
Forever A Child

[a/n: Hey guys author here. this is my first time taking a stab at writing. I’m not a professional it’s more of a hobby so I may not be the best when it comes to grammar and stuff but I will try as hard as I can. all I ask is that you be kind in the comments.] trouble is brewing in the world. after being physically regressed in age during the demon war by Zhao Yang, the Demon Emperor has finally reached the age of awakening once more and has begun to regain the strength that he lost. the most powerful cultivators during this time ascended to the god realm right after the conclusion of the final battle, including our heroes Zhao Yang and his angelics. after years of planning and experimenting Zhao who is the new god of youth comes up with a plan that might give the mortals the advantage that they need. for his plan to work, he needs the help of the primordial goddesses. beings that control the very fabric of time and space itself. together, they create beings of immense power and plant them in human hosts. For Mack and Vorick Evergreen, the princes of Evergreen kingdom, life was simple. Vorick was the fighter and strongest of the the twins while Mack was the book worm. this was due in part to the fact that Mack was born without a Mana core. this stunted his growth and prevented him from gaining any kind of strength. his life takes a turn when the wrong people find out about this issue and force him to leave the castle. the wheel of fate begins to turn when the God of youth gets involved and turns their lives upside down once more. join the twins as they use their new God-given talents and navigate their now complicated lives getting stronger as fast as possible before the demon realm attacks. will they be able to do it on their own? will they need help? how can their lives possibly get any more complicated than it already is? [a/n: I do have a full-time job so I may not be able to update a lot at one time but I will try to update as much as I possibly can when I can. I will however, see this through to the end regardless on how well it does. if you like it, add it to your library if you don’t like it, add it to your library anyway lol]

DC_Davis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

The Royal Residence

Inside the carriage the twins were sitting together on one side. Normally Alex would be on this side as well, but Mary insisted that he sit between herself and Thomas. She put her arm around the boy but he never looked up once and never said a peep. He just sat there with his head down. The twins could still see tears falling from his eyes. " he really isn't taking this very well" they thought to themselves.

"everything is going to be OK sweetheart" she whispered softly to the boy "yeah you made a bad decision. We all make bad decisions at some point in time in our lives. Yeah, it resulted in someone getting hurt ish but sometimes that's unavoidable when you're inexperienced. Question is are you gonna let it keep you down or are you gonna learn from it?"

Even though the queen tried to console him, he was still feeling like his world was crumbling around him. Vorick had an idea of what was eating him up so bad and he didn't think it was the fact that he used his power on somebody else. " Alex, are you upset because You feel bad for using your powers on somebody else or Are you upset because of what dad said?"

"I don't….have….any place….to go…..I'm an …..orphan" he cried out "please dont….send me…away."

" that doesn't really answer my question but I can understand why you feel that way, taking your background into consideration. you're not a slave anymore, Alex. We can't sell you off to somebody else. And I don't think dad's going to make you leave. You won't will your dad?" Asked Vorick

Thomas frowned and looked down at Alex "so that's why you're so upset" he sighed and picked The boy up by his armpits. This action Made Alex's shoes and pants, that were two sizes too big for him, fall off completely.

Alex gasped and reached her his pants but wasn't able to catch them before they fell off. "My p..pants" Thomas sat the boy on his lap and wrapped his arms around him. Alex melted into the embrace.

"i'm not gonna sit here and say you shouldn't feel bad, you most certainly should. You used your powers without knowing The side effects. And that resulted in you damaging the mind of a little boy younger than yourself. And yes, I am mad at you for embarrassing me in Front of the academies headmaster. Do you think being king makes me immune from being embarrassed by my children though? I can't tell you how many times those two over there embarrassed me in public. What I'm trying to say Is I will never send you away for something like this. Mary would kill me if I did that."

"that's right" she retorted

" i'm sorry for embarrassing you" he said while still sniffling "Will you forgive me"

Alex looked straight into his eyes with the most pitiful look on his face. The king raised his eyebrows, then sighed. "well, how can I say no when you look at me with that sad puppy dog face. Just promise me that you will do more research on your skills before you decide to use them on another person especially a child."

"I promise sir. I never would've used my skill this time Had I known that the side effects would be permanent on someone his age. Do you think Kyle will ever be able to regain his confidence?"

" well, Tyler said that it was permanent. So I'm gonna go out on the limb and say that confidence is going to be something Kyle struggles with for the rest of his life. He might get better over time, but I doubt it"

eventually the carriage pulled up outside of the Royal residence. Alex was instructed to put his pants back on, even though they were too big for him. This was because of one of the rules that the headmaster had given them that stated that they must wear clothes at all times when outside the Royal residence. Which made sense to the boys because they were not of the normal diaper and pull up wearing ages and it would be inappropriate for them to do so.

They got out of the carriage and walked to the front gate. "I figured there'd be guards stationed at the gate" said Mack "anybody could just walk right in" they walked down a long cobblestone pathway with elaborate gardens on either side that stretched far into the distance. Cobblestone pathways weaved and wound throughout. Multiple fountains could be seen in different places. The house sat about 300 yards back from the gate. It was nowhere near the size of the castle. But still large enough that people wouldn't be on top of each other.

"that is odd. This place is supposed to be guarded at all times." Said the king as they reached the door. The building itself was basically a giant rectangle. It's boxy architecture matching that of the buildings in the rest of the Academy. The difference is the royal residence was constructed using pristine white blocks. Whereas the rest of the buildings in the Academy was constructed using standard gray. When they walked in the front door, they were greeted by a large foyer. The ceilings in this foyer went the full height of the two-story building. Off to the right side of the room was a spiral staircase that led up to an arched doorway. To the left side of the room, there was another door that hid A decently sized closet where people could hang there cloaks or winter attire. When they walked in a boy of about 7 was on his hands and knees scrubbing the marble floors. He jumped in fright when he heard the front doors open. "Damn it" he yelled "how many times do I have to tell you numb skulls to use the service entrance. This entrance is for royles and their guests only" he said through gritting teeth before he looked to see who it was.

"I take it the other servants have been using this entrance a lot" said the king "their was a lot of venom in that greeting little man"

"Little man" the kid said as though someone had dishonored his family. He turned so fast and fell on his butt when he noticed who it was. "Oh your majesty, please forgive my brash words the other servants are incompetent and I assumed you guys were one of them. I wasn't expecting the princes this early. Did the entrance exam end already?"

"No they'll be going on for a while yet. One of the boys is having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction so we decided to head on over here early since the boys aren't participating in the exam. It is ok that we're here now right? The house is ready?"

"Of course your majesty, I was just doing some last minute cleaning before the princes were due. Dillon is my name sire, I'm the servant in charge"

"Hello Dillon, I'm curious as to why they put a little boy in charge of the serving staff instead of an adult" asked the king

"I'm older then I look. I have a rear Disease that halted my growth at 9 years old but I'm actually 17. Will you guys be staying for a while or are you just dropping and going" he asked

"That's really interesting. I'm still surprised they put you in charge. No offense but you don't exactly scream authoritarian."

"Theirs really no need to be when your the only one. Nobody else applied" said Dillon

"What happened to all the staff that was here before?" Asked Mary

"They all quit when they found out who was going to be staying here for the next 6 years" he responded

"Of course they did" said Mack "bunch of cowards" Dillon giggled at this response

"Is that why their arnt any guards at the front gate" asked the king as they sat on a sofa in the main sitting room that was through the first arched doorway on the left side of the main hallway.

"I'm not sure why they arnt their sir it's above my pay grade"

"Are you going to be able to handle this all on your own" asked Mary

"I only have to worry about the inside ma'am. The gardeners come around about 3 days a week I'm told. So I only have to cook meals and clean the place and laundry." Said Dillon

"They did inform you that two of the 3 wear diapers and will require changing and the third is in pull up diapers" asked Mary

"Yes ma'am they did"

"And you still took the post" asked the king "not many guys your age would be ok changing messy diapers"

"I have 5 siblings sir. there's a five-year age gap between me and my younger brother and a 10 year age gap between me and my youngest brother and all of them were in diapers till they were 4-5 years old and the twins are about their size at that age so I'll be able to change them like I did my siblings" said Dillon

"why didn't your parents change their diapers?" Asked Vorick. He didn't like the idea of a kid changing his diaper. He didn't care how old the kid thought he was.

"They did, I only changed their diapers when mom and dad weren't available. This is until dad was killed by bandits on his way back from a delivery in another town. It was only after that mom found out she was pregnant with my youngest brother. So at 10 years old, I basically took over the role as dad. Nine months later, our mom was dead too. She bled out giving birth. That left me with five siblings all under the age of 7. I had just turned 11 years old. By this point, I already knew that my career as a cultivator was out the window. I remember Mom taking me to multiple specialists and doctors because she had noticed that I hadn't grown much over the years. That's when my condition was revealed. It was rough at first not many people wanted to hire an 11-year-old that actually looked a lot younger. I was severely limited on the jobs that I could do and the folks that did want me had ill intentions. So I resorted to servant work here at the Academy. My siblings and I get to live in a free house. All I have to do is work for the Academy."

"I'm sure you got an exemption to work as a child" asked the king

"Yes sir, but even then most people wouldn't hire me. I had to beg the headmaster to hire me. I didn't want to end up in an orphanage. It's not so bad now. the only two left at home are the two youngest. Georgie, who's 12 has been a cadet for two years. James who is 11 has been a cadet for about a year now. Lexi, my 10-year-old sister is currently taking the entrance exam. I assure you your majesty, your boys are in good hands. And technically I won't be alone. The kid that is in charge of escorting them to and from classes is going to be living here as well"

"don't think for a minute that person's gonna help you take care of us. If anything it'll be just another mouth to feed and another set of clothes to wash and another room to clean. No, they're just here to make sure we don't commit evil deeds" said Mack

"oh I don't expect them to" Dillon responded "you see, I have enough to do around here without having to babysit you three all day long. That's where they come in. If you guys were normal 10-year-olds, then, this person wouldn't need to be here and you would be able to do whatever you wanted, but that's not gonna be the case."

" You wouldn't happen to know who this person is gonna be would you?" Asked Alex

"his name is Kyle and he's a real jerk" said Dillon

"I really hope it's not the headmasters grandson" said Mary

"actually that's exactly who it is" he confirmed " he's a real piece of work too. He thinks his crap don't stink because grandpa's headmaster. That boy could get away with murder. Take my advice, don't do anything to piss him off. The headmaster already views you as A lesser being than humans. Don't give him a reason to treat you like vermin."

"The boys already crossed that bridge" said the king

" what does that mean?" Dillon asked in confusion

"Alex here thought it would be a great idea to test out his new skill on a random person in the audience at the entrance exam. And wouldn't you know it The one he decided to pick was Kyle." Stated Vorick. "turn him into a terrified a little boy that's afraid of failure"

Dylan's eyes widened "please tell me he didn't see you"

"Made eye contact" said Mack

"Oh boy, that means he already hates your guts. That also means you guys are going to be on very short leashes. Hell screw the leash he's going to have the three of you by the collar. No freedom for you, not even in your own home."

"you don't think he'll be that bad do you?" Asked Mary with concern for her boys well being.

"if I know him correctly, he'll want revenge. He always gets what he wants one way or another. If he Can make their life a living hell he will. Just to get back at them for embarrassing him"

" we will see if he's up to it or not because he failed the entrance exam. Alex offered up his slot to him, but I don't know if the boy will except it and from what I understand, he was pretty shaken up. And Tyler Was pretty sure that he wouldn't want anything to do with The boys."

"we can only hope" said Dillon " this situation might only be a little bit better with somebody else. What they had talked about before Kyle had volunteered was having the number one ranked person in the semester live here as a incentive to be number one. The only thing they would be required to do is escort the three boys to and from classes and other events."

"that sounds like a much better alternative" said Mary " let's hope that happens"

"Not really" he said " each one of them could have their own set of rules. It's a chance of a lifetime. Where else are they going to be able to have power over royalty?"

"that doesn't really sound that bad." Said Mack " the title of Prince is just that, a title. We don't actually have any power at all."

"they could make you do anything they wanted as long as it doesn't violate the rules that you were given by the headmaster. You would be essentially at there mercy. The headmaster designed it that way. he doesn't want you enjoying your time here."

" how do you know all this?" Said the king

"Tyler was my employer, prior to this. Kyle talked too much."

The six individuals continued to converse for a while until the king mentioned that it was time for them to leave. They hugged the boys and kissed them and said that if for any reason they couldn't handle it they could come home. Mary explained that she had sent enough diapers and supplies to last for quite some time. They also mentioned that they had a delivery set up once a week that would deliver the diaper supplies and groceries because the Academy refused to.

"now that those two are gone, I can give you guys a tour of the place" he said as he instructed the boys to follow him. " I will go through the whole place for Alex's sake because I know he has never been here before. The room we were in was the room that we entertain guests in. You guys won't have to worry about that because you're not allowed to have guests so that room probably won't get used." They continued to walk further down the hallway until they reached another arched doorway on the right hand side this time. This one, however, had a big wooden door. "this room here is the library. Anytime you have research that needs to be done for your theory based classes you'll do that here since you won't have access to the academy library" he said as he closed the door. They continue to walk further down the hallway until they reached another arch doorway on the left this time. He opened the door and they walked inside. Inside they noticed a big oak desk with knickknacks and stuff on top. They also noticed a private sitting area with a fireplace. on the far side of the room, there is a set of glass double doors which led out into a private Garden. The twins looked in the corner of the room and noticed that all of their fathers alcohol had been removed. "this room here is the Study and is off-limits to the three of you. The only person allowed in this room is the number one ranked cadet. If they choose to allow you in this room, that is their choice and you must gain their permission in order to do so." The boys nodded in response. The twins were used to this rule as their father never allowed them in the room either, it was always his getaway. A place where he could decompress. so they openly excepted this rule. They continue down the hallway to a door on the left. Which turned out to be the dining room. Dylan also showed them the door to the kitchen, which could not be accessed by the main hallway. There are only two ways into the kitchen and the main one is through the dining room. The other is an exterior entrance that leads out to a small dirt road that wagons can use to deliver goods. They continue to walk down the hallway and came upon a small arched doorway with steps that lead down into the dark. "this Here leads to the Number ones private cultivation room. Again it is up to him or her whether you have access to this room or not. There are other areas to cultivate in, so don't worry."

" Would've Kyle decides to still do it" asked Alex

"it will be Kyle's then and he will not let you have access to it at all" said Dillon as he continued down the hallway. The last door on the right was Another larger sitting room that had a set a double doors leading out to the gardens. Dillon Instructed that it would be a good idea to ask permission of whoever's in charge to go outside. The hallway eventually led to another set of spiral stairs. They climb the stairs to the second level. There wasn't as much space up here as there was downstairs due to the foyer at the front of the building. The hallway went down a ways, then curved to the left where the spiral staircase would eventually be seen. They walked in to the first door on the left and entered what seemed to be just a standard bedroom with a queen size bed in the middle of the far wall. It had a chest of drawers and a wardrobe. " this room is yours, Alex. I assumed that you did not need any help changing in and out of your pull-ups. I took the liberty of stocking your chest of drawers with your pull-ups and put your clothes in your wardrobe but it looks like you may need a smaller set of clothing because boy you are swimming in those."

"I can change myself yes" he replied in awe of the size of the room that was all his.

they continued a little ways down the hallway until they came to another room. The twins recognized it to be the main suite. So they instantly knew that they would not have access to that. " the two of you look like you recognize this room. As for you, this is the main suite and of course it will go to the person in charge. The main suite was a very large room that also had a bathroom and shower room attached to it. also it had a king size bed and a private balcony. they went across the hall, but before they could enter the unstop them just outside the door. "now before we enter, just know that I did not have any say in designing the room. The two of you will be staying in this room. Actually, it's a combination of two rooms. They installed a door connecting the two bedrooms that were here." When they entered the room, the first thing they noticed was the fact that they were in a room full of kids toys. The room was painted in baby boy blue with childish paintings of teddy bears and alphabet blocks.

"this is a joke, right" asked Vorick with wide eyes.

"I don't think it is bubby. I can't imagine somebody going to this length for a joke. What's through the other door?" Said Mack

" let's go find out" said Dillon while not making eye contact. He knew how the boys must feel. Being treated like a little boy himself most of the time. Even his Own Family treats him like the youngest instead of the oldest. Dillon opened the door and allowed the boys to go in the room first. The walls were painted in the same style as the room previous The only difference is in this room instead of there being toys lining the walls their was a giant crib that had a full-size bed in it. The sides were so tall that if they stood up in the bed, it would be over their heads. they could see the hinges halfway down the side facing away from the wall that allowed it to fold down. The boys hoped that the cribside went down further otherwise they would need help in and out of it every day. They were confident that they could get in and out of it without assistance, but that would be a pain in the butt.

"that crib does go down right" asked Mack

"Yes, you can see where the top part of it folds down. well if you looked at the top of the bottom portion on either side, you would see a pair of buttons that you would have to pull in together that would release it to slide down so you can get it in and out. Which is a good thing because I wouldn't be able to lift you in an out of that."

"What's that contraption" asked Vorick

"That's a changing table" said Dillon "as you can see it is fully stocked with diapers and supplies. The Chest of drawers over there is full of your every day clothing that your mom and dad had sent over. The wardrobe is full of your cadet uniforms." He said as he walked over and opened the doors to reveal and set of uniforms that were black in color with gold highlights they looked awesome, but they also knew that it marked them as unranked cadets " it's the only thing in this room that's not babyish in nature" he said "again I had no say in how this was designed. It's supposed to humiliate you according to what I over heard. This is the main area that the headmaster wants you to be in when you're not being supervised. That also goes for you as well Alex."

"why do I have a normal room but they have to stay in this" asked Alex

" that's because The headmaster didn't know you were attending. Otherwise you would've had a bed in here right along with the twins. Now, Who is the culprit that has the wet diaper? I can smell it."

"sorry that's probably me. I tend to pee when I'm nervous." Said Alex as his face turned red from embarrassment

"no need to be embarrassed Bubba. Go get yourself cleaned up and into a fresh pull-up. In your chest of drawers, you also find baby wipes please use them. I don't want you getting a rash. Because then I'm gonna have to put rash cream on you and that's gonna be embarrassing for you"

"Yes sir" he said and turned to leave but stopped "ummm… what do I do about clothing The ones I have aren't gonna fit"

"we'll take care of that Alex" said Mack

"don't you have to supervise me though" he asked

"nope because you're in your bedroom now get your butt moving. I have to get these two and refresh diapers before the person in charge shows up" he said, glancing at the twins " yeah Don't think I didn't see you squatting just now" he giggled as he pointed to Vorick

"I was so subtle" he confessed " how do you know?"

" did you forget I had five younger siblings. I learned how to identify the signs and Bubba you had all of them. The look of intense concentration, the slight squat, and the beat red face that all little kids get when they're trying to fill their diaper." he giggled again.

Vorick crossed his arms and began to pout "how are you gonna change us? You can't even reach."

" I have a step stool that will allow me to reach. Now strip and climb up though so I can change you Goofy. unless you'd rather meet the person in charge with a poopy diaper" Vorick snapped his fingers and the clothes he wore was stored in his dimensional space. He then walked over to the changing table climbed up and laid down tucking his wings in close.

Alex Decided that he better listen to the boy and go get himself cleaned up. He didn't wanna find out what would happen if he had to be told a third time. He arrived at his room and open the door. After going in, he decided to shut the door. He let go of his pants and let them hit the floor. He also sat his shoes down by the door. He then took off his top leaving him in nothing but his pull up diaper. He walked over to the chest of drawers and open the first drawer and removed a pull up and baby wipes. He then proceeded to clean himself up. After putting on the new pull up, he decided to open His system. Right there, he saw the Message he was looking for.

[ congratulations host You can now evolve. How would you like to do it? Use 1000 fear points or use your instant level up card]

Alex chose to use the instant level up card

[Host has chosen to use the instant card

Congratulations, host is now level 10 all stats have been increased by one point. Evolution will now begin...

I wonder how Alex will react to the pain that he will experience during his evolution. also, I wonder who the person in charge will be. Will it be Landon who took the number one slot at the end of the entrance exam or will it be Kyle? Stay tuned to find out. And as always, if you like it, add it to your library.

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