
The Wedding

Author's POV:

It is almost time for the wedding but Amara Kaytlyn does not yet arrive.

Sean Gabriel whispered something at Vernon and Vernon whispered back making Sean Gabriel looks angry.

It is a garden wedding and it is held at Sean Gabriels' mansion. Only important people was invited-their family and few good friends.

The Ford brothers were all handsome in their blue suits. Their parents were very happy. Sofia, their mother is very lovely in her dress and so with her husband Kingston, their father who's still handsome as ever even if his hair turns gray, and he looks happy.

Their so-called uncle, their father's best buddy is also present Mauricius La Torre, and together with his son which also their friend Marcus Lorenzo La Torre.

From the Alpha's organization, three men are presently standing at the right side together with Vernon.

From the Eagle's organization, it's Hunter and Chase standing at the left side.

Don Sebastian Anderson and Master Noah Ford are now sitting and talking comfortably.

Hunter suddenly receives a call but Chase grabs the phone and said: "Don't be a stubborn young lady!" he said in a low but firm voice.


Marcus Lorenzo approaches Sean Gabriel and asks him, "Hey bud!? Where's your bride? Don't tell me she knocks her heads and suddenly wakes up!? he said devilishly smiling.

"Shut up you moron!" he said firmly.

Marcus Lorenzo shooks his head and left him while laughing and sits between Sean Daniel and Sean Raphael, then he whispered something at the two and Sean Raphael laughs but Sean Daniel remains quiet and compose.

Sean Gabriel begins to panic. He stares at Vernon and the latter left.

Sofia plastered a nervous smile looking at the garden entrance direction.


One minute before the wedding.

Vernon hurriedly entered the Garden and behind him is Amara Kaytlyn who strides off her feet walking fast like a pierce model, her sexy hips were swaying and her eyes only looking in one straight direction-the altar made up of a bunch of different colors of roses: white, red, green, purple, and lavender or lilac.

All the people present stand up and stare at her in awe.

"She's really a goddess, isn't she?" Sean Raphael exclaims.

Sean Daniel and Marcus Lorenzo whose standing beside him nod at the same time.

She stamps her feet as she stops beside Sean Gabriel who stares intently at her.

He handed her the bouquet which she just grabs and faces the minister of their wedding.

"Let's begin Minister," she said plastering her smile.

"Welcome! to all who have gathered here today to share in this marriage ceremony of Sean Gabriel Ford and Amara Kaytlyn Anderson, both have already joined their hearts together and chosen to walk together on their life's journey, and we have come to bear witness to a symbolic union and a public affirmation of the love they share" the minister stated as the wedding begins.

"If there be anyone present today that may want to stop the wedding, let him speak now or forever hold his peace" the minister added.

Sean Gabriel suddenly looks at Hunter and Chase. He can see the happiness on Chase's face however the man beside Chase-name Hunter is staring at him with anger.

Sean Gabriel stares at him and smiles boastfully as if saying "She's mine!".

Sean Daniel forms a fist and grits his teeth. He is staring at the tigress who is too gorgeous in her wedding dress. His chest was too heavy.

But no one dares to interrupt their wedding so the minister continued.

Do you Sean Gabriel Ford take this woman Amara Kaytlyn Anderson to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?

"I do" he answered looking intently at her.

Do you Amara Kaytlyn Anderson take this man Sean Gabriel Ford to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?

"What should I answer? I do or I don't?" she said sarcastically.

Don Sebastian and Master Noah cleared their throat. "Ughmm!"

Amara Kaytlyn turns her gaze at the two old men and smiles cunningly.

"Well, I do!" she said still looking in her grandfathers' direction as if saying, "Are you happy now grandpa?".

Now the exchanging of vows and rings. Sean Raphael stands up and walks towards them and opens a heart shape box and Sean Gabriel takes out one ring.

Sean Gabriel reaches out Amara Kaytlyn's hand and holds it.

"I, Sean Gabriel Ford, take you, Amara Kaytlyn Anderson, to be my wife; to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse; for richer or for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish; 'till death do us part," he said seriously while staring intently at her.

"Amara Kaytlyn, I give you this ring, as a sign of my vow to love, honor, and cherish you," he said as he puts the ring on her finger.

Sean Raphael raises the box towards Amara Kaytlyn and she takes out the ring.

"I, Amara Kaytlyn, take you, Sean Gabriel, to be my husband," she said and let out a sigh.

"Sean Gabriel, I give you this ring, as a sign of my vow to love, honor, and cherish you," she added and smiles revealing her two dimples.

Sean Gabriel holds her hand and gently squeezes it.

By the authority vested in me by the State. I now pronounce you man and wife and what God had joined together, let no man nor woman separates.

"You may kiss the bride!" the Minister stated.

Sean Gabriel slides his other hands to encircle her waist and gently pull her closer to him, she's wearing high heels which's why her height is below his lips.

Sean Gabriel lowered his lips to level hers.

Amara Kaytlyn suddenly stiffened and can't move.

Sean Gabriel holding Amara Kaytyln pulls her more closer captured her full mouth and kisses her passionately.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"Congratulations!" All the people present altogether said while clapping their hands.

After that Sean Gabriel hugs her and whispered "I love you, wife".

Amara Kaytlyn still can't move as her husband held her in the waist after hugging her.

"Amara my dear! Glad to meet you! I am Sofia and you can call me Mommy!" Sofia said as she takes her away from Sean Gabriel.

Sean Gabriel just shook his head as his Mom take away his wife.

Marcus Lorenzo and Sean Raphael approach him. "Bud! I knew she's really gorgeous since I always saw her videos and photos all over the entertainment circle but Wow!" he exclaimed.

"She's really something! I thought she's gonna slap you before you exchange vows? Ha! Ha! Ha! I've seen how she stamped her feet man!" he added laughing.

"Is she angry with you?" Sean Daniel suddenly approaches from behind.

"I don't know! She saw me f*ck*ng Devie yesterday" he stated in a low voice.

"You what!" the three men gritting their teeth.

"Hey! your voice!" Sean Gabriel said firmly as he gazes at Chase and Hunter's whose walking in their direction.

"Congrats Mr. Ford!" Chase said offering a handshake and he accepts it. "Thank you Mr. Edwards!" he said. He gazes at Hunter and he just nods at him, he also nods back.

"Reception is inside the mansion, let's grab some drinks" he informs them.


Inside the mansion.

"Amara? Amara?" Sofia said while tapping her on her shoulder.

"Yes Mom, Mommy!" she stuttered answering. Now she's back to her senses.

"Are you alright my dear?" Sofia asks, beside her is Kingston.

Amara Kaytlyn nods and smiles shyly at them.

"I am sorry if I just arrive a minute before the wedding Mom, Dad," she said in an apologetic tone.

"No! dear, it's alright, we understand you" they both replied to her.

"Thank you Mom, Dad," she said smiling at them.

"Congratulations my dear granddaughter!" Don Sebastian said upon entering inside the mansion and following him is Master Noah Ford. They were both smiling.

"Grandpa Noah Congratulates to you, my dear!" Master Noah Ford said stretching his hands and so she reaches it and kisses his hands and so with her grandfather.


Her mother-in-law offered a seat to her and afterward Sean Gabriel seated beside her.

She moved her seat a little away from her husband.

Sean Gabriel saw what she did but ignores it.

Vernon places a folder and a pen towards them. Sean Gabriel automatically sign it and gave it to her.

"What's this?" she asks looking in Vernon's direction.

"Second Young Master's wife, that's your marriage contract, please sign it" Vernon stated.

She let a loud laugh grabbing everyone's attention.

"Second Young Master's wife!?" she said sarcastically and laugh again.

All eyes were questioning her behavior. Sean Gabriel hissed.

"If I will not sign this?" she asks raising her eyebrow looking at her grandfather.

"Does it mean that the wedding held awhile ago is not valid?" she added smiling cunningly.

"You brat! You're embarrassing me!" Don Sebastian stands and yelled-out pointing his finger at her.

"Ops!" she just giggled.

Chase stands up and walks towards their table. "Sign it and don't make a scene here little lady," he said firmly handing her the pen.

"I am just kidding!" Why so serious?!" she explains and signs the papers.

"Thank you Second young Master's wife!" Vernon gets the paper and gazes in Sean Gabriels' direction.

Sean Gabriel raises his right hand and Vernon left the mansion. Chase also gets back to his seat and taps Don Sebastian's shoulder as an assurance.


Master Noah Ford raises his glass and gets everyone's attention.

"Amara is indeed a very interesting lady and I am so happy that she is now one of the Ford's" he stated.

"I hope the newlyweds can give us grandchildren at the earliest possible time after their honeymoon" he added smiling widely.

All cheering and clapping. "What can you say dear Kaytlyn?" he asks.

"Grandpa Noah! Sean Gabriel can definitely give you that!" she answered smiling cunningly.

"What's with that smile again brat!" Don Sebastian thought, looking at his granddaughter.

"Both of you can give that to us my dear!" Sofia shouted in glee.

"Mom, I think you misunderstand, I think before this wedding happened you already had grandchildren!" she said grinning.

"Oh! you mean the two of you already made it through?" Sofia asks.

Amara Kaytlyn laughs.

"Don't get me, wrong Mom, today I just experience my first kiss, thanks to Sean Gabriel my lips were no longer a virgin", she smiles cunningly.

"But I still have my innocence and I think I will stay that way until he divorces me, right my unloyal husband?" she said looking at her husband who stares at her.

"Look babe that was a mistake, it's just a misunderstanding!" he said to her and reaches his hand to hold her.

Amara Kaytlyn suddenly stands up and looks in Chase and Hunters' direction.

Chase and Hunter walk in her direction and stands beside her. Sean Gabriel also stands up and tries to hold her hand.

"Don't. Touch. Me!" she shouted. grabbing everyone's attention.

"You two, take me out of here!" she shouted at Chase and Hunter.

"Brat!" she heard her grandfather. She makes a fist and turns in her grandfathers' direction. "Not now grandpa, please spare me, just this once!" she said firmly.

"What have you done Sean Gabriel Ford!" Sofia shouted at her son. She knew that it's her son's fault that causes her daughter-in-law to behave like this all of a sudden. She just thankful that the wedding was push through.

"Mom!, It's really nothing!" Sean Gabriel answered calmly.

"Nothing?! you're f*ck*ng, other women! behind my back right before the wedding! you *ssh*le!" she shouted.

"And you call that nothing!? Call your f*ck*ng whore mistress and have your f*ck*ing honeymoon with her!" she exclaims and she strides fast making her way outside the mansion.

Hunter followed her. Chase excuses himself after talking to Don Sebastian and followed Amara Kaytlyn outside.

"Sean Gabriel Ford!" Sofia shouted again in anger and tried to slap her own son but Kingston hugs her from behind.

"Kingston!" You and your son are the same!" I can't believe it!" He also did what you've done before our wedding!" Sofia shouted.

Making everyone's attention at them.

"Hon! That's already in the past, don't bring it up today, you are also making a scene! we're too old for that" Kingston said calmly.

Mauricius La Torre laughs as he remembers the past.

"Don't laugh at me, you moron! you're the one who organizes that stag party and brought bitches!" Kingston said firmly staring at his friend while still hugging her wife from behind. He knew how to calm his wife, that's why he never let her go to his embrace.

"Dad!Mom!" Ford brothers altogether ask.

"Son's, your Mom will be okay!" Kingston said.

"Sean Gabriel!" Don Sebastian said in a calm voice.

Sean Gabriel walks in his direction. "I am sorry Don Seb-, Grandpa!" he said bowing his head.

"No worries! I understand, No need to explain to me, It's a man thing, I know" Don Sebastian said.

"Amara Kaytlyn maybe a stubborn brat but she's a good girl. She just needs some space for now" he stated.

Sean Gabriel nodded his hand and smiled at Don Sebastian. "Thank you Grandpa!" he said bowing his head again.