
Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

A thousand years after the Undead Empire vanished, the little skeleton who used to farm was still tending to his fields, until the summoning portal reopened. "Are you guys hungry? I’ve been farming for a thousand years and have stored a tiny bit of food." "Have these fields been deserted? Can I plant things?" "The princess's city on the hill doesn’t allow farming? Then never mind, I won't go." "They want to tax me but won't let me farm? Wipe them out!"

Love eventually flows like water · Games
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Chapter 206 Staring Contest_2

Translator: 549690339

In this way, the corroded rope will break in a few hours, freeing the zombies tied to it. They will then roam, spreading the carrion-eating bacteria on their bodies throughout the entire abyss.

Just as the two paladins prepared to return to the fuzzy hair of the Giant Fur Clump, the long hair suddenly lifted, and a handsome knight clad in black armor, leading a sturdy skeletal horse, walked out from within the fur clump.

Embedded within the hair of the Dimensional Beast is a dimensional passage. When its body spans two spaces simultaneously, this dimensional passage connects the two worlds.

Many have sought to discover the actual shape of these dimensional passages, but the fur of the Dimensional Beast is too long. Despite numerous methods, the edges of the tunnel remain elusive. People only know that crawling into the hair and moving forward will lead you to another space.