
Embrashment award

Sleep is always my punctual student, I hate when my student is late or absent.

I am turning left to right and right to left for almost past 30 minutes but I am not able to sleep.

I got up frustrated and irritated, the time is only two and I am not feeling like sleeping. I came out of the room and moved to his room hesitantly, I saw him sleeping on the bed as he didn't lock his room I moved to terrace without disturbing him.

I recalled our first meet till now especially our fun fight today in the kitchen.

"What makes to laugh like patient escaped from asylum" I heard his voice and startled to the unexpected voice.

"Idiot, you scared me", I glared him but he smirked.

Now I realize why I like him while he sleep, because that is the time he won't smirk, I badly wanted to rub his smirk from his face.

"Why were you smiling?" he raised his eye brow like demanding an answer without excuse.

"When" I asked his as I don't know when I smiled.

"Just before I am scaring shit of you"

Did I smile really?

"Yes, Nandhini you were smiling"

I was thinking about him only and smiling without realizing, what he will think that I say I was thinking about him?

No way I am going to admit it.

"It is nothing, just like that"

"But I don't think so, it was like reminiscing some golden memory"

Does this mind reading creep found what was I thinking?

"Why are you making big deal out of it?"

"It is just you not me" I thought we came into good terms but see he is still irritating, even India Pakistan can come to good term, for us it's not possible.

He reminded silent and so I.

We both were staring the sky as if we were watching an interesting movie.

It was so calm and cool breeze was fanning both of us.

"You like moon?" he asked looking the moon.

"I love seeing them. In my childhood, my mother used feed me by telling stories about moon. I remember she used to say stories while feeding me that a grandmother is inside the moon preparing vada for me, if I eat the food properly she will give those vada for me or else she will eat all those by herself. I used to believe those stories I used eat the food without throwing tantrums."

"You were good girl then" he said but sounds more like question.

"You were not ARE. I am still good a girl" I am not boosting about but just kidding him and he smiled.

"I always wanted to go moon in my childhood and when I grow I wanted to become astronaut but last now... "I realized I am going too far and bite my tongue to stop the future words.

"More than full moon, I love half-moon. It is beautiful, I keep looking those moon always" I changed the subject but I know he have noticed change thanks he didn't dig further.

"You like moon?" I asked him.

"I don't know" his answer is confusing me.

"What?" what type of answer is this?

"I never fascinated by them nor hate them so I don't know whether I love them or not. But I like stars"

"Yeah, stars also nice"

"My star is more special and powerful than your moon"

"Excuse me what you make to think like that?"

"Star always gives its light on its own unlike moon who borrows from sun"

"Hello Mr. even star twinkle in the sky, on no moon day the sky will be pitch dark. Borrowing or not is matters, giving light is matter"

We both quarrel not accepting each other like two scientist were discussing. It may be marathon or our quarrel I wonder how we get energy to fight tirelessly.

"Okay, stubborn head, I was pulling your leg, both star and moon have its own specially"

"You did this on purpose?"

"Yeah, I was feeling bored so... " he yawned and rubbed his eyes. I stared him but he don't give damn.

"Okay go and sleep in your room" I told him and he kept his head in my shoulder.

"Don't worry Navya is not here " I was confused first but shocked what he mentioned about the other day Navya clicked picture of us when he was sleeping on my shoulder.

"Don't open your eyes, It is already big enough like a saucer and seeing that saucer so near frightens me" He snuggle more and shiver passes through my body and I feel warm in his touch.

"It is peace" He murmured and slept.

As usual I kept my head on his head and I too felt peace and safe.

Manik get up, its late, get up.

"Nandhini, 5 minutes please"

"No get up, go and sleep in you room"

"I am not able to sleep there, it feel nice here" He pointed my shoulder.

Aiyappa, please help me why he is throwing tantrums now.

"Manik, Manik, Manik" I tapped his no response.

"5 minutes is over, get up Manik"

"Uff, you are not letting sleep" He said in irritating tone but did attempt to move instead he hold me tightly. This is called Karma, I used to throw tantrum on Abi for getting up early morning sometimes, see now this grown 25 year palm tree acting like a child. At least I won't hold Abi like this when I am sleeping. Aiyappa I really need your help today urgently and he woke immediately hearing my alarm tone.

"Thanks Aiyappa" I was looking up and thanking but Manik was watching me curiously. What is wrong with this guy why he seeing like I grew two heads?

Oh my god! I realized and switched of the alarm.

I saw Manik through corner of my eye and he is still watching me.

Wow, this will be nominated as most embarrassing incident of 2017. If there is any award, I will bag that award definitely.