
Foreign Affair - The Great Mafia War

Laura Levitsky, abandoned at the age of one in New York at Grace Orphanage with only a necklace and a note. Laura was forced to take up part time jobs to secretly pay for her college courses and save money till she could leave Grace Orphanage. On the day of her 18th birthday, Laura found out from her foster mother that the necklace she has worn since a child was given to her by her parents and that she was originally from Moscow. Taking all the money she has saved from her jobs and a final gift from her foster mother, Laura travels to Russia in hopes to find her long lost parents. Nikolai Romanoff, raised in a mafia family since a child in Moscow. Nikolai has only known to only trust in himself and how to survive in the mafia. At the age of 16 Nikolai's parents were murdered, forced to take over his parents roles in their mob, Nikolai becomes the leader of the Romanoff mob. Now at the age of twenty-one Nikolai grew the Romanoff mob into one of the biggest mobs in Moscow and Western Russia earning himself the name Blood Kizer. In order to take revenge for his panrents murder, Nikolai will do whatever it takes to become powerful enough to destroy the Lukin mob. Is Laura able to find her long lost parents? Does Nikolai get revenge for his parents murder? How will two different people from different countries get caught up in one of Moscow's deadliest mob wars!? Will Laura be able to change Nikolai's cold heart or will Nikolai turn Laura into a cold blooded killer? This is my first book so I'm very new at this! Hope for you all to grow with my writing! Lots of love xoxo - lauren

laurenxbourke · Urban
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The Ice Queen

"After seventeen years I finally get to leave this place..."

Standing in front of the mirror, the tiny golden pendent shines from the faint light...

The worn down word showing Лукина

After the past seventeen years Laura still hasn't figured out the meaning of the word on her pendant.

With her tied up messy bun, you could finally see her face clearly in the bathroom

A breath taking young beauty any young man would love to fall for. The faint flushed pink lips brightly contrasting to her lightly tanned skin.

It is no surprise with her cold personality and striking beauty, the name Ice Queen perfectly suits Laura.

Rushing down the creaking steps of the building after getting ready, the screaming and rushed footsteps of children are no longer heard.

The three unspoken rules in Grace Orphanage:

1- When Laura is coming down for a meal no one can run and play

2- If your not back from school on time be prepared for the cold stare

3- never annoy Laura when she is working or studying

The reason why the children had the unspoken rules at the orphanage was not because Laura was scary

But the children held great respect for her and saw her as their big sister

She never yelled at them instead she would calmly talk to each child when a situation went wrong. Causing the children to have profound respect towards Laura.

For only being eighteen Laura was forced to grow up faster than any normal teenage girl of her in order to help Ms.Johnson with the children at the orphanage

Taking a seat at the giant dinning room table surrounded by fifteen little children any parent would be shocked by the scene

Siting patiently at the table, each child nervously staring at the girl rushing down the stairs

After rushing out of the bathroom down the stairs, Laura threw on the first outfit she could find

With her light brown hair still tied up in a perfect messy bun she wears dark blue ripped jeans that shows off her long tanned legs.

Not bothering to change her white t-shirt it is faintly tucked in the front part of the jeans while the rest of the shirt hangs out from the back.

Still slightly hanging off her shoulder from earlier, the faint pieces of Lauras hair rests on the bare shoulder tempting any man to brush the hair back in place just to be near her.

Sitting down at the table the nervous stares finally settle down when Laura took her seat

"Laura... happy birthday darling"

The only parental figure in Grace Orphanage is the kind old lady Ms.Johnson who's raised Laura since the day she was left on the orphanage steps 17 years ago.

"Ms.Johnson you didn't have to do this"

A small cupcake placed on top the table with one lonely candle slightly flickers.

"Happy birthday Laura!"

The light voices of all the children saying their birthday wishes to Laura suddenly stopped shocking Ms.Johnson and every child at the table.

A faint smile from the light blush pink lips could been seen gracing Lauras face...

Out of the seventeen years Laura has lived at Grace Orphanage no one has seen Laura truly smile

"Thank you everyone"

I know this chapter is a little shorter but I wanted to give you a little mental idea of what Laura looks like and how her personality is a little.

Thank you for reading! Lots of love xoxo - lauren

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