
Forever A Child

[a/n: Hey guys author here. this is my first time taking a stab at writing. I’m not a professional it’s more of a hobby so I may not be the best when it comes to grammar and stuff but I will try as hard as I can. all I ask is that you be kind in the comments.] trouble is brewing in the world. after being physically regressed in age during the demon war by Zhao Yang, the Demon Emperor has finally reached the age of awakening once more and has begun to regain the strength that he lost. the most powerful cultivators during this time ascended to the god realm right after the conclusion of the final battle, including our heroes Zhao Yang and his angelics. after years of planning and experimenting Zhao who is the new god of youth comes up with a plan that might give the mortals the advantage that they need. for his plan to work, he needs the help of the primordial goddesses. beings that control the very fabric of time and space itself. together, they create beings of immense power and plant them in human hosts. For Mack and Vorick Evergreen, the princes of Evergreen kingdom, life was simple. Vorick was the fighter and strongest of the the twins while Mack was the book worm. this was due in part to the fact that Mack was born without a Mana core. this stunted his growth and prevented him from gaining any kind of strength. his life takes a turn when the wrong people find out about this issue and force him to leave the castle. the wheel of fate begins to turn when the God of youth gets involved and turns their lives upside down once more. join the twins as they use their new God-given talents and navigate their now complicated lives getting stronger as fast as possible before the demon realm attacks. will they be able to do it on their own? will they need help? how can their lives possibly get any more complicated than it already is? [a/n: I do have a full-time job so I may not be able to update a lot at one time but I will try to update as much as I possibly can when I can. I will however, see this through to the end regardless on how well it does. if you like it, add it to your library if you don’t like it, add it to your library anyway lol]

DC_Davis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

New little brothers

"Well your majesty, as you know the professors teach Theory bases courses where as the instructors teach hands on courses like how to care for your horses, martial arts, weapons training, etc. well it's the instructors that are concerned." Stated the head master

"I assure you their is no need for concern. My boys can take care of themselves. Plus I've already had a conversation with them about the situation that they put themselves in by doing what they did so publicly. They've already seen how scared the castle staff is." Said the king

"It's not your boys that we are worried about. It's their potential classmates. It's their safety we are concerned with" said the head master

"My boys are harmless at the best of times. Vorick is pretty good with a blade but he's no genius and his martial arts skills are a bit lacking, and Mack has a dagger but doesn't know how to use it properly and has never had a day of martial arts training in his life. So in that regard your students are fine"

"Are you sure we are talking about the same boys your majesty. The same ones I watched suck nearly all the life essence from of a 13 year old boy by merely touching him." Said The headmaster "the same boys that rumor has it channeled the god of youth himself and turned prince Jacob into a little boy"

"you're worried about nothing. They're just babies Andrew. You know as well as I do that an ability that requires physical touch to use is only powerful if you can actually touch someone."

"Answer this your majesty. When you see a wild beast cub in the woods, do you think it's harmless because it's a baby? No, because it can still hurt you even if it is cute" said the headmaster

"Are you calling my boys beasts" said the king

"Yes, because that's what they are. They are classified as humanoid creatures that feed off of life essence to grow stronger. They draw in victims by using their aura"

"Xander and Caden never did anything like that to people that didn't deserve it, according to Zhao" said the king

"But they still did it regardless of their noble intentions" said the headmaster "if you insist on the 3 boys attending the academy then their will be strict rules they must follow"

"And those are?"

"1. They are not to use their special powers while on campus unless approved by me personally.

2. They must spar only with themselves or the instructors.

3. Due to rule 2 they will not be ranked and will not participate in the ranking battles.

4. They are to be within the bounds of the royal quarters building 30 minutes after the final class lets out for the day.

5. They must gain approval in order to leave the bounds of the royal quarter.

6. The communal dining facilities are for ranked individuals only.

7. They will be issued special uniforms that they are to wear at all times when outside the boundaries of the royal quarters. These uniforms will let others know of their status within the academy.

8. They are not to use their status as Royals to get what they want. Their status outside the Academy means nothing. They are but merely cadets.

I was only going to have these 8 rules but I feel inclined to add a ninth. 9. The only time they are permitted to wear only a diaper is to sleep. That sort of thing may be exceptable here but not at the Academy. We have A reputation to uphold, and I will not allow it to be marred by non humans who like running around in disposable undergarments"

"I completely agree with you on that last one. But the rest of them seem a bit restrictive almost as though their prisoners within the Academy" said the king with his arms crossed

"they must prove to me that I can trust them if they want me to lift some of these restrictions. Some of them are in place to protect them. They've created a lot of enemies for what they did to both Maverick and Jacob. And I will not have my head chopped off because your boys died at the Academy. These restrictions are the price you have to pay when you don't think before you act. Especially when you are a small child that is incapable of self-defense." He said as he pulled a scroll out of the pocket of his robe and handed it to the king. The king read over it's contents and signed the enrollment form for all three boys.


While the king and headmaster was talking the boys followed Tyler out to the garden. "Alright boys this should be a good enough spot" said the man as he sat down on a bench. He looked at the boys trying to figure out how to design the uniform top. A regular top wouldn't work due to the wings. "Do you boys have any requests on the uniform design" he asked

"It has to be big enough in the butt and crotch area to allow for our diapers to expand otherwise we may leak or have a blow out." Said Mack

"That's easy I'll just design them like I do toddler pants" he agreed " but I'm thinking for the top, this area here will be exposed" he said pointing to the upper part of their backs that were covered in the same baby fluff as their wings "I don't want to restrict your feathers. But doing it this way the blouses can zip in the back up to the wings and then have a small strap connecting the shoulders so they don't slide down your arms" he took the measurements and wrote them down. Once he was done he sat the book down and both boys sat beside him. "So what's your first impression of the headmaster"

"Mean" said Mack "I briefly seen how he treated Tony"

"He definitely can be. Especially if he thinks your dangerous and he thinks you guys are. I've seen the list of rules he has for the three of you and let's just say your classmates have more rights and freedom then you guys will. He wants me to etch runes into your uniforms that will restrict you from being able to use any powers whatsoever while wearing them."

"Why would he go that far" said Alex

"Because he thinks that your monsters that must be controlled. Like beasts that must be kept in a cage. In this case your cage will be the Royal quarters. You guys won't even be able to breath without asking first. Everything you do will be supervised. The only time you three will be allowed to leave the grounds of the royal residence is to attend class and even then he has hired a babysitter to accompany you. A babysitter that will be in class with you. You won't be able to go out without this person."

"and why are you telling us all this?" Asked Vorick

"because I refuse to believe that a couple of 10 year old boys who look like 5 year olds but have the aura of children much younger then that can be monsters" he said as he touched Mack's wing "it's so soft" he thought to himself

"Don't let the aura fool you, we may only be baby angelics but it's strong enough to stun an entire throne room full of nobles" said Vorick "if you were their you'd probably think like everyone else"

Tyler chuckled "I have no doubt in my mind that your stronger then you seem" he looked at Alex "what about you little man, your aura seems dark and sinister, not so much evil but not necessarily good either and your eyes are a bit unsettling as well"

"I'm a shadowlock sir" he replied as his shyness overcoming him

"What's a shadowlock, I don't think I've ever heard of that race" said Tyler as he scratched his head.

"These two feed off of life essence to get stronger and represent light and childhood innocence. Im the opposite. Your worst nightmares empower me. Your fear is like nectar that nurtures my soul. I represent the mischievousness of youth. I'm not evil. I wouldn't even consider myself bad but me being a good boy is dependent upon weather these two are safe or not." Said Alex as though it was normal to say

"You seem like an interesting kid, I bet a whole months salary that the headmaster doesn't know that." He giggled "don't worry about anything I wont tell him. I also won't put the runes in the uniforms. That's just setting you up to get hurt or even killed. Will you have wings like them" he said randomly

"Yes sir but they'll be black" he said "oh, and im the first of my kind"

"Wow, that sounds so cool" said Tyler "but I'm curious as to why the god of youth of all gods created a dark entity"

"I'm not really sure myself" said Mack "maybe Zhao thought we needed additional help this time around"

"What's going to happen" asked Tyler with a raised eyebrow.

"The demon realm is going to invade again" said Mack in a nonchalant way as he swung his legs back and forth.

"Oh is that all" said Tyler "we practically got that in the bag" he joked "we should probably head back inside, im sure they're done discussing what needed discussed" right before they got to the office patio Tyler stopped and said one last thing "remember this, be careful who you trust, not everyone has good intentions even if it seams that way"

Right as they walked in the king and headmaster was finishing up their conversation. "Got all the measurements my boy" asked the headmaster

"Yes sir I should have my work cut out for me, at least for the next day and a half" said Tyler.

"Fantastic, we won't take up anymore of your time then your majesty" he said as he stood "and I will see the three of you at the entrance exam day after tomorrow at 8am sharp"

After they walked out of the room all three boys looked at Thomas and they could tell he wasn't happy "is it true that we're going to be confined to the royal residence, only being aloud to leave for classes and we have to have a babysitter that's in our class."

"Yes amongst other things" their dad said with a scowl "your academy experience is not going to be like everyone else's I'm afraid. The headmaster claims the staff is paranoid that you'll harm your classmates."

"I don't think it's the staff dad. Tyler says the headmaster considers us dangerous." Said Vorick

"I definitely got that impression" he said as he rubbed his eyes "the whole reason of sending you to the academy is to help you with your social skills. We can train you in the other stuff here but we can't give you social skills when we home school. So I had no choice but to except his rules. He did say that if you want some of the restrictions raised you'll have to prove to him that your trustworthy."

"How can we prove we're trustworthy" asked Mack as he squatted slightly and filled his diaper.

Thomas chuckled "you couldn't wait until you were out of my office before stinking it up. Anyway you can prove yourself by not using your powers on humans and that goes for you as well young man. Prove that you care about humans."

"What if someone intends to harm us" asked Mack

"Then I would expect you to defend yourselves" he responded

"But what if we get expelled" said Mack

"Then we will higher tutors" he said "now I'm sure your mother is back from her trip to the store and their are a couple of 6 year olds that agreed to give you more life essence. Not to mention the two of you need butt changes" Vorick gasped in shock "yeah you thought you were being slick trying to use the armchair as cover while you pooped your pants just now. Did the two of you coordinate or something?"

"How'd you know" he asked while blushing deep red which only made him that much cuter.

"I'm your daddy" he laughed "plus you were a hider when you were a baby the first time. We could always tell when you had to poo because you'd disappear for 5 or 10 minutes then reappear with a new smell. I guess old habits die hard" he laughed again

They all walked up stairs and found the queen putting away some supplies she bought for the boys "oh how'd the meeting with the headmaster go" she asked

"About as well as to be expected" he said "Andrew is basically going to treat them like dangerous beasts until they prove to him otherwise"

"isn't there anything you can do?" She asked as she did a surprise diaper check on the smelly boys "hop up on the bed boys I'll get you cleaned up"

"no, if I interfere, it could be seen as favoritism" he said as he looked out the window

"but his method is just barbaric" she said

"at least he's allowing them to be in the Royal residence. So it's not like they'll be bored. But they're also not allowed to participate in the ranking battles or spar with their classmates."

"That's actually a good thing dad" said Vorick as his mom finished taping up his clean diaper and moved on to Mack

"How is that a good thing" his dad questioned

"On a scale of 1-20 with one being a freshly awakened basic novice 10 being and intermediate novice and 20 being the strength of a basic adept rank how strong would you rate the other 10 year olds in our semester? Asked Vorick

"That really depends on the kid. your average basic novice will be about a 5-6 with some freshies being less then that but not by much none will be lower then 4. The prodigies will be a 7-9 while the geniuses will be 10-12 their arnt that many geniuses maybe one every other year. Their arrogance usually gets them killed on their first hunt though. Why did you want me to rate them?" He asked

"Because Mack and I both would be a 20. We are at the rank of intermediate novice but our strength is on par with a basic adept" he said "so it's probably a good thing we can't battle our class mates. One full powered hit to the face and they'd be dead"

"Did you grow that much from the life essence you got yesterday" he asked and Vorick nodded. Mary had finished changing Mack and they decided to head down to the nursery to see if the boys were their. And not surprisingly they were.

"Hey boys" said Mary "you really got this place looking good. All the toys are out, the cribs are put together, and the changing table is fully stocked and ready to go. I really hope they weren't in the way to much" she said to the nanny

"Oh no ma'am they were a big help" she said

"Well that's good" she said as she walked over to the changing table and got out 2 size three diapers, two onesies and a couple of pacifiers if they wanted one.

Both boys watched her with wide eyes. Mack came up behind them and put a hand on each of their arms "it's time" he said as they looked at him nervously. Zach began to tremble slightly "which of you wants to go first" he said as he turned to Vorick

"You can have both of them I have almost double the amount you have" said Vorick

"I'll go first" said Jake

"Go ahead and strip down" mack said softly

"Um..naked" he asked "why"

"Because your going to end up all nakey anyway, might as well start that way silly goose" said Mack as he watch the boy strip down to nothing but the skin his mommy gave him "ok come here" he said as he wrapped his wings around them both "privacy bubby"

"oh, ok your wings are really soft" said Jake as the fluffy feathers brushed against his backside

"Put your head on my shoulders and wrap your arms around me. Here we go" he said as he held the boy and activated his ability. Zach watched from the outside as a golden glow activated and his dads feet started to get smaller and rise up until he couldn't see them anymore. The glow faded and the wings separated to reveal a small 3 year old boy with his head on his big brothers shoulder, arms tucked in between them.

"Dear me I've never seen that before" said the nanny "is that the power of an angel of youth child"

Vorick giggled "yes ma'am it's one of them. Do you find it scary?" He asked the woman

"No child that's not scary at all it's actually kind of sweet" said the woman

"All done baby brother" he said as Jake lifted his head and noticed that he was in Mack's arms

"How are you holding me so easily" said Jake in a small little three year olds voice

"I'm stronger then I look bubby" said Mack as he kissed the little guy on the cheek. Which caused the boy to become bashful and layed his head on his shoulder again

"Thank you for giving me a second chance and thank Zhao for me to" he said softly "I promise to be a better man this time"

"Your welcome and he already heard you. Now I think it's a good idea to get a diaper on this tooshie of your. Are you ready mama?" He asked

"Oh yes give me that cute pie" she swooned "look how cute you are, I could just eat you up, as a matter of fact I think I might" she said as she attacked the toddlers belly causing him to squeal and giggle uncontrollably. Mack turned to Zach

"Are you ready bubba" he asked the shacking boy. Zach walked up to him and began to undress once he was finished Mack got real close and closed them in his wings again. "Are you scared"

"Yes" squeaked Zach as Mack grabbed his arms and wrapped them around him.

Mack pushed the boys head onto his shoulder "shhhhh it ok bubby" he soothed as he held the boy the same as did Jake he activated his power and began "I'm right here bubby, if your scared you can squeeze me as heard as you want" and he did just that. The transformation was half way done when the boys feet lifted off the floor and instantly wrapped around him another minute and the process was complete. "Zachy" he said as he rubbed the boys back "it's done" Zach lifted his head up and gasped

"You already did it" he said in a toddlers voice

"Yep all done" he said as he kissed the boy on his cheek "now you can have a new beginning, full of love"

"Will you promise to protect me" he asked with a full body blush as he noticed the wings weren't covering them anymore.

"Of course we will" said Vorick as he too kissed the boy on his cheek

Zach noticed that Jake was dressed in his onesie and had a pacifier in his mouth. Mack walked over and handed Zach to his mom.

"Hi baby boy" she said lovingly

"Hi m..m..mommy" he stuttered

"You are so precious and cute as button" she said as she laid him on the changing table and lifted his legs. She then placed the open diaper beneath him and laid him down. She powdered him up and pulled the diaper up between his legs and taped it closed. She then had him stand up as she put the onesie on him and snapped it closed. "Do you want one of these sweetheart" she asked holding up the pacifier. Zach nodded his head and put it in his mouth. Mary then picked him up and cradled him in her arms. He looked over to his brother and noticed that he was already asleep in the nanny's arms. Mary began to rhythmically pat his butt as he sucked the pacifier and slowly his eyes drifted closed as he fell into a deep sleep in his new mommy's arms.

academy arc starts in the next chapter. should be interesting to see how the twins navigate around their restrictions. as always if you like it add it to your library.

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