
Who Could Come and Clean Them Up

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Sir, it's not that serious. I really didn't want to kill her. It was just a mistake!"

The policemen who were interrogating the paparazzo took the chance to pressure him. "Tell us everything you know!"

Feng Shanshan stayed late in the autopsy room because she wanted to know how much the paparazzo could spit out. Unfortunately, the paparazzo only admitted that he pushed Shen Qing.

Of course, he eventually told them everything he knew about Hu Ran's car accident, including the name of the assassin.

As for the man who appeared in Shen Qing's house that night, the paparazzo had only been able to get a picture of him with a lowered head and wearing a cap. They could not identify him at all.

"It's already one o'clock. It's very difficult to get a cab now. Should I let Tang Yan send you back?" The professor suggested.

It was very dark and windy now, of course Feng Shanshan was scared.