
Track down

Author's POV:

There was so much worry on Hunter's face. He had not prepared for this matter. He was thankful for Heather's curiosity on the monitors in his private office that only the three of them, Chase and Amara Kaytlyn, had access to enter. He didn't realize that Heather had followed him, the woman that walks like a ghost, you don't even hear her footsteps.

She used to fiddle with the keyboards and rewind events in the studio when they saw Kaytlyn and Kelly on the monitor. Now, he can no longer contact Kaytlyn.

"Kayt !?" his brain screamed full of concern for the woman he secretly loved.

He called Chase and he answered immediately. "Chase!" he says on the other line.

"Are you and Amara together now, because she suddenly disappeared from the clinic earlier" was the answer on the other line which made him even more nervous.

"Chase! The shameless Kelly! Kayt is with her now!" he shouted.

"What ?!" Chase shouted in shock on the other side of the line.

"Why does she always follow her heart when making decisions?" was the answer on the other line.

"We're heading to the headquarters" Chase replied and the call was cut off.

Hunter scours his hand over his handsome face.

"It's been said not to use your heart when making a decision!" he yelled.

"Are you an alien or a robot and don't have a heart?" Kelly asked.

"Why do you seem to be so worried about Amara?" she asked in surprise.

"Because she's my boss and she's also my good friend" he shouted back.

"Hey! easy? I'm also worried but I know that my idol is safe, don't think negatively about that, why don't you trace her mobile phone?" said Heather.

"I've tried, and where she is now is very dangerous because it seems that it shutdown everything, you have no trace of anything" he replied anxiously.


Hunter, who had been typing codes on the keyboard, was losing hope, but still, nothing, denied access.

When the door suddenly opened and Chase and Sean Gabriel entered.

After they entered the door automatically locked.

Hunter stared at Sean Gabriel.

Sean Gabriel gave him a cold dominant aura.

Heather also stared at Sean Gabriel with questioning eyes.

"Play the video where you last saw her", said Sean Gabriel's authoritative voice and seriously deal with the monitor.

"Mind stepping out?", he said and Hunter stood up so that Sean Gabriel could sit down.

Now they can get up close and personal with the dreaded hacker, the leader of the alpha organization, Sean Gabriel Ford.

With the speed of typing on the keyboard, it is almost impossible to keep up with the numbers and letters it types on the keyboard, then all of a sudden the green light flashed to indicate that he had access.

"Fuck!" he yelled and suddenly stood up.

"Why? where is she," the three of them asked.

"Mafia underground" he replied with his palm clenched. you can see the concern on his face.

Hunter also felt nervous, worried about Amra Kaytlyn's safety.

"My wife needs me" Sean Gabriel burst out with anger.

"Wife?" Heather asked confused.

No one answered Heather's question.

"Because you're not being careful, you're taking care of a spy in your organization!" with a clenched fist Sean Gabriel said.

"We're careful but your wife is too trusting of her fellow Eve" Chase scolded looking at Heather.

"Don't look at me like that Chase! I'm not a spy! Heather said firmly.

"Stay here Heather," said Hunter, and the three men rush out.


The three went to the headquarters of the Alpha organization.

Chase and Hunter secretly amazed at the infrastructure of the building.

All eyes were on them as they entered the building.

They took the elevator but they were surprised because it went down.

They entered an underground base and that elevator was only accessible to Sean Gabriel, Sean Daniel, Sean Raphael, and Vernon.

The underground base is very wide, there are different kinds of powerful caliber guns, they are also surrounded by a big screen. Sean Gabriel took off the coat he was wearing and put on the clothes that would suit him going to the saint sinner club.

Then Hunter was terrified. He knew the dress that Sean Gabriel was wearing, the symbol that was on his coat, this was the coat worn by the youngest mafia boss who was meeting all the mafia bosses before Arthur Luka sent him to look after Amara Kaytlyn.

Because the faces of the mafia bosses are not visible, they're using masks to cover their faces, only what they are wearing tells who they are and how powerful they are, what Sean Gabriel is wearing now is the one with the design of two different wings, black and white and it symbolizes the saint sinner club and out of the 30 members of the saint sinner he was one of the third most powerful ranked in the group. The first ranked is the so-called Lady V, the second is his boss called Knight, and the third one was called Guardian and that was Sean Gabriel Ford.

Hunter needs to report to his boss-Arthur Luka.

Sean Gabriel stared at Hunter and smiled cunningly as if he something about Hunter.

Sean Gabriel took the weapons they will need.

"You can still retreat if you want," Sean Gabriel said to Hunter and Chase.

"They are moving too fast now. I thought they would act on the anniversary of Aphrodite's brand" Sean Gabriel stated.

"We have long been monitoring the illegal activities of Kelly Miller, her boss is the fourth rank in the Mafia called Devon.

"Hunter?" Sean Gabriel question that startled Hunter.

"Yeah!?" Hunter replied.

"Hunter is your name, isn't it? I hope you don't live backward later" he said that made Chase wondering.

"We are loyal to Amara," Chase replied while Hunter didn't even speak.

Sean Gabriel gave them a coat, this is the coat used by the Guardians shadow guards. Hunter looked at it first and then put it on.

When they came out of the building, Sean Gabriel's men were already lined up there, holding heavy caliber guns. "No one will initiate a move if I don't have a signal yet, are we all clear!" shouted Sean Gabriel.

"Yes master!" they said at the same time.

Hunter and Chase just listen while Sean Gabriel speaks. Everything is detailed, they also have a backup plan.

Unbeknownst to Hunter, Sean Gabriel had already gathered information about Hunter.

He is just waiting for the right time for it to reveal his true identity.

Sean Gabriel couldn't help but worry for his wife. Not only does he need to prepare his best men now but he will also prepare a huge amount of money. In his mind, everything will be okay as long as Lady V and Knight don't collide with him.

He knew what Devon's intestinal coil was. He is a cunning beast. " Please don't let what I'm afraid of happening to happen today," Sean Gabriel thought clenching his fist.

He knew Devon was mad at him because he had always surpassed him before. The syndicate that Kelly Miller belongs to is among his plans to deceive him. He didn't think that Devon was possibly Miller's boss back then because he focused on investigating other groups.

He will not allow anything bad to happen to Amara Kaytlyn. Even if he died, he would not let them have her. Not a chance.