
The truth

Author's POV:

Sean Gabriel, Chase, Hunter, and Sean Raphael were about to enter Dark's house but they saw Sean Daniel and Marcus in the distance.

"Why are you out already!" Sean Gabriel said angrily to the two whose smiling at them.

"She's out!" said the two at once.

"She's different, I saw how she jumped from the high terrace and landed in the swimming pool, she calculated everything, including climbing the big tree and jumping on the high wall!" said Marcus, while Sean Daniel who was also one of the witnesses to what happened inside just listened.

"Where is she now? Chase asked, his voice worried.

"We followed her to the dark part of the forest behind but she was gone, we heard a motor moving away, she was with someone, we just don't know who," Marcus said again.

"Dark's men are still behind, looking, we can leave now, I think your wife is safe," said Marcus and tapped Sean Gabriel on the shoulder.

They boarded their vehicles and left the area.

Wherever Amara Kaytlyn now she is sure safe from danger.


Meanwhile, Amara Kaytlyn still had to board the helicopter owned by the woman she still considered as her leader, Lady V. They met in a building owned by Lady V, took a shower, and change to more comfortable clothing. But what she didn't expect was the news she gathered. She is not the real grandson of Don Sebastian, Lady V told her that she knows her real father, he talked to her a while ago, she said that her real father had sent someone to take care of her for a very long time and she knew where her mother was, and her mother is safe, but the sad thing is that they have not been able to meet yet. On the other hand, Susanne and Olivia were on a private island owned by the Fords, but she doesn't have any idea yet on their motive and why the mother and daughter are in Ford. And also Don Sebastian's son who raised her has been missing for a month now. Amara Katylyn fully thinks that he is just in another country and taking care of his grandfather's business. Now she thought that the family that raised her was too secretive, she needed to know everything. A big puzzle to her now the circumstances especially the fact that her husband is one of the mafia bosses. Her leader still has many connections. "But who is the enemy that they can't identify?" asked Amara Kaytlyn at the back of her mind.

"What exactly do they need in Ford's clan and Anderson's?" she thought, she really needs to be serious now, there's a truth on what Lady V said, the person wears different kinds of masks, you can't tell which is the real face. I think I'm working my heart out too much, I need to balance my decisions if I want to see my real family" she thought.

"What was Lady V said earlier?" she let out a deep sighed.

"Who's the person that my real father sent to guard me?" Amara Kaytlyn thought as she's still on the helicopter.

"Could it be Chase?" she asked herself.

Amara Kaytlyn had a plan in mind now.

She will not ask nor clarify to Don Sebastian first about her true identity and about her father that raised her that went missing. She needs to get close to his husband so she can get information on why Susanne and Olivia are in their care.

Amara Kaytlyn knows Olivia's illness, she is addicted, not only to drugs but also to sex, she has compulsive sexual behavior or sexual addiction.

Whatever the motives that the Ford had, she needs to know it.

She was puzzled by what's happening, she needs to know the root of everything. And as for Kelly Miller, what is her true identity and her connection to the person they called Devon. She can't rush now, the important thing now is that she knows that her mother is still alive and in the care of her real father. Her mood was calm at the thought of that.


Amara Kaytlyn went straight to the Eagles headquarters and searched for Kelly Miller's group's file over the month but there were no traces of them as well as the women whose brain had been poisoned by her group.

She saw Heather at headquarters.

"Amara! Thank God and you're safe!" she shouted and hugged her tightly.

"Why are you alone, are you not with Chase and Hunter and your husband?" Heather asked.

"Ha!? why would I with them?" Amara Kaytlyn just questions her.

"They're worried about you and are looking for you!" Didn't they save you?" Heather asked.

"I didn't see them, not one of them," replied Amara Kaytlyn.

"I lost my cellphone, call Chase or Hunter and tell them I'm here," she ordered.

"Okay!" uttered Heather and called Hunter.


Sean Gabriel, Chase, Sean Raphael, and Hunter boarded the helicopter that they used earlier while Sean Daniel and Marcus boarded the helicopter owned by Marcus. Hours passed and as the helicopter landed, Hunter received a call from Heather.

"Kayt's at Eagle's" he whispered to Chase as they boarded Sean Gabriel's car. Chase sat in the front next to Sean Gabriel, driving his car and Hunter in the back seat. Sean Raphael, on the other hand, did not join them and remained in his building.

"Amara just called, she's now at the Eagle's" Chase stated.

Sean Gabriel didn't even answer but he sped up the car and made his way to Eagle's.

They were about to board the elevator when the elevator on the other side opened and steps out Amara Kaytlyn who was wearing a simple white V-neck tee shirt and faded blue tattered jeans and ankle boots which makes her look like a cowgirl, only the hat was missing.

"We have a lot to talk about today my dear wife," Sean Gabriel said emphatically and just pulled her by the hand.

Amara Kaytlyn didn't object anymore, Chase and Hunter did nothing but stared at the couple's back.

"You're being reckless!" yelled Sean Gabriel as he pushes her inside his car and close it forcefully.

He starts his car and drives it all the way to their condo.

When the two of them got inside their own room Sean Gabriel couldn't control his anger. He was angry because his wife worried him too much.