
Forest Of Shadows

After an arduous journey from the city to the countryside, strange things and voices happen behind walls and in the forest behind the village, and questions come to the boy Ivan about what is there . . . . My insta https://instagram.com/_itz_ag?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://discord.gg/2hzumETC other works The painful life ( Diary )

Mr_Ag9 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Silence is the best choice

After a quiet and terrifying night, the sun came up and Evan was terrified on top of the tree. He was very hungry and wanted to sleep. He remembered his parents and he longed for them. After a few moments, Evan heard the voices of dogs and ordinary people screaming in Evan's name. Evan said in a loud voice.

< I'm here I'm here please don't leave me >

He felt happy and thought he was at peace and went down from a tree to just a few moments later. Those creatures of the village heard the voices of the policemen, and they went to them in the forest. Evan hears voices screaming and their bodies are slashing and blood flying in the leaves of the trees As if it were an inferno filled with blood, and the sun became from beautiful and bright rays that glow to red rays like blood with those sounds of cries Evan was afraid and so afraid he could not climb a tree and they heard him cry and the people of the village did not see Evan even once Those are only two parents

He couldn't find a place to hide in. Every village inside and outside was full of these creatures, and in the end he found only those parents' house and went to the wardrobe in which he hid for the first time. After time passed and night fell, all these creatures entered their homes and it was a place very quiet. Moments later, Evan heard that mother say,

<It is good that they did not find the boy and those people who were screaming in the morning I will tell them you will only take him only his corpse without a soul>

The father was laughing and saying,

<Don't worry, my dear, we will find him and bring my son back to life in his spirit>

And Evan, from extreme tiredness and hunger, fell into a deep sleep in that closet, and the father had time to change his clothes, open his closet, and find Evan asleep, surprised by a situation and said

<Is this stupid enough to run away from me to hide in my house again>

And from the severity of fatigue, Ivan did not hear anything. The father tied Ivan, closed his mouth, and took him to his wife, and they were very happy, but this time they did not repeat the mistake, but took him to their son's grave at once.