
Forever A Child

[a/n: Hey guys author here. this is my first time taking a stab at writing. I’m not a professional it’s more of a hobby so I may not be the best when it comes to grammar and stuff but I will try as hard as I can. all I ask is that you be kind in the comments.] trouble is brewing in the world. after being physically regressed in age during the demon war by Zhao Yang, the Demon Emperor has finally reached the age of awakening once more and has begun to regain the strength that he lost. the most powerful cultivators during this time ascended to the god realm right after the conclusion of the final battle, including our heroes Zhao Yang and his angelics. after years of planning and experimenting Zhao who is the new god of youth comes up with a plan that might give the mortals the advantage that they need. for his plan to work, he needs the help of the primordial goddesses. beings that control the very fabric of time and space itself. together, they create beings of immense power and plant them in human hosts. For Mack and Vorick Evergreen, the princes of Evergreen kingdom, life was simple. Vorick was the fighter and strongest of the the twins while Mack was the book worm. this was due in part to the fact that Mack was born without a Mana core. this stunted his growth and prevented him from gaining any kind of strength. his life takes a turn when the wrong people find out about this issue and force him to leave the castle. the wheel of fate begins to turn when the God of youth gets involved and turns their lives upside down once more. join the twins as they use their new God-given talents and navigate their now complicated lives getting stronger as fast as possible before the demon realm attacks. will they be able to do it on their own? will they need help? how can their lives possibly get any more complicated than it already is? [a/n: I do have a full-time job so I may not be able to update a lot at one time but I will try to update as much as I possibly can when I can. I will however, see this through to the end regardless on how well it does. if you like it, add it to your library if you don’t like it, add it to your library anyway lol]

DC_Davis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Classes Begin 2

The boys exited the house and proceeded up the main pathway to the front gate. Once their they turned left towards the educational district. Evergreen Academy was referring to everything as a whole from the entertainment district to the financial district. From the residential district to the restaurant district. It was all Evergreen Academy. The educational district housed The Knights school, Health and wellness school, foraging school, finance/law/business school, even a culinary arts school and last, but not least construction school. After a cadet, if they are in the night school or student if they were in the other schools, got so far into their training, they could get a job in the field They're studying that way when they graduate they've got experience and can hit the ground running. It would be the construction students that will be tasked with replacing the windows that Alex shattered the day prior.

As they walked up the street, they noticed that folks were giving them a wide berth. Even crossing the street to get away from them. The shopkeepers that were outside Setting up for the day, stopped what they were doing and went inside when they saw the group coming. Even the Kids that went to their school were treating them as though they had an infectious disease.

this sort of treatment was due in part to the event that happened yesterday and a few rumors that were going around. "You really know how to make an impression sweetheart" said owletta

" I'm the reason they're treating us like this?" He asked with astonishment

" you roared like a dragon twice. Second one made the first one seem like a kitten meowing. If the instructors hadn't been in your room with you as well as these two and Xander and Caden you would've seriously hurt people. There would've been more than just broken windows. Your second roar was laced with pure mana. Which was blocked by your four brothers. The instructors were able to weaken the force wave or shockwave enough that it just shattered windows and knocked people over. So yeah, they're a little terrified at the moment." Said Landon. He didn't want to sugarcoat anything. He wanted to put everything into perspective. "they were unsure of you guys even before that though, now it's just pure fear. I wouldn't be surprised if the Academy had some withdrawals. I wouldn't put it past people to try and get you excluded, siting safety concerns,"

"unfortunately sweetheart, cutie pie there is right. It could've turned out a lot worse than it did. You should've did research into your evolution prior to going through it. Your next evolution is going to be even more of a doozy than this one was." Explained Owletta " but you don't have to worry about that for quite some time"

" i'm sorry" he said " you're right, I'm an idiot. I should've done my research, but I was so worried about catching up with these two. I don't even remember how I created you guys. I know they said I put divinity into the mist but there's got to be more to it then that. You and the rest of the Mystics have individual personalities, that's amazing"

" I'm not the one you should be apologizing to" said owletta

after leaving the residential district, they Had to pass through the market district but finally, the gate to the schools was in site. Once through the gate they were making their way towards the knights school when 2 boys began to approach them.

" well, this can't be a good thing" said Landon

" looks like our useless older brother was right." Said the boy on the left, who was a few inches taller and more muscular than the boy on the right but still pretty much boyish in nature. " they did allow babies into the Academy this semester"

" we're not babies" said Vorick has he crossed his arm and a pouting Motion.

"The three of you are wearing diapers. That makes you babies." Said the bigger boy

" technically you're half right" said Mack

"What?" Said the boy. " why would you agree with me?"

" we are babies" mack agreed " just not baby humans"

" what kind of babies are you?" asked the shorter boy

"baby gods" he responded "the diapers are a necessity"

" are you not potty trained?" Asked the younger boy

" we are potty trained. at least we were. We weren't always this young looking. I'm not gonna go into the gritty details because honestly, they're kind of boring. We had to give up life essence to get where we are and that caused us to physically regress in age. I wasn't technically potty trained until I was six. When I went back into diapers, this one here made fun of me and dad punished him by taking away his control. Alex is wearing a pull-up because back before he awakened his bladder was damaged."

" your Gods though, couldn't you just make yourself older or heal yourselves?" said the older boy

" we could make ourselves older at least back to our original age, but to do that we need life essence and the only way to get that is to take it from other people which will make them younger. That draws a lot of unnecessary attention. I'm not really sure about the healing part. I don't think we're powerful enough yet to do that." Said Mack

" Alex won't ever be able to heal his injuries" said owletta " any injury that you boys sustained before you awakend your God powers is unable to be healed"

" it's OK" said Alex " i've come to terms with the fact that I'll be wearing pull-ups forever"

both the boys had wide eyes at the moment. Because they had just heard our talk. "OK I'm convinced. How did you make that night owl talk?" Asked the older boy

" she's a mystic." Said Alex " I accidentally created her and some others yesterday when I evolved. Sorry if I scared anyone."

" that was you" said both boys at the same time. Alex just nodded. "you really caused quite a stir. The Academy had to talk a lot of parents out of withdrawing their kids. Some of them didn't care and withdrew their kids anyway. 10% of the students and cadets were withdrawn. That doesn't seem like a lot but when you consider we have 5000 students and cadets it's a pretty big number. That's 500 students. A lot of that 500 came from The young classes. The ones that can't protect themselves."

"that may cause some problems for us" said Landon

"It's not going to cause problems for you" said Vorick "your the top ranked student in our semester"

"Ah so you're the one that upset the emotional crap storm that is Dillon. I'm Georgie by the way and this is James, you'll meet our sister Lexie later I'm sure"

"Why didn't he show up this morning?" Asked Landon "not that we actually need him honestly. If I had a choice, I'd rather him not come back."

"I understand that" said James "he's an ass."

"That's not a very nice thing to say about your brother" said Alex

"you don't know him like we do" said Georgie " let's put it this way, we joined the Academy to get away from him"

"he likes to take credit for other peoples hard work. And likes to be in control. If he gets any kind of power at all watch out. He also likes to tell people this sob story about the six of us traveling around and how we are orphans and how he had to beg for work from anybody who would be willing to hire him" said James

"are you saying that he lied to my parents?" Asked Vorick

" not exactly, I'm saying that whatever he told the king and queen was filled with half truths. We are orphans, but we never traveled around anywhere. We've been here our entire lives. He probably told you that he was the One that carried our family after Mom died." Said Georgie

"he did actually" said Mack "he made it sound like his life was so difficult with having to work full-time and raise you five"

" he's good at playing that sympathy card. He has everybody around here thinking he's a saint And that we're just ungrateful. Nobody takes into account that I was the one that took care of everybody when he was working? He never had to beg for a job. The deputy headmaster took pity on him and hired him when he was nine. He thinks he's king of the world with his new position. His ego has gotten so much bigger." Said Georgie

"he threatened to have me kicked out of the Academy" said Landon " I told him he was nothing but a servant and that I was in charge of making the rules at the royal residence. He tried to tell me to make my rules stricter. I told him no. And that if he had that type of power that I would need it in writing from the headmaster. Told him nothing would change until then. That's when he threatened me."

" Well the sad reality of the situation is the fact that he was planted there as a spy for the headmaster. He's been gloating about it for a while. How he and Kyle were going to make your lives a living hell. They had your rules and everything planned out. they were awful. You may have unintentionally shot yourself in the foot. The headmaster adores him. All he has to do is tell him a sob story and your toast. He's gotten multiple servants fired and quite a few cadets and students dismissed over the last eight years. None of them really did anything worthy of being dismissed or fired. It was one of those, I know I'm not your supervisor, but I know what you're supposed to be doing, sort of situations." Said Georgie " him and Kyle were specifically chosen because they're basically tattletales and will rat anybody out if it means that they can get something out of it."

" why Don't you just beat the crap out of him then." Asked Landon

"trust me, I would love to but he would have us excluded just to prove He controlled us. And I want away from him as soon as possible." Said Georgie

" Class is going to start soon. Was there a particular reason as to why you Two approach us? Because I know it wasn't to gripe about your brother." Said Landon

" do you want us to stay away from your sister?" Mack asked with a smirk

"I would appreciate it very much if you would" he said "she's already prone to nightmares and I feel like Mr. misty eyes over here and his aura of doom and gloom would make it worse"

Owletta laughed hysterically at this statement

"Boy he has you pegged" she said as she continued to laugh. Alex crossed his arms and huffed.

"He's really not that bad to be honest, as long as you don't make eye contact that is. That's one of the reasons why he's wearing sunglasses." Mack said trying to ease the the boys mind. The real reason why Alex is wearing sunglasses is because he thinks it's hiding his mist leaking eyes. " if it makes you feel better, she can have her schedule shifted around so she doesn't have to be in the same room with us"

"That's not typically allowed" said James "the individual cadets are sorted based on rank. Lexie is ranked 6th so she will be in a class specifically for those in the top 10 because what they need to work on isn't what someone in the bottom 50 needs to work on. Does that make sense?" He asked

"We're unranked" said Alex "wouldn't that put us in the class with the weakest cadets?

"You have him with you" said Georgie pointing at Landon "he's the current leader of your semester and the one responsible for you isn't he"

"They probably will be in the top ten class. I have to escort them to and from school and between each class. But we'll see what happens. I have to take them to see the deputy headmaster this morning before class. We will find out schedules and stuff then." Said Landon as he urged the godlings forward.

James and Georgie got the hint and let the four underclassmen pass. They knew what the punishment was for being late on the first day and didn't want them getting in any trouble. "Those three are not ones to be messed with" georgie mumbled under his breath.

James had heard what he said "do you think Dillon's in danger" he asked

"Probably" he responded "I warned him before taking that position, not to upset people more powerful then him. That we wouldn't be able to help him."

"You would help him after the way he's treated us" said James

"Karma needs to teach him a lesson in humility. I won't step in the way of that as long as he doesn't die." Responded Georgie as he and James reached the point where they had to go to their own buildings.


The four boys finally reached the main building. It was the administrative building that housed the offices for the headmasters, and the deputy headmasters of all the different schools on the campus. This is also where the school board met weekly. The building itself was huge at 10 floors. It measures at 300 yards from side to side and 100 yards front to back. The building was made of black marble with silver and gold accents. An A-frame awning covered the main entrance. This was held up by huge marble columns. When the boys walked in they were greeted by a huge atrium that went the full height of the building. On the floor behind the front desk were an array of different circles that Mack recognized as teleportation circles. " that's an interesting way to travel inside a building" he said to the lady at the front desk.

"That's the easiest way to get from floor to floor" she said "unless you'd rather walk up 10 flights of stairs." She chuckled at their expressions "I'm going out on a limb and say your here to see the deputy headmaster of the knights school correct?"

"Yes ma'am" responded Landon

"He's expecting you. Better not dawdle. Head over to circle ten. Once inside the circle I will activate it and send you up. He will be waiting for you." She said

They headed over to the circle as instructed and stood in the center. The circle lit up and they felt a pulling sensation. once it stopped they found themselves in a hallway. Standing in front of them was Tyler. "Good morning boys…..and night owl. Anything interesting happen this morning" he asked as he continued to stare at Owletta.

"Aside from everyone treating us like we have a contagious disease. It's gone smoothly" said Mack as they followed Tyler to his office. The four of them sat down on a wide sofa and waited for Tyler to continue.

"Thats good." He said as he walked over to his desk and retrieved a sheet of paper. When he came back over he handed it to Landon. "That's your class schedule. I will write you an excuse for being tardy to class today. But before you go we need to discuss something in private. As for the three of you. Unfortunately due to the events of yesterday you will not be attending traditional classes. Parents don't want their kids around you. In less then twenty four hours we've lost five hundred cadets due to withdrawal. I know that the whole reason as to why you are attending the academy is to learn to socialize with kids your age. Unfortunately that's just not going to happen right now." Tyler sighed "twice in one day, Alex here has shown how dangerous you guys are. I know that you are godlings and I at least respect that. I can't speak for others. But until you three learn to control your powers you will have your theory based classes and martial arts class here on the tenth floor, while your weapons class will be during the lunch break. We will then have lunch immediately following weapons training. You are not to leave this building unless a staff member or a number one is with you. The number one assigned to your residence is to escort you here every morning, He or she will then be dismissed to attend their normal class schedule and pick you up after the day has ended. I wish it could be different boys, I really do, but the board has put their foot down. They've sent a letter to the king stating that if any of you so much as scowl at someone, you'll be expelled. So expect some sort of correspondence from him."

Alex had his head down. Owletta could feel the sadness welling up within him. He was trying to control his emotions but he was slowly failing. "This is all my fault" he thought to himself.

Owletta heard him in her head. But she felt like now wasn't the time for comforting words so she hopped down to his lap and scooted into his chest and hooted softly. Thats when she felt a drop of water hit her head. She looked up and noticed that tears had pooled on the lenses of his sunglasses and were starting to overflow. "Aww baby, don't cry. You'll get the hang of this" she said in his head while looking up at him.

"If the three of you will follow me I will show you to your classroom." Said Tyler as he stood up. The three boys did the same. Alex wrapped his arms around Owletta and hugged her to his chest and followed last.

"Enjoy your first day of class….I guess" said Landon. He felt terrible for the boys. But at the same time they kind of brought this on themselves.

"Yeah….you too" said both Mack and Vorick as they disappeared into a room off of the main office area. The room they entered looked just like a classroom. It had three desks facing a black slate chalkboard. The room itself was kind of plain. It also had a larger desk for the professor to sit at.

"Go ahead and have a seat" said Tyler "I will be back in to start your first lesson after I get done speaking with Landon" with that he left the room.

They sat in their seats and were quiet for a few seconds. "Maybe it would be best if we just dropped out. We can do this at home where we don't have to be watched like infants. The whole reason for coming here was to get socializing skills and we ain't doing that being stuck here." Said Vorick.

"I actually don't mind this. We can get one on one instruction from the deputy headmaster himself. How many cadets can say that. Yeah I wish we could come and go freely. That part sucks but it is what it is. I'm not really much of a social butterfly anyway. Why don't we give it a shot and see how it goes. If it's a horrible experience, then we can go home." Said Mack

"I suppose" said Vorick as he glanced over to Alex who didn't have his head down anymore but you could see tear stains on his face where he had been crying. He was looking forward and didn't feel like speaking. They all remained silent as they waited on Tyler to come back.

here’s the second part. hopefully I will have another out by morning. as always if you like it add it to your library.

DC_Daviscreators' thoughts