awkward position he was in.

As he ran through each cave room waking up and shouting at the goblins to follow him.

Gorbum wondered if he should avoid returning and just send the warriors instead in case things get too dangerous during their arrival and get mixed up in the fight.

He considered it a miracle to have already survived this long and Gorbum was not willing to test his luck any further.

He made up his mind deciding to stay behind and make an excuse to his brethren to be as far away possible from Ja'Hack and Elder Gyrom for the time being.

He ordered the men and one female gob warrior to assist Gyrom at his command...

Gyrom stepped away from the entrance and faced Jack, staring directly at him.

He stood at a distance from him to avoid the glowing blue arms that formed into claws.

Gyrom was wary of them and had already seen how easily they could slice through goblin flesh.

He studied the fluctuating movements of the flowing blue energy that covered his arms.

It was obvious to Gyrom that the young yellow lad was not use to combat and could be deemed a mediocre amateur at best.

This Ja'hack was very limited in terms of options and could not defend or counter from a distance.

He had seen Ja'Hack slaughter the young green and from Gorbums report Ja'hack chose to ambush the pair instead of engaging in goblin on goblin combat.

The two of them were shit compared to Gyrom of course but they were still hardened and well trained goblin warriors who should have been more than capable of taking care of the young yellow lad.

Gyrom was in no rush to engage instead taking the time to study Ja'hack's movements first, he was in a safe and domineering position so long as he kept his distance from him.

From what he could tell by looking at the young lad's stance he only knew how to fight like a newborn wild beast and relied heavily on his claws.

Gyrom critiqued and scoffed at his skill level, even if he had great power it would be absolutely meaningless in an honest fight against a well trained goblin warrior who could avoid his wild strike's.

Gyrom had been an elder for many years but before that he was a goblin warrior with no talents.

When he became a red goblin by pure chance he dedicated the rest of his life to grow stronger bettering himself at all fields to be the very best like no one ever was among the goblins.

As a goblin he was not as upfront and confrontational like most others in his race this allowed him to take percussion.

Gyrom instead chose to take a more a well thought out approach in scenarios and decisions especially in combat.

But he was still a flawed mortal creature with negative personality traits that could not be so easily weeded out during his training that put him at a disadvantage like his short temper.

Gyrom was confident in victory he had many years of experience and had fought in countless battles over the span of his lifetime against bigger and greater foes that overshadowed puny Ja'Hack when compared to them.

But most importantly Gyrom believed he had luck on his side he thought himself to be the luckiest goblin in the world.

Gyrom had the blessings of lady luck all throughout his life, any time something went awry Gyrom would benefit from the disaster as an opportunity.

Surely how would this small fry be any different for someone as great and rich in experience as him the Great Elder Gyrom.

Gyrom spoke in a serious and demanding tone leaving no room for debate or appeal to Ja'Hack,

Speaking in the same way a overbearing monarch would to a measly serf.

Gyrom: "Lad what secrets do you hold, share them with me and Gyrom will spare your life."

Jack: "Spare me? I'm not here to chit chat pal, i'm here to kill you."

Gyrom: "I will not ask again."

Jack: "My secrets are mine to keep."

Gyrom: "You chose poorly."

Gyrom: "Double Fireball!"

Gyrom pointed his staff towards Jack and swung it around twice in a cross before shouting out his spell.

The red shard of the staff glowed with a mystical energy before two basketball sized balls of fire shot out from it.

Gyrom had no intention of killing Jack and had split the power of one fireball into two smaller and weaker attacks to avoid a fatal blow.

He wanted to figure out how Ja'hack had recovered from his previous encounter this was a test to see if he could gleam anything from him during the attack.

He wanted to find out the source of Ja'hacks power and his healing capabilities.

If it was an item he would simply take it but if it was an innate skill that he possessed he would have to interrogate and learn how he attained it.

Jack felt scared although he had gotten the skill fire resistance he still remembered what it was like being burned alive.

The fear of feeling his eyeballs melt inside of there sockets and his tongue boil into grease again made him flinch at the incoming attack.

But instead of running away or blocking the attack Jack gritted his teeth and raised his arms to cover his face out of instinct and charged onward's throwing aside his fear.

Jack: "AAAAAAHHH!!!" (*Bwoosh!-*Bwoosh!)

Two basketball sized balls of fire shot out and simultaneously hit Jack, the impact caused both of them to explode in a fIery brilliance before fading into a rain of smoke, sparks and, flickers of flame.

Gyrom was surprised by his action but at this point he felt that the yellow lad was retarded for pulling the same stunt twice.

He felt it was a waist for this lad to have gotten such benefits despite being this stupid.

However his mockery was cut short when Jacks figure emerged from the fiery aftermath unharmed with a mischievous smile plastered across his face.

Gyrom: "What! Impossible!"

Jack began to giggled and laughed at the shocked expression the elderly red goblin had, hearing this Gyrom became angered and felt insulted by his laughter shouting at him.

Gyrom: "Grrr!, Don't Get Cocky Lad!"

Jack: "heh heh, C'mon Don't act like you're not impressed."

Gyrom aimed his staff at Jack once again and conjured up a full powered fireball with the intention to kill.

His anger clouded his judgement as a vein popped on his forehead.

Gyrom despite his wealth of knowledge and experience was still a short tempered and a spiteful little goblin at heart.

His short temper and anger were the result of being looked down upon his entire life.

As a green goblin he learned to bear with the humiliation and degradation from his superiors but when he became an Elder of his tribe, he was still forced to suffer the suppression and ridicule of his fellow Elders.

Gyrom wanted nothing more than to become greater than his peers and have a chance to bully and ridicule them for once.

He had struggled and learned to manage his emotions when it came to the Elders and Chief of the tribe but to receive so much backlash from a youngster goblin.

The very thought sent him ballistic he had enough of Ja'Hacks persistent interference in his goals.

The lad did not know his place and must be punished! For daring to offend me the Great Elder Gyrom.

When the fireball impacted Jack it left no trace of harm only managing to successfully burn off the rest of his attire leaving him butt naked as he continued to press forward.

Seeing Ja'Hack smile and laugh louder and louder at everyone of his futile attacks made Gyrom continue to fire again and again to blow off the anger burning in his heart.

With every impact Jack would stagger back but continue forward Gyrom paced back and kept at a distance but the gap was slowly but surely closing between them with every blast.

When Jack was close enough to slash at him he lunged out and stretched his arms forward intending to impale him with his claws.

Jack: "You Don't Fuck With the Jack!"

Just as Gyrom was going to fire a point blank shot and use the stagger to create some distance between them again.

The red shard's mystical light glowed with a blinking red light that blinded both Jack and Gyrom like a red flash bang.

Jack: "What The Fuck! My Eyes!"

Gyrom: 'Tsk!"

Loud cracks could be heard along with the pressure of magic being released before the shard exploded into a red sparkling mist blowing off the staff and Gyrom right hand along with it.

Gyrom had no idea what had happened the red light still blinded his eyes and the loud explosion made him death from one ear as blood trickled down his right ear.

He was too dazed and confused to figure out what happened but he cried out in pain as his right hand had been reduced to a bloody stump on his wrist.

Gyrom fell back clutching his wound as blood sprayed out from his missing stump.


The explosion damaged Jacks ears and sent him rolling back from the force, all he could hear was a loud beeping sound ringing out as he tried to speak.

His eyes were still blinded by the red light but unlike Gyrom, Jack had the healing seed which cured his temporary death and blindness much quicker.

The cause of the sudden explosion was none other than Plum, during the fight she had grown bored of watching the cat and mouse game Jack and Gyrom were playing.

Every time Jack would get close enough to kill Gyrom he would be pushed away by the fire balls explosion and try again making the process be repeated over and over again.

Eventually it happened one too many times for her liking so she decided to move it along by overflowing the magic shard with her energy, wanting them to get it over with already.

Plum speaking in chucks voice telepathically communicated with Jack.

Chuck: "Hey buddy hurry up and get it together."

Jack: "Chuck? Wha-"

Chuck: "Dude now's your chance! Go!"

Jack: "Yeah O-Okay Thanks Chuck!"

Jack regained his composure and thanked Chuck with the most sincere and honest thanks a man could ever give to someone, his thoughts filled to the brim with admiration and compassion.

As soon as plum felt this she stuck her tongue out and cringed back in disgust.

Plum: "Eww yuck! Ugly Human!"

Because she had nested herself inside of his brain and had been linked to him like a a USB cable she was able to feel his overwhelming gratitude and warmth from the depths of his soul reaching out to her.

She hated having to put up the persona of his imaginary friend Chuck and despised having to be friendly with him even if it was pretend.

But because she was doing the bidding of her Goddess she would accomplish her mission without fail to carry out her will without complaint.

Plum had spent her time monitoring over Jack guiding and influencing the world around him by planting thoughts and messages into his subconscious or physically interfering like she did just now.

She had longed to see her goddess again and ached for her company she had created a magical domain inside of Jack's brain using his memories and thoughts to reside in.

The domain inside of Jacks brain was like another world in the shape of a Snow Globe with a luxurious Greek pantheon ripped directly from a movie inside.

The sky of the domain was permanently shrouded by its own starry night it was the picture perfect image of the scene in Jack's memories.

Plum: "(*Sigh) Stupid boy…"

When the red blindness faded from Gyrom's eyes, his heart sank as he saw Jack standing beside him still clutching his bleeding stump that sprayed out a red fountain he was scared and could sense his death looming.

Gyrom's heart raced wildly nearly giving him a heart attack, he was still shell shocked and could only dumbly stare at Jack with fear in his eyes.

Before Gyrom could speak and ask for mercy Jack spoke first.

Jack: "GET REKT!"


Gyrom: "GYAAAK!"

Jack had formed his claws into a fist and punched the Elder red goblin square in the jaw.

The impact of the strike sent Gyrom's entire body into the air as it violently spun and twirled with a trail of blood and teeth flowing from his broken mouth and arm.

His bleeding and broken body eventually went into free fall after crashing into the ceiling of the cave an audible grunt could be heard from him as he hit the harsh ground floor with two thuds.

His body bounced from the momentum of the fall creating a crunch and plop noise as his bones broke on the floor.

Gyrom laid there motionless and wheezing sickly as he struggled to breathe.

Jack: "(*Whistle) Holy shit, sometimes I even surprise myself…"

Jack looked over his glowing blue fist with a look of happy surprise before the magic faded.

Gyrom's jaw bone was shattered to pieces as it hanged by the left side of his face, unhinged and being held together by a few bloody tendons.

He was unable to speak or think clearly he couldn't comprehend why or how it happened so he replayed the scene of his staff exploding over and over again even as he was bleeding out and in excruciating pain.

It was hard for him to believe that he had actually lost and could not find anyone to blame for it not even himself.

If his circumstances had been due to his own lapse of judgement he would have had an easier time accepting it but it was not!

Was it just bad luck? Impossible! He was right to question the bizarre explosion never in a million years could he have guessed it to be the work of a mythical Dark Fairy.

Gyrom wanted to scream and cry at the injustice of the freak accident he had hoped that this was all just a bad dream a nightmare and doubted his reality.

His entire life work turned to dog shit in an instant, luck had given him every opportunity to move up in the world and gain fortuitous encounters.

But now that very same luck was taking it away from him and using him as a stepping stone for another!?

Gyrom tried desperately to move his broken body but could only manage to make a few twitches as his gurgled wheezing grew louder in his efforts.

Jack walked over to Gyrom and raised his foot above his head ready to kill the old red bastard.

Jack: "Hasta La Vista, Asshole!"

Before Jack could curb stomp Gyrom's head into a mushy red paste beneath his foot.

He could feel Chuck beckoning him to wait inside of his head.

Hey guys Happy Spring Break :D i'ma chill for a while but I'll still release chapters here and their but they're probably gonna be short ones :P idk

6ix6ixcreators' thoughts