

The inside of the poorly lit cell was cramped, filthy, and worst of all, wet. Why should the gods be forced to beg like scum? Before the worlds overthrew the pantheon of the gods, they revered them. Beings that could summon entire calamities that would envelop realms with the merest thought, beings that bore universes from merely existing, beings that held the power to form entire species from nothing. But now, the gods were nearly all but gone.

A faint jangling of keys on keys and boots on stone could be heard growing louder from down the hall. Vesuvius, the Titan Keeper of Keys, stared down at a woman laying against the far wall.

"Ya know for such a minor god you got lucky, the gods only...ah, just take the scraps our mutts leftover." Vesuvius said with a sigh.

The titan dropped a sinewy piece of some unidentifiable meat on the ground through an openable port; to call something like this meat was far more than a stretch.

The woman didn't look up and stayed muttering some chant over and over to herself. The Keeper of Keys left her cell and continued making his way down to the rest of the captives. The woman finally stopped muttering and stood up. She thought to herself, 'The time has come brethren,' a mirage of sorts appeared before her containing all the gods who were left alive. The only one in the mirage was her. 'the time for our will to be reborn into a being that will take our power and take our fury and allow us to reign supreme once more!' She began sweating profusely from her pores, and drew in power that equalled what the gods had at their peaks into a tiny orb. She grabbed the orb with both hands and brought it close to her mouth. She spoke the faintest of words into her hands, and let the orb go. The orb pierced the walls of the great interdimensional keep and flew away. The mirage slowly dissipated, no longer was the woman in it, now there shone a great but small light.

The orb fled far faster than any conceivable speed as it crossed through innumerable worlds, galaxies, and universes, consuming them as it passed. In that instant the orb fled, an infinite amount of lives ended like nothing. Beings that were seen throughout their respective universes as all powerful vanished in the orbs wake. Nothing and no one was spared from the accidental wrath of the orb. When the orb reached the edge of being it didn't stop. It forged through the Eternal Barrier as if it weren't there. The orb carried on far past the darkness and into a space of pure blankness. There was nothing, light, dark, heat, cold, energy, matter, space, time, none of it existed in this emptiness.

Finally the orb stopped. A great beacon in a sea of void, and then everything happened. Omniverses birthed, a newer and better Eternal Barrier formed, and time began. The orb exploded into everything and nothing. Yet the orb still stood, until trillions of years later it fell from the void. It no longer shone brightly, it shone now with the gods, all of this creation were the words the woman spoke oh so long ago, now the will and the fury of the gods could be reborn into a being far more powerful than all the gods combined. In this case the sum was far, far greater than the parts.

He awoke. He didn't know what he was or how he was, he just knew that he was. As he was now he was more than a god, more than a creator, more than any being in existence, and yet he felt weak.


He could feel the cool wind on his skin and heard creatures in the distance. It seemed his perception could reach for hundreds of kilometres around, and he sensed even the slightest disturbance. He could tell the padding steps of a creature and determine its age, he could tell which direction a body of water was from the humidity being carried by the air, he could even sense the 11 creatures ogling him from a few hundred yards inside the jungle behind him.

He turned to face the creatures and saw they were humanoids of different shapes and sizes. The two biggest ones were draconic-like, broad shouldered, covered in thick scales, had wings furled close to their bodies, and held what looked to be spears. The other nine were like lesser creatures of the same family, wiry, covered in a tough leathery looking skin, and held small bow looking weapons.

He heard them conversing in a hushed tongue. They seemed alarmed at a foreign creature in their midst. He sensed a great tension as they discussed that the foreigner beneath them had yet to see them and what actions to take. He strode to them instantly, to him it was simply taking a step forward but to them…

"Where did it go? Umbarri where is it?" Came an alarmed voice of one of the two bigger creatures. "I don't know, with my sense there shouldn't be any creature that can outmove me in this galaxy." The one named Umbarri said with fear.

Unbeknownst to them, he was already beside them. Were he an enemy, all of the creatures before him would have vanished from the annals of time. He outstretched his hand and laid it on one of the more wiry, bow weapon holders.

"Boo!" he whispered in the quietest voice he could muster. When he finished his word the one his hand was placed on got his body liquified and simultaneously evaporated. The seven standing around him were gone. Nothing, not even a mound of skin or a drop of blood littered the floor.

The other three attacked near instantly, among them were two thinner ones and Umbarri. Umbarri loosed his spear into the side of the being while the other two drew their bows with full force. The spear touched the beings skin and dissipated, the projectiles from the other two looked more like lightning than arrows, they too dissipated. Umbarri's mouth was agape, unknowing of what to do. Never before had one of his attacks not worked, he was, after all the universe famous beast hunter with a weapon forged from the heart of a dying star. Nothing outside of a multiversal powered being should have been able to block a blow from one of his attacks and yet his weapon vanished like water on a trip to a star. He knew the creature before him was far more powerful than a multiversal being and he knew he could never beat it. A million scenarios played out in his head but they all ended the same way, death.