

Clash! As a silver steel blade banged against the other, shining sparks could be seen in the air as the opponent slowly started to lose the firm grip he once had on the sword. In a flash, the steel blade clashed onto the now dull sword. The young student peer could feel small sparks between the friction of the pure iron jab his skin. Trying his best to hold onto the defense stance so he wouldn't get sliced in half, but his blade did. Before he could process anything in a quick moment the unyielding sword he had moments ago was now just pieces of shattered steel, laying on the palace training ground.

The stunned peer gazed up, the doe-like eyes, now glistening with annoyance as he held onto the remaining parts of the "sword" he fought with only to see a tall red-clad figure with silk robes embroidered with golden stitches having a smug look on his face. He really does enjoy being a shithead to other people huh.

"Awweee, Shidi [1] no need to be so worked up~"

"Shut your mouth… "

The younger disciple spat out. Struggling at the thought to reply to the older one with the title, senior, or rather, his "shixiong" [2]. He would rather slice his throat than ever call that senior of his "Shixiong"! But what could he do, the fucking dude was part of the Xiáng family, he'd be put on death sentence if he even dared "disrespect" the fucking bratty bitch of a prince.

"Your highness, your technique was excellent but you could go easier on the Junior, no?" Their teacher suggested with a light chuckle as Ningjing nodded his head as he replied.

"Yes Shifu. [3]"

'Yes Shifu MY FUCKING ASS.' The Junior thought.

"That'll be all for training today. You both did good." Hearing their teacher's words, Ningjing and the young student bowed down their heads with their teacher smiling gently at two young boys while lending out a hand to lightly pat both on the head. Moving his hand around to rough up the hair of the two teenagers, as the senior playfully laughed while the junior looked like he was about to bite his nails off.




And with the Junior did, jagged nails on the hilt of the blade, while his usually calm and collective minded mentor went ballistic on where the crowned prince could be. Running around the vast open-spaced of the palace looking for a bratty ass pearl-like hair seventeen year old boy. On that one where they needed him the most was the day he decided to be god damn late to his own Grand Accession Celebration, to become the new prophet who will bring (at least the people hoped) greater good for their world. As the mentor ran around hall after hall, snapping his neck in half just to find the prince leaving the junior alone as in the prince's words, "You're the one I trust utmost to have this position!" What kind of bullshit of an excuse is that?! The junior mind screamed through his head.

They practice proficiency every hour,minute and milliseconds of the day just to get this right. With weeks of preparation as days passed, shining in as the nights would fall out. With the arrogant prince rolling down his eyes as he laid back, with his mentor rubbing his temples, pushing his fingers onto his head feeling like he would die from old age more than any future battle the old teacher will face. While Ningjing would let out his annoying obnoxious laugh, reassuring his and the tired junior mentor that everything would work out, seeing no faults onto spitting out pure lies as it was just an excuse to stop swinging a sword like a stick all day.

While his Junior would bite down his thumbs, letting the red run down, cursing him all out in his mind, as the already tired teacher would gain another wrinkle on his forehead.

As the young Junior fell down onto the clean paved titled floor, he glanced through the veils, hiding him from the surge of eagerly waiting people of the Tiānshàng kingdom. Cheering impatiently for their newly accessioned crowned prince, or at least from a far away distance it seemed like it. If you were in the crowd of people, you forced your voice to crack until your lungs would dry out. The citizens didn't give two shits about the crowned prince's accession, in fact this was the day they frightfully dreading about for the past years, no amount of time could prepare them for what the bratty-ass arrogant crowned prince had in store for them. The legends of the Xiáng Family youngest son, the new prophet to the royal throne. The beloved prince of the Tiānshàng yùyán Kingdom, known for having prosperous land, beautiful colorful festivals, great warriors,bountiful resources of all kinds, this was common knowledge throughout the whole world. And the new great prophet of the Xiáng family, Xiáng Ningjing. Who wouldn't love the arrogant brat prince? If he wasn't so egotistical and strange.

As old as time and as far as history can date back, the Xiáng family was blessed with a prophecy that with every new heir to the throne that they will bring the greater good and years of wonder and joy not only to the kingdom but to the world. But with such a great promise can only blind the common people for so long. With every "great new prophecy" came with years of injuries for the people of Tiānshàng. One Prophet caused a rift between worlds, one prophet caused years of endless starvation, one prophet caused a 2000 year war, one prophet even brought something which was basically a cancer to the world where your lifespan gets shortened but also where the earth around them dies with each walking step they take.

The whole blessed family prophecy was now seeming more like a curse than a blessing from the heavens. So with Ningjing being the new heir to the royal throne, god knows what he'll make them endure until the next heavenly prophecy!

Even with all of that in their mind, they dared not to voice it out loud, let alone quietly speak about the crowned prince in a ill manner, so the people shoved the thought into the back of their minds as they preached for the "beloved" crowned prince, Xiáng Ningjing. Somehow, even with all the blaring, ear-bleeding subjects of the kingdom, the young Junior somehow managed to block out all the deafening noise of the now high pitch chipmunks, as he lifted the silk-scrolls up and dusted off anything that was considered "dirty" on the stained glassed murals of the four prophets that served their time in history. As the Junior dusted off the dirt, he felt wind hit his ear softly as the little bells in the corners of the veil began to rang.

Shards of fragments crystalline glass flew out as storms of violent gust of wind rapidly soar into the room, as the carefully taken cared stained glass shattered, scattering around the room in every direction in an explosive manner. Hypnotic-visual figures walk out from the paper that covered the glass murals, sealing them from the common eye. Time seeming to slowly stop, as one of the prophet toyed around with a floating piece of shard stained-colored glass. The four figures' eyes explored around, as one eyes caught a glance of the young Junior, trying to hide from the shocking sight of the four prophets.

"Are you the new heir to the family prophecy?"

The hologram asked.

It wasn't long until the whole room was speechless, four hypnotic-holograms who passed on the Xiáng family known beauty and one average ass looking dude who was supposed, the new so called prophet.

"Something must've went wrong, no way could that be the new heir…"

"Why is it so ugly."

"If you are the crowned prince of this generation, why are you coward-ing to the corner?! You don't have the heart to bare this don't you?."

"HAHA! Don't make me laugh, we got the wrong person!"

While all of the prophets yelled out complaint after complaint, the Junior took a mental note that not only the family shared looks, they also shared the same sassy-ass personality.

To ascend, one needs the help from the previous prophets to become a prophet as well. That was the following with each generation. They had a past prophet, heck even four of them to give their wisdom and blessings to the upcoming of the crowned prince! The obvious problem was, where the hell was the guy. You can't become a prophet without even showing up, wtf.

"No, I'm not the crowned prince, your highnesses. He disappeared the moment the day started." As the Junior straighten his back and try to reply calmly, his voice hitching out as he held back words he cannot say, unless the Junior wanted to be put on death row itself.

"Then where is he then?" One of the holograms questioned, their tone sounding slightly annoyed. Seemed like it was universal for Ningjing to annoy the shit out of everything and everyone, huh. Before the youth could answer, the doors banged opened with the sight of a dehydrated horse. The weak knees of the old mentor bent down in every ways, minutes from collapsing. The man, who fought in wars and was the general who lead many lost souls throughout the cold 200 war was now on his knees from running all around the palace. The strident war general once then, was now a stick man, weezing and coughing out, gasping for oxygen. "Have you found the *cough* crowned *cough* prince yet.? *weeze*" The mentor beging-ly demanded. Kneeling down to catch his breath. He looked up to see his student on the paved title grounds, with glass he commissioned many artist to make, shattered everywhere, with four visual-holographic holograms staring back at him. "HAHAhah HAH ha ha-!" The mentor choked out, air between his throat. Maybe this was a side affect on running non-stop around the palace. With his mind clouded and fatigued, the mentor finally let himself wreck down, his whole body hitting the ground. Not only gaining himself ten new wrinkles from yesterday, but now a new unforgettable dent in his forehead.

It wasn't long until the skies began to cry, clouds covering the sunlight and dew drops rained down onto the Junior and the corpse of the teacher laying down. Instead of rotting flesh, it was sweat and tears coming from the dead-like body, thank aeons the rain made the horrid smell go away. The body of the holograms began to glitch out as boos and cry's from the crowd could be heard. And the face of the Emperor and Empress, bitter down. Feeling displease of their son, the crowned prince. Droplets of rain stop as a clad figure dashed down from where it seemed, heaven itself. The gold sword piece through clouds as the figure gently landed on the high platform.

"If I'm going to be the new prophet of his generation, no one will be allowed to feel sorrow and doubt anymore!"

Ningjing would preach in a confident pose with open arms with his eyes filled with determination. As crowds of people cheered undying, through the high platforms and parade buildings. Throwing delicate flower petals to the young crowned prince, as he landed down from the towering skies, reaching beyond from where the clouds block the raw sunlight.

"You're late.." the Junior spat out in a harsh whisper. "Haha, shidi! You were just too early for the show!" Ningjing winked back at the soaked junior. This motherfucker… The Junior thought.


Who would've known that he would be the one to stop the suffering of the people of Tiānshàng. Ending all eternal pain his family brought, being the one to fix the rift between the world of his and the others, cutting ties to all the sources that lead to the Endless Starvation, uniting and bringing harmony to the world as well as finally finding a way to cure the cancer of this cursed world.

Every single person gasped in shocked. No one even thought that they could have another tomorrow after Ningjing ascension. After the celebration, everybody dranked away, and partied like there was actually no tomorrow. After all, the crowned prince was anything but responsible. Ningjing was the first of history to be this much of stereotypical spoiled young prince. Everyone has their flaws and each crowned prince/princess proving it, but with Ningjing, he tried to hide the fact with his arrogance. Shouting cries of promises he'll make to his people, that he is the star that will guide people throughout the dark times and bring unwaveringly light into history, that his name will be known across worlds. The people of Tiānshàng yùyán could only roll down their eyes and snicker beneath their breath as they split their slides from laughing at the crowned prince. Of course never in front of him or any of the people in the Xiáng family or anyone who worked for the Xiáng family, but in the days of a peasant life, it was just common knowledge for people to poke fun at the prince delusional character. Hell, behind the vermillion colored front doors of the palace, even the servants and royal guards of the Xiáng family would part take on the gossiping too.

But all their mouths shut it when it was Ningjing who solved their injuries and tragedies. With that, it gave the guy a huge ass ego boost, somehow becoming more arrogant and bitchy than he already was. As the crowned prince mind became more delusional by the day, his mentor started to think he should commission the kingdom architects to open a Mental Health Facilities & Agencies and Psychiatric hospital just in case.

It was only in the back of his mind until one day at the crack of dawn, during the yearly festival the crowned prince had a very (bad) bright idea and decided to shout it at daybreak. If he was the one who fixed all of his world, trauma and agony from the prophets back then, what is there that he couldn't fix? The prince (wrongfully) thought. As he opened his arms, reaching towards the skies and doing his signature pose for the festival he would announce a speech that could create a world of "balance and salvation". Not only to his world but other worlds too, traveling to no ends to achieve such a goal. The platforms of subject seemed to be too quiet as one subject sighed with a sarcastic undertone. "What bullshit I will have to follow with the prince.."


Ningjing snapped his neck to retort back, not being able to see the faults of the words he spoke. The people could only look at him in pitiful awe. As the one who (rightfully) questioned Ningjing glared at the prince in complete horror. They knew that the prince was an arrogant bastard but who knew he reached full delusional, a full lunatic psycho. As some in the vast crowd of people bowed down in disapproval. Not wanting to be a part of whatever this shitshow was, but their attempt becoming useless, being an avid citizen of the kingdom after all. Some tried to hold their laughter at the now delusional prince who gain another verb to his name. Once the "Arrogant Prince" was now the "Arrogant Delusional Prince" Who the hell would cut off all ties with humanity just to bring balance? Trying to be some card-bored cutout of some hero in a story book for gullible children.

Through the sea of people, snickering and laughing at their crowned prince, you could see the prince mentor contacting the kingdom's architects to build the idea he threw out at them not to long ago. Having a Mental Health Facilities & Agencies and Psychiatric hospitals around wouldn't be that bad right?

Ningjing would be the one rolling his eyes over, he's the crowned prince! What he say, is law. So it wouldn't matter on how his subject thought, if he was going to reach ascension so high he'd reach something beyond anyone imagine. And he fucking did.


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As Ningjing created paths many follow that know no bonds. Setting foot onto heaven's pearly white gates themselves. As he become a god who made the network of individuals from nebulas of all kind, who follow the path to become a Star-Chasers [4]. Those who follow their path to no ends. Following their shared ambitions of their god, no…Aeon [5] Someone who started the same as them, a human being with goals. That same person traveling from galaxy to galaxy. But how similar could they be if one feared their own demise so badly, they took pieces of themselves to create replicas of them. Fearing that his path will truly have an end. Not because of death, the crowned prince wouldn't care if he died but what if someone else took the glory of saving everything and everyone. He couldn't let that happen, so with that, Ningjing planned that if he died, one of his dupes would take on his mission. With each one he made, some part of the replica was wrong. I didn't matter if it was their personality, heart, brain, all of them would be abandoned by Ningjing.

In a outcry, the four clones of Ningjing broke out in a fierce battle with the crowned prince. Leading to the clones getting un-healing wounds from Ningjing. "The Lunar Sage" having his head cut in such a way, where he cannot remember his own memories, fogging up his brain, and forbidden knowledge leaking through. "The Solar Auditor" having his ears cut off. Now having to relay on his other senses to see and be aware of things happening in the past,present, and future. "The Lunar Spectator" having his eyes pieced and gouged out. Cutting his connection to many things. "The Solar Warrior" having his neck chopped off. Covering his pathetic wounds sparing himself the humiliation. As they all lay down onto the battlefield, feeling nothing but numb. Numb from the pain, Ningjing left, not bothering to keep ties with his useless clones. They were made with a purpose and if they couldn't serve that purpose, what was the point of keeping them around?

The more Ningjing conquered worlds to bring his salvation to them, the more greed and more he felt and wanted. With scraps and fragments of shattered phenocrysts [6] he created three living organisms, similar to him but younger. Somehow ironic how something that is basically a child version of himself is suitable to fill in their role of his heir. But with that done, Ningjing gaged at the thought of rising a kid, not just one but three of them??!! With his questionable thought process, the crowned prince made contact with his clones for the first time in years. In happened to be while during a heated card game.

As Tái Zhànshì Xiāng, known as the "Solar Warrior" slammed down his hand onto the table, making the cards fly every way as Jiangting Qi Xiáng, tried his best to catch the cards.

"What the fuck do you mean you want to drop off a child, not just one but three of them at our doorstep after having years of no contact??!!!" Tai Zhanshi yelled. While Ningjing winked at the four and cooley said, "You'll be the one to figure that out!" As he swiftly leave again for the third time in classic Ningjing style. Leaving three clones confused as one asked what happened because their ears were chopped off and none of the others wrote something down for him to figure something out. Frankly enough it was the Solar Auditor which was ironic considering his title name

While on the run, Ningjing took the remaining shards of worlds he visited from galaxy to galaxy. He would pull gravity all together to form a seed of the embodiment of everything and nothing. With one shard remin, Ningjing used it to create everything. The billions of galactic stars, moons, planets, forming nebulas and universes. With that tiny seed grew into the tree of creation and destruction. which held the whole multiverse, with each leaf being a whole new world and with each branch being universes with each having a nebula to control. With four branch's of the tree being chained up, connected to Four Pillers, separating them. As beyond the Celestial Sphere [7] was the figure of embodiment of the Omniverse, [8] the once crowned prince was now the Aeon of Equilibrium Salvation Balance.

Through this journey, Ningjing achieved something many could only dream about, but with bliss comes with ignorance. Ningjing brought salvation, but it was only his salvation. Ignoring the worlds that fell and universes that collapsed from Ningjing hands. The missing pieces of fragments of their world Ningjing stole to create his own, warped them into nonexistent. As the constellations fell down into the Endless Sea of Waning Stars, the glistening lucent light shined bright, blinding Yongyuan eyes as he shuts them tight. His skin blistering up in the frigid and sheer cold. The dimly lit sky falling dark and moonless, but in a hesitant moment, Yongyuan opened his eyes and bared the sight of seeing the sky above him collapse. Yongyuan pupils dilated eying the horrific sight, the Celestial Sphere fell into illuminated fragments, burning itself away into small pieces, colliding with each other even. Everything he knew before, turned into pure chaos in just a quick snap. The sight itself was just catastrophic in every way possible. Yongyuan's eyes glinted at the sight of the star's light, shining for the last time it seemed.

But in a far distance he could recognize two familiar figures, one white, one black.

Shards of crystalline asteroids scattered around relentlessly leasing torrent as it cuts through. Ripping through the universe, piercing anything and everything in its way.

"No, it can't be…"

Yongyuan mutters under his breath. He felt his throat closing up, each moment that went bye, he could feel his whole body tensing up, gasping for air and closure of any kind. Yongyuan felt his heart burn and ache, his lungs choking. He clutched onto the open wound, twisting his clothes around the side of his stomach, hoping it would help the blood from gushing and pouring out, easing the discomfort his whole body felt. He gazed upon the burning blazing light, glowing ever so brightly. The luminous radiant sky of moonlit stars engulfing everything, bolts of lightning striking through the remaining parts of the sky once full of single stars and constellations. Crystalline shards of white glass glimmer, while Yongyuan holds onto the open gushing wound. His heart squeezed tight, feeling small cuts open till every drop of blood he had left bled out. He lets go of his spear, letting it clash onto the fractured clear pure white title ground. Youngyuan's hand feeling the smooth, damaged , seemingly brittle floor, letting his head fall down, a stream of tears hits the ground as he gasps for air, holding his body from shaking. He grows numb, ignoring the open injury. He can't bare the sight of all of this. All of his efforts came to no use after all, his vision becoming blurry, letting everything become vague.

The fragments in the endless Celestial Sphere flare up and glisten as everything twists and turns, even light swirling up into twisting curled ball. Constellations fell into the sea of dead stars. Yongyuan faint eyes, softly glared the orbiting planets fall out of line, star-chasers colliding with it. As bright lights illuminate in the False Sky [9] shine down, the clashing torrents of crystalline white shards pierced through the clear body of the once great Aeon of Equilibrium Tranquil Salvation. In a flash, the starlit sky burst into one big outbreak of bright flames, surging light banged as the burning stars in the dim lit sky shine for truly the last time.

Flickering before everything in the whole universe turns inky pitch black. In the lightless sphere, Yongyuan could feel the outer layers of the once mighty Aeon of Equilibrium Tranquil Salvation, their body was full of billions or even trillions bright stars, planets, nebula's, lucent moons, asteroids, meteorites and constellations being rip apart by tiny glass shards, leaving a ruinous jet black hole in the collapsing universe. The once blistering frigid sheer cold, drifted into blazing, scorching heat. Yongyuan's skin practically boiled and tore apart, burning alive his skin away, he held onto his wounded bleeding out body tight, he kept his head low, his tears staining his face.

He could feel pressure pushing his down, crushing his bones into tiny pieces. Shattering his body alive, organs of his being squeezed apart inside, letting it all away as his skin burnt off completely, feeling the raw muscle fibers scorched in the intense unwelcoming warmth of the stars ablazed in the bursting black sky.

Yongyuan sealed his eyes shut of the leftover of the unrecognizable body he had left from the outbreak of surging light from the death of the once great Aeon. Yongyua n lighten up the firm grip he held onto the bleeding wound of his but as the blood burned away from the flashed uproaring beam of light. Feeling his body become ash, the excruciating pain soon disappeared, as Yongyuan opened his eyes to the sight of pure darkness. A small bead of shining light, slowly falls down like a feather onto his palm. All gashes of burned skin nowhere to be seen. Tired but curious on what the bead of light is, Yongyuan stares at it as his finger slightly press on it. In a flash the bead of surging light shatters, blinding Yongyuan as he shuts his eyes tight (again), feeling his body burn away, this time without the acing pain. In moments he could feel his bones and organs rip part, as Yongyuan screamed in agony, why couldn't this be the time he didn't feel pain as well…

Feeling ripped apart into pieces happened so quickly and stopped so fast as he felt his back on a straw mat, with a weaker body to hold onto. His head felt numbing raw pain everywhere. Well it doesn't matter what he felt, as Yongyuan wakes to see he's reincarnated in a fucking dirty ass cabin.



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Chinese honorifics (Chinese: 敬語; pinyin: Jìngyǔ) and honorific language are words, word constructs, and expressions in the Chinese language that convey self-deprecation, social respect, politeness, or deference


-young disciple (of the same master) younger or junior male schoolmate


-senior male fellow student or apprentice son (older than oneself) of one's teacher


-"skilled person", "teacher", or "master"



-those who share the same attitude for their ambitions of the Aeon of Equilibrium Tranquil Salvation

-risk their own livelihood as well as other to achieve their ambitions

-willing to go no ends to achieve them


-Individuals who become the embodiment of something over the course of billions of years

[6]-Shattered Phenocrysts


broken into many pieces.

"a snaky line of shattered glass"

(of something abstract) damaged or destroyed.


a large or conspicuous crystal in a porphyritic rock, distinct from the groundmass.

⁃ shards of living forms (usually from different creatures) to create a vessel for a whole living form.

[7] Celestial Sphere

-The Sphere the Aeon of Equilibrium Tranquil Salvation roams in, containing everything in the Omniverse


-a concept that consists of everything from Multiverses to Metaverses

[9]-False Sky

-The theory that the Celestial Sphere is flipped over, being an upside-down

Suggesting that there is the other side of the tree many don't know about beneath the Endless Sea of Waning Stars