
Forever A Child

[a/n: Hey guys author here. this is my first time taking a stab at writing. I’m not a professional it’s more of a hobby so I may not be the best when it comes to grammar and stuff but I will try as hard as I can. all I ask is that you be kind in the comments.] trouble is brewing in the world. after being physically regressed in age during the demon war by Zhao Yang, the Demon Emperor has finally reached the age of awakening once more and has begun to regain the strength that he lost. the most powerful cultivators during this time ascended to the god realm right after the conclusion of the final battle, including our heroes Zhao Yang and his angelics. after years of planning and experimenting Zhao who is the new god of youth comes up with a plan that might give the mortals the advantage that they need. for his plan to work, he needs the help of the primordial goddesses. beings that control the very fabric of time and space itself. together, they create beings of immense power and plant them in human hosts. For Mack and Vorick Evergreen, the princes of Evergreen kingdom, life was simple. Vorick was the fighter and strongest of the the twins while Mack was the book worm. this was due in part to the fact that Mack was born without a Mana core. this stunted his growth and prevented him from gaining any kind of strength. his life takes a turn when the wrong people find out about this issue and force him to leave the castle. the wheel of fate begins to turn when the God of youth gets involved and turns their lives upside down once more. join the twins as they use their new God-given talents and navigate their now complicated lives getting stronger as fast as possible before the demon realm attacks. will they be able to do it on their own? will they need help? how can their lives possibly get any more complicated than it already is? [a/n: I do have a full-time job so I may not be able to update a lot at one time but I will try to update as much as I possibly can when I can. I will however, see this through to the end regardless on how well it does. if you like it, add it to your library if you don’t like it, add it to your library anyway lol]

DC_Davis · Fantasy
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34 Chs

From Riches to Rags

Mack walked into the throne room with his head down. His face was still tear streaked. His hair a mess. Not only was Mack upset about not becoming a mage but he is an avid reader so is very familiar with the laws of the kingdom. He was hoping that they would overlook the law and make an exception for him because of being so young. They can't expect him to be able to survive on the streets of Freeport, he'd be easy pickings for the town perverts and slave traders but When he received the summons from his father asking him to come to the throne room he knew that it wasn't good.

"Hhhhh…..I know why I'm here" he said in a dejected tone. I won't survive on my own in the lower district" he said as renewed tears dripped from his eyes.

"How'd you find out" said Thomas in a soft tone. His mom was trying to hold back tears. She didn't want to show weakness in front of her son.

"I overheard Veritas and Nicholas talking about how I would embarrass you and the kingdom tomorrow when I step onto the awakening platform and nothing happened. Why didn't you tell me I was a useless waste of space. I spent my whole life fantasizing about becoming a mage. now I have nothing…..I'm loosing everything….ive ever known" he sobbed out.

Both his parents ran down the steps and scooped up the sobbing boy and held him close as he cried his heart out. After he calmed down his mom and dad apologized perfusly explaining their reason for not sending him to the orphanage. He nodded his understanding.

"What happens now" he asked "do I have to go away."

"Well, you have a few options. Your first is going away. If you choose this option we will support you with our own money by giving you a monthly stipend. Unfortunately that's where it ends I'm afraid. You would be alone and vulnerable. They've stripped you of all titles and eligibilities and all benefits that go with it. Which means no protection detail.

Your second option is more favorable because you'd get to stay in the castle. However you would be a servent. Mr. Roy here says the only position available in the castle is your brothers personal servent. Which is 5 silver a week plus the monthly stipend we will give you.

"Your third option, which is highly recommended, is to take over for the old game keeper. You'd get a whole house to yourself plus 5 silver per week. Plus your stipend from us. It's a hard job though and you've been a little too pampered. So what is your choice" said the king.

"The first option is out. Like I said I won't survive even with your money. I can't protect myself currently and I'd be robbed of my money in no time at all.

The second option would be very awkward and I don't think Vorick would be ok with it at all. So I guess I'll take the third option." He said

"Ok, Roy here will answer any questions that you'll have. As he will be your boss" said Thomas as he gestured toward Roy who smiled warmly at Mack.

Mack walked over to his boss and bowed before him "i will preform my duties to the best of my abilities sir. Do you want me to start immediately."

Seeing their son bow before a servant was very difficult for the two monarchs to handle. "You start the day after tomorrow son. The council wants you out of the castle before the ceremony tomorrow." The king walked over and picked up his son and held him close "we will always love you Mackey. Now its late you should probably grab a bite to eat and head to bed. Your brother was instructed to eat in his room tonight so he should already be in bed."

"Hey dad I have a request" asked Mack

"If it's within my power I'll allow it" he said to his son as he held him in his arms

"I want to help Vorick get ready for his Awakening tomorrow"

"I will allow it under one condition. Don't mention anything to your brother about this. He needs to have a clear head tomorrow. Is that understood?" Said Thomas

"Yes sir I understand" he replied. "I love you guys, thank you for giving me a good life and trying to make my current situation better."

"We love you to baby" said Mary "theirs one more thing we almost forgot to tell you. Since you have no mana core you will be unable to start puberty or even grow up at all. You'll be stuck as you are now forever."

"Hhhhhh great that would explain why Vorick is looking older then me these days…..whatever I guess that's a blessing in disguise….at least I'll never get old"

"That's one way to look at it" said Roy

Mack cuddled with his parents soaking up as much affection as he possibly could before he had no choice but to leave the throne room. He stopped by the kitchen and got a plate of food and took it to his room where he Steve his little side table and ate. Once finished he decided to write his brother a heart felt goodbye letter. Even though he will still be close by they wont be able to see each other that often. He then packed up all his nice clothes and nicnacs and toys and put them into a chest. He crawled into bed and tried to fall asleep but with everything that happened he tossed and turned all night.

At some point he must have fallen asleep because he woke up the next morning early and got out of bed. He washed up like usual and got into a set of play clothes. He figured they fit his new status better then the fine fabric that he used to wear on a daily basis. He walked to the kitchen and ate breakfast before fixing a good breakfast for his brother.

He entered the the princes room and sat the plate on the table. He then walked over to the window and threw open the curtains allowing the light of day to bask the elegant room with its warm radiance. This resulted in a moan of displeasure coming from Vorick. Mack didn't have the heart to wake him up this early so he decided to lay down beside his brother and just watch him breath in and out slowly. He was going to miss Vorick the most and he could feel his heart breaking. he tried to stop the tears but they came anyway. He wiped his face on his sleeve and then reached over and brushed the hair out of his brothers face then leaned over and kissed him on his cheek for the last time. Vorick stirred and opened his eyes and right into the eyes of Mack.

"Hey" said Mack as he tried his best to make it look like he wasn't just balling like a baby.

"Hi….did you just kiss me" he asked in a just woke up voice.

"Yep, does that surprise you"

"Not really, I'm used to it" he said as he sat up "so why you in my room? Shouldn't you be getting ready for the ceremony?"

"Nope I'm not allowed to participate. I never showed up to practices so I was barred from participating. Today is all about you now. And I've decided to help you get ready"

"See I told you not to slack off but you wouldn't listen." He scolded

"Your right"

"I am…..are you sick or something? Normally you argue with me. Your not going to make up some lame excuse?"

"Nah, not today. I wish I would've taken your advice to heart more often. You've always looked out for me. Protected me from the noble kids who would make poke fun at me. I never said thank you"

"I don't do it for recognition. I do it because I love you" he said

"I love you too. Now go eat your breakfast that's on the table while I run your bath"

Vornick frowned at that last part "I don't want to take a bath" he protest

"Mom says you have to"

"But…..who's going to bath me"

"What do you mean who's going to bath you? You are you're a big boy now. Unless you'd rather me bath you"

"No I'll do It guess" he pouted as he ate his breakfast.

After his bath Mack layed out his formal outfit for the day including socks and underwear. And waited till he was dressed to re-enter his room. "You almost look like a prince" he said as he handed his brother, his ceremonial dagger. They left the room and walked down the hallway to the front doors where their mom and dad was waiting. Mack turned to his brother, looked him in the eyes "remember to breathe, you'll do great and I'm sure you'll awaken an outstanding ability." Vorick nodded as he took deep breath "this where we part ways bubby. I want you to promise me something. Whatever happens today just know that I will love you always no matter how far apart we are. Hold on tight brother. Now go your destiny awaits you." Mack hugged his brother so tight not wanting to let go but eventually he did and watched as his brother walked out onto the front lawn.

Mack took a deep breath not able to hold back his tears any longer. He looked at his mom and dad "that hurt my heart" he sobbed "I wrote him a letter explaining everything so you won't have too. I also left him all my belongings. I left him teddy also. He's going to need him more then i will."

"somebody will meet you at your new place sometime today with supplies that you'll need. Now you better get going before the Council members see you. remember we will always love you no matter how far apart we are or what your Social status is." His dad said hugging him tight and tussling his hair. His mom hugged him even tighter and kissed him lots and they watched him disappear back up the stairs.

Once back in his room he grabbed his pack and threw it over his shoulder. He Grabbed one end of his trunk his teddy and the letters and dagged it down the hall to his brothers room where he met his maid. She glanced at the trunk and his pack. "Moving in my prince" she asked

"No ma'am this all belongs to his highness the prince now not me. My new status does not allow me to have such nice things. I'm going to leave the trunk right here with my goodbye letter and I'm going to set teddy on his bed with the note." He said with respect

"Goodbye….are you leaving" she asked

"Yes I am now just a commoner. All of my titles and everything have been revoked and now I must leave the castle for good." He stated as he walked towards the door. She watched as he opened the door and walked out. she was unable to speak due to the shock of his words. She new she shouldn't but she glanced at the note that he placed on the bears lap and this is what it said:

This is Teddy. He wants to help you. So I told him he could be your new companion in my absence. I hope he can help heal your broken heart.

Forever Your Brother ,


The maid couldn't hold back her tears. It was the sweetest thing she had ever heard. If the note was like that then she didn't want to read the letter.

Mack had slipped out the back door of the castle and walked to the back gate. Standing on the outside of the gate was a small group of royal troops. They were standing 10 on either side. At the far end was the commander.

"Attention" he yell out

"I appreciate what you guys are trying to do but your not required to show me this type of respect anymore. Heck if their was a rank lower then commoner I'd be that because at least commoners have mana cores" he said as he finally reached the commander. That's when he felt a finger under his chin. He was forced to look up at the commander.

"We know we don't have to but we want to. We don't care what the council says you will always be our prince no matter what. Just so you know the people adore you. Even more so now they know you'll never grow up and you'll be a cute little boy forever." He said as he chuckled at that last part. It was nice to know that he wouldn't be forgotten.

"Thank you guys for your support even if I'll never be able to lead you into battle or use magic. You never know maybe one day I'll be allowed to come back." He said

"Do you mind if we accompany you my prince" said the commander

"Not at all. I can actually use the company. I feel like I am going to be very lonely soon."

"Ummm….i don't think you'll be lonely"

"Why do you say that" asked Mack with a slight frown

"You'll see, the head master will explain everything"

They continued on until a large house came into view. "Holy crap is that all mine" he was astonished at the size of the place.

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