
Forever and Always.

"Forever and Always" is a heartwarming novel that follows the journey of two individuals, Dymar and Dara, as they navigate life together, from their early years of young love to the joys and challenges of growing old together. The story begins with Dymar and Dara as teenagers, discovering their feelings for each other and embarking on a journey of love and companionship. As they navigate the ups and downs of adolescence, they also face the realities of adulthood, including pursuing higher education and starting their careers. Through hard work and determination, Dymar and Dara build successful and fulfilling lives for themselves. They support each other through various milestones and challenges, celebrating their achievements and providing comfort during difficult times. Together, they create a loving and nurturing home, raising a family filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. As the years go by, the couple experiences the inevitable changes that come with aging. They navigate the complexities of health issues and the bittersweet moments of watching their children grow up and leave the nest. Through it all, their love remains steadfast, providing them with strength and resilience. "Forever and Always" beautifully captures the essence of a lifelong love story, showcasing the enduring bond between Dymar and Dara. It explores the themes of commitment, sacrifice, and the power of love to withstand the test of time. The novel reminds readers of the beauty in growing old together, cherishing the memories made along the way, and finding joy in the simplest moments. With its relatable characters and heartfelt storytelling, "Forever and Always" is a touching and inspiring novel that celebrates the power of love and the beauty of a lifelong partnership. It serves as a reminder to readers that true love knows no bounds and that the journey of growing old together can be filled with immeasurable happiness and fulfillment.

Amelia_Polish · Realistic
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Second Year

As Dymar and Dara enter their second year of lower secondary school, their bond continues to grow stronger. They become inseparable, spending most of their free time together. Dara, who has always been creative, introduces Dymar to the world of crocheting. At first, Dymar is hesitant, thinking it's a hobby for girls, but Dara assures him that anyone can enjoy it. Reluctantly, he gives it a try and is surprised to find himself enjoying the rhythmic motions of the crochet hook and the satisfaction of creating something with his own hands.

Dymar's family decides to take a spring vacation to the beach, and Dymar can't help but think of inviting Dara to join them. Nervously, he asks her if she would like to come along, and to his delight, she agrees without hesitation. They spend their days building sandcastles, swimming in the crystal-clear waters, and enjoying the warm sun on their faces. Dymar and Dara even try their hand at surfing, with Dara's infectious enthusiasm giving them the courage to ride the waves together.

As their relationship continues to blossom, Dymar surprises Dara with a special date night at the movies. They hold hands throughout the movie, stealing glances and sharing whispered comments. Afterward, they walk hand in hand, discussing the film and laughing together. It's a simple yet meaningful date that solidifies their connection.

In order to save up some money for future adventures with Dara, Dymar decides to take on a part-time job as a babysitter. He loves spending time with children and finds joy in entertaining them and helping with their homework. Dymar's hard work pays off, and after three babysitting gigs, he earns a total of 220,070 CRC. He excitedly shares the news with Dara, who is proud of his dedication and determination.

As Dymar and Dara navigate the ups and downs of adolescence, they support and encourage each other every step of the way. Their relationship becomes a source of strength and comfort, allowing them to face the challenges of school and personal growth with confidence.


With a smile on his face, Dymar decides to surprise Dara with a bouquet of tulips. He knows how much she loves flowers, and he wants to show her how much she means to him. Dymar walks into a nearby flower shop and carefully selects a beautiful arrangement of tulips, arranging them in a vase himself to add a personal touch.

The florist tells him the total cost is 25,890 CRC, and Dymar happily pays for it. He can't wait to see Dara's reaction when he presents her with the bouquet.

Later that day, Dymar meets up with Dara at their favorite spot in the park. He nervously hands her the bouquet, and her eyes light up with joy as she takes in the vibrant colors and sweet scent of the tulips.

"Dymar, these are absolutely beautiful," Dara exclaims, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you so much!"

Dymar smiles, feeling a sense of warmth in his heart. "You deserve the best, Dara. You bring so much happiness into my life, and I wanted to show you how much you mean to me."

Dara embraces Dymar tightly, appreciating the gesture. "You always know how to make me feel special. I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

Their bond continues to grow as they embark on new adventures together. One day, Dymar suggests they go skydiving. Dara hesitates, her fear of heights holding her back.

"Dara, I know it's scary, but I promise it'll be an exhilarating experience," Dymar says, trying to convince her. "We'll be together, and I'll be there to support you every step of the way."

After some contemplation, Dara finally agrees, trusting Dymar's words. They book their skydiving adventure and on the chosen day, they arrive at the drop zone, their hearts racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

As they gear up and board the plane, Dara's apprehension starts to fade away. With Dymar by her side, she feels a sense of courage and determination. When it's their turn to jump, they take a leap of faith, soaring through the sky and experiencing an adrenaline rush like never before.

As they land safely on the ground, Dara can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. She looks at Dymar, a wide smile on her face. "Thank you for convincing me to do this, Dymar. I wouldn't have done it without you."

Dymar grins, feeling proud of Dara's bravery. "I knew you could do it, Dara. I'll always be here to push you out of your comfort zone and support you in every adventure we take."

Their shared experiences and mutual support strengthen their bond even further. Whether it's exploring new hobbies, going on vacation, or facing challenges, Dymar and Dara continue to be each other's biggest cheerleaders.


Dymar feels a sense of excitement as he heads over to Dara's house to meet her family. He knows how important family is to her, and he wants to make a good impression. As he arrives, Dara's mother warmly welcomes him, her smile reflecting Dara's own.

Inside the house, Dymar takes in the cozy atmosphere and the pictures on the walls, realizing the absence of a father figure. Sensing his curiosity, Dara opens up about her father leaving before she was born. She shares her feelings of longing and how her mother has been her rock throughout her life.

Dymar listens attentively, offering his support and understanding. He assures Dara that he is there for her, just as her mother has been. Dara appreciates his empathy and feels grateful to have someone like Dymar in her life.

After spending some time with Dara's family, Dymar and Dara retreat to her room, finding comfort in each other's presence. They settle down on her bed, cuddling up together while watching their favorite Netflix series.

As they enjoy the show, Dymar finds himself growing tired. The gentle rise and fall of Dara's slightly chubby stomach against his arm brings him a sense of peace and contentment. He feels safe and secure, drifting off to sleep with Dara by his side.

When Dymar wakes up, he finds himself still nestled against Dara's stomach. He smiles, realizing how comfortable and natural it feels to be close to her. Dara stirs awake as well, her eyes meeting his with a soft smile.

"Did I fall asleep on you?" Dymar asks, his voice filled with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement.

Dara chuckles softly, running her fingers through his hair. "Yes, you did. But it's okay, I didn't mind. It was actually quite sweet."

They spend the rest of the day in Dara's room, sharing laughter, stories, and dreams for the future. Dymar realizes that their connection runs deeper than just friendship. There is a special bond between them that he cherishes, and he knows that he wants to be there for Dara through thick and thin.