
Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

A thousand years after the Undead Empire vanished, the little skeleton who used to farm was still tending to his fields, until the summoning portal reopened. "Are you guys hungry? I’ve been farming for a thousand years and have stored a tiny bit of food." "Have these fields been deserted? Can I plant things?" "The princess's city on the hill doesn’t allow farming? Then never mind, I won't go." "They want to tax me but won't let me farm? Wipe them out!"

Love eventually flows like water · Games
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Chapter 162: Snatching Away the Light Faith_2

Translator: 549690339

Oh my god, we have become the puppets covering for the assassin's escape! Lord Ange is an assassin, an enemy of the light! What to do? Will he kill us to keep our mouths shut?

Wait, it seems like we have become enemies of the light as well. Isn't it a good thing that Ange isn't a real ascetic monk? Otherwise, wouldn't he have to purify us first?

Fala and the knights looked at each other, all realizing this point. It seems... this might be the best result? We won't die, will we?

Fala, who had just sighed in relief, suddenly remembered the sound that blurted out from Negris and exclaimed in astonishment, "Bronze Dragon Lord, you missed a sound just now, An? Who? Anthony? It's indeed Anthony who sent you!"

Negris just smirked and didn't bother to explain. After all, whether or not Anthony wears this black pot, it doesn't really change anything if he wears a few more.