

Ereouk was a delicate man. He was soft and sweet ,like his father, but he was one to trifle with. Lucky for his mom it took a lot to make him angry. She had thrown broken cups and plates at him and screamed and screamed until her voice became raw but it never even seemed to faze him...he truly was one of a kind. His mother had been throwing broken dishes at him for leaving his bedroom a little messy. And yes she will go crazy over something as stupid as she is. He became irritated and walked away from her when she grabbed his arm, he looked like he was going to bash her head in so she let him go again. But he still just stood there like a maniac staring at her with murderous eyes. She told him to head up to his room but he just stared at her still unblinking perfectly still blank eyes. She found that she couldn't tear herself away from his menacing gaze so she slapped him in the face really REALLY hard. So he picked her up by her collar and started choking her out. She cried for him to stop, she begged for him to stop, but he refused after so many years of being patient he had to take his anger out on her and nothing anybody said was going to stop him.

He looked at himself after he had killed her and a proud smile showed on his face.

He hid her body in the basement and would have her cremated later when he could prove that it wasn't him who strangled her. His father came home to the sound of quiet...that's when he knew something was off. "SON!!!!" he shouted when he came home. He came downstairs and hugged his father. "Yes papa?" he asked smiling. "Where is your mother?" "Oh I just strangled her to death but don't worry I have been planning this since she started drinking so don't worry I know exactly what we're gonna do." he said going back upstairs. His father didn't care it didn't affect him in the slightest.

"So you are not at all upset that your mother was just murdered by your own hands ?" asked a girl who came into his room. She was dressed in a short black dress with fishnet tights,and a black jacket. "W-who are you!!??!!" he asked in shock to see the woman. "My name is Sepheral...No need to introduce yourself I already know who you are darling." she said coming out from his window. She was beautiful, stunning even, she was nimble as a cat and elegant as a swan.

She jumped onto his desk...she actually had a tail, not of an animal but a tail. "Who are you??" he asked again blushing intensely.

"I'm an assassin. I kill people like your mother." she replied. She crawled down and sat next to him in a cat-like position next to him on his bed. "Show some decency, women!!" he yelled. She pulled her sword from its resting place and rested it gently against the side of his throat. "What the hell?" he asked. She removed it and sliced the air behind him, he ,confused, turned around looking at where she had cut and turning back to realizing that she had crawled on top of him. They both blushed as she quickly got off of him. "S-Sorry!!" she apologized as she crawled away in pure embarrassment. He jumped off of his bed in total surprise and laughed when she crawled into his side table.

"If you are w-wondering why I came here it was to ask if you wanted to join my little group. We kill abusive people no matter who they are. It doesn't matter if it's a government official, a brother and a sister, even our own members have been killed because they started to be abusive towards our other members." she wasn't holding back any information. "Umm, what about my papa?" he asked her. "I mean if you join us we can protect him, kill him, or maybe even shop him somewhere else, which one would you prefer?" she asked him smiling as she jumped onto his desk. "Is there a reward?", "Yup, we get paid to kill people. It's actually very fun, you can try out if you want." "I actually think I would like to join this little-" he was interrupted by the sound of sirens closing in on his house. "Oops, seems the neighbors saw me come in. They'll probably think that I'm the one who killed your mom so either you come with me right now or you explain to them what the hell happened!" she yelled while crawling over to his window. "I want to come with you.", " Okay then hold onto me." she said getting ready to jump out the window. "Uhh, where?" he asked as he was trying to find where he could hold on without plunging to his death. "Anywhere just hold on tight!" she said as she jumped out the window. He grabbed onto the bottom piece of her dress and yelped as she used her tail to swing from buildings and trees. "Put your hands up and surrender!!" yelled one of the cops when they saw her get stuck on one of the roofs. "Damn it, I can't get over to the other building with you on top of me!!" she said, frustrated. "Come down from there right now, Bastet and we will consider giving you a lighter sentence!!" yelled the same cop as he raised his weapon in her direction. "Yeah right, I know how you humans work. You promise stuff and you never come through with it!!" she screamed at him. He aimed for her leg and shot a bullet at her. "Ouch!" she exclaimed as she turned around to see Ereouk blindly walking towards the edge of the roof. "Get the hell away from there you dumba**!!!" she yelled running over to him using her tail as another leg. "GET AWAY FROM THAT NOW!!!!" she screamed into the empty space above her. Her leg healed and her tail became even more beautiful and she looked like a lioness now. "Damn you sirens!!" she yelled in a voice that wasn't her own. She grabbed him by the hair and flung him to the other roof she jumped after him and then she punched him in the face which sent him flying fifteen houses down. She jumped three at a time until she got to him, grabbed him by the collar and dragged him with her. He tried to tell her that one of his ribs might be broken but she she covered his mouth with her hand while she ran.