
Forever Destined to the Silver Shadow

When the man in front of her tried to touch her hand, she instinctively took a step back from him—as she didn’t want him to get hurt.  “Please don’t touch me for your sake,” she said to him.  The man smiled a little and replied,” Don’t worry about me, Celestia! Nothing will happen to me.” She was startled as he had called her by her actual name. She had kept her identity a secret—as no one is supposed to know who she really is.  “How do you know my…. real name?” she asked him nervously.  “I know everything about you, Celestia,” he said and moved near her. “I know you better than you know yourself—" Her heart throbbed when his hand got near her skin. She thought that he would be thrown away from her and get severely injured—just like all the other men did. But surprisingly, nothing happened to him when his sturdy hand clasped her pearly white fingers. With his other hand, he held her chin and fixed his alluring gaze on her.  “How... How are you even able to touch me?” Celestia asked him.  “Because you are mine—" he answered in a deep tone. “Others weren’t able to touch you—as you only belong to me—" She winced slightly when he suddenly grabbed her tiny waist and pulled her closer to him. Then he leaned down and kissed her pale cheek.  “Only I get to touch and kiss and make love to you! Because you are forever destined to live with me,” he whispered in her ear and made her shudder.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He is feared by everyone else in her kingdom. His powers are infinite, and he can do things beyond other’s imagination.  Even though everyone considers him dangerous, Celestia sees a different version of him. He is ruthless and cold to others—but whenever he sees her, he surrenders himself to her. Despite the warnings of others, she finds herself slowly falling for him. Even after she becomes his lover, she is unable to predict his true nature. What are his true motives? And what circumstances are forcing him to join hands with the dark side? And why does he desire Celestia so much that he is willing to kill any man who even thinks of touching her?! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join my discord server to view pictures of characters and more https://discord.gg/MCNHfvH7m8 Chat with the author directly there and give your feedback.

Riley_Steverose · Fantasy
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323 Chs

Myth Of Sirens

Celestia's POV:

"Father, you told me that Sirens are extinct. Did you lie to me?" I asked him. 

He turned away from me immediately as if he was disconcerted by himself. So he lied to me? Why would he do that?

"Celestia, there is something I need to confess," he mumbled. "I thought that I could protect you by keeping you away from the truth. But I think that it is impossible."

"What is it, father? What are you hiding from me?" 

My father took a deep breath and began to talk. " Sirens always existed in our realm. Ten thousand years, ago they were living in the Lowlands along with all the Mages and Faes. Sirens are gorgeous women. No one can resist their temptations when they see a Siren. Sirens can read minds, and with that, they can manipulate their victims. Just their voices are enough to control any Mage or Fae."

I recalled what happened to me when I saw Silver Shadow. I wasn't able to stop admiring him no matter how hard I tried, and his voice was so soothing to my ears. So he is a Male Siren! 

"And unlike us, they have wings," he retorted. 

"What?"I gasped. " Does the Silver Shadow have wings too?"

He nodded and said, "Yes. Sometimes I wonder why the Holy Almighty gave this much power to those Seducers."

I couldn't agree more with him. Why did God make them that way? 

"Sirens began to consider themselves a superior being. They disrespected the Fae kind and every other being in this realm. With their alluring power, Sirens were easily able to make others sin."

"Then what happened," I asked him curiously. 

"Everyone in the Celestial realm gathered together and decided to banish them from our realm. Even though the Sirens are powerful, they were outnumbered when we all united together. So they had no other choice except to accept the defeat."

Now I understand why there are no Sirens on the Lowlands.

"Now Sirens live alone across the sea in an enchanted island named Selene," my father went on." Many have sailed the sea out of curiosity to find out more about the Sirens. In the end, they get lured by those creatures, and they lose their life."

I flinched. Is that why I feel elated whenever I view the sea? Am I being lured by the Sirens who are across the ocean? Whatever! I should be more conscious from now on. And I still had a lot of questions in my mind. I took a deep breath and began to raise more questions to my father. 

"Father, from what you said, the Sirens are only females. How can a Male Siren exist?"

My father grunted and replied, "Silver Shadow is not completely a Siren. He is also Half-Fae! That's why he is very powerful as he has got the powers of both Fae and Siren."

Faes are considered the most eternally powerful beings. From what I heard now, the Sirens seem to be even more invincible than Faes! 

If someone has got the powers of a Siren and a Fae, then he is unstoppable. So it is no wonder why Silver Shadow was able to defeat five warriors at once. Then I realized the complication in what he said.

"But Father, the myth is that Sirens should not procreate."

He shook his head. "It doesn't mean that they can't mate. They do, mate, but they don't make offsprings. Every female Siren is obligated to swear on the sea that they don't procreate. And if they break their vow, the Siren will die immediately after giving birth to her child."

"Does it mean that the Silver Shadow's mother is dead?"

He nodded. "Her name was Sapphire. She fell in love with a Fae, and she enchanted him into mating with her. And she died immediately after giving birth to Silver Shadow."

I felt sorry for Silver Shadow. He must have been heartbroken that his mother died even before he was born. 

"Celestia, you don't have to feel sympathy for that evil trickster Silver Shadow."

How did he know what I was thinking? Perhaps it is my facial expression.

"Silver Shadow may be a Half-Fae, but he also has the shrewdness of a Siren. He is full of pride and thinks he is better than everyone else. Now he is on a mission to destroy me so that he can be the King of the realm."

"But that seems to be outrageous. He can be mighty and gorgeous. But that doesn't mean that he should be the King," I asserted.

"Exactly. He has been tormenting everyone in this realm for a long time, even before you were born."

"So he is older than me? If he is older than me, then why haven't I heard about him?" I demanded. 

He glanced away from me again. He does this a lot when he feels guilty about something. 

"Celestia, you need to sleep," he said and got up from my bed. 

"But I need to know about Silver Shadow. Why are you hiding me from him?" 

"No, you don't want to know anything more than this. Silver Shadow is dangerous, and you are not going to deal with him."

"But I am the Dawn. You told me that I was born to protect everyone from the darkness. And if Silver Shadow is on the dark side, I would have to face him. So please tell me everything about him."

My father sighed. "Celestia, forget about Silver Shadow. Take him off your mind! He is just an enchanter, and you don't have to worry about him. Your purpose is to destroy Lilith, and you are just going to do that."

"No," I cried out. " I can't stop thinking about him. If you hide things from me, I will be tempted even more."

"Celestia….," he shouted. 

My father's pale blue eyes were staring at me furiously. What have I done? I never talk back to my father this way. I started to feel guilty. 

"This is exactly why I told you not to think about him. He will lure you into sin."

I knelt down on the floor before him and bowed my head a little. "I am sorry, father. I never realized that I was sinning. I will not let this happen to me again."

I looked up to see if he was normal. His gaze was softened a little. 

"I know that you will not break your vow and betray your people, Celestia. I have faith in you. But I don't trust the Silver Shadow. Now that he has seen you, he will do everything to lure you into his trap."

"Silver Shadow can't enchant me again. I'll be focused on fulfilling my purpose instead," I said in a tone filled with determination. 

But why does Silver Shadow want me? I was too afraid to ask this question to my father again. Perhaps I will ask Darius about it. He might tell me everything that I need to know.